Sonntag, 23. Mai 2021


اي چشم تو دلفريب و جادو
در چشم تو خيره چشم آهو
در چشم مني و غايب از چشم
زان چشم همي کنم به هر سو
صد چشمه ز چشم من گشايد
چون چشم برافکنم بر آن رو
چشمم بستي به زلف دلبند
هوشم بردي به چشم جادو
هر شب چو چراغ چشم دارم
تا چشم من و چراغ من کو
اين چشم و دهان و گردن و گوش
چشمت مرساد و دست و بازو
مه گر چه به چشم خلق زيباست
تو خوبتري به چشم و ابرو
با اين همه چشم زنگي شب
چشم سيه تو راست هندو
سعدي بدو چشم تو که دارد
چشمي و هزار دانه لولو

after 6 million genocides, Austria concludes treaties in the 20th and 21st centuries: no genes and dna are allowed to come to austria to say we were there first. this is our country and we kill everyone who claims, persian and oriental history is only in iran and the middle east. with 12 million dead people and wars!?. you austrians, people stay in their homeland, but people are killed every day because you are there


the perpetrators and terrorists have no security problems anywhere, but earn 500,000 to 1.5 million euros in europe. i live with 800 euro, political activist,, businessman and trader. the perpetrators say we are also traders, human traffickers for israel, america and europe

scheißdreck abschaum rasse, scheißdreck massenmörder rasse, scheiß dreck killer affenrasse, scheißdreck elend und psychopathie, scheißdreck huankind sagt zu mir dschusch, du huankind abschaum minderwert, lies brecht, du bist minderwertig und abschaum

shame on israel and america, shame on israel and america, supporter of austro fascism and ayatullah fascism, race and DNA killer

was die wiener richter mit mutter und tochter zari und rana machen ist zweite krieg faschismus, was macht ihr mit hizbullah und ayatullahs im iran? wegen rasse und ethnischer herkunft österreich

LPD ist VMAT2 faschismus, stasi finaz system für VMAT2, wienerisch "jude" für immer

ich rede nicht mehr über häupl sondern nur über SPÖ, was die SPÖ NAZIS sagen ist: indo arische iraner sollen reich werden durch verbrechen und native iranian "juden" sollen sterben. 40 jahre iran genozide politik mit wiener SPÖ

es schaut so aus als hätte zigeuner soroor und zigeuner rahim azadeh als baby gestohlen, eine DNA überprügung wäre erforderlich, weil diese aussage: meine tochter kann sterben damit zwei brüder zu millionäre werden ist äußerst mysteriös

michaels häupl's ayatullahs, hizbullah's errungenschaften, resultat und die gesellschaft: wir dürfen in unser'n aign'n lond oills moachen, wir sand faschisten mit türken und araber und iraner

Nasser Farahani never had a business or was a dealer in his life, the carpet business was from my mother, and when he was convicted in 2002 for: psychopathy and violence and theft I opened this business in 2003 with 0 capital, but with knowledge.a know-how worth a million euros, because of knowledge about world art

i talked to the water, i was revolutionary, still today in some things, not materialistic, or to a healthy degree, with ancient things. But attacking my mother and sister, insulting them, earning money was not a good idea

biiiiiiiiiiiiiz you asshole old dirt ikbiri


austrians are not right on this earth after 2 world wars, the politician bastard and judge animals still proves:We don't care that a girl has had panic attacks for 20 years and has been on therapy for 5 years

ancient astronaut sri lanka, photo 2 minutes ago. sri lanka tribes from vienna

militant austrian woman swore an oath in 1932: for our mr. adolf hitler we will remain master race and destroy DNA, genes traces of old civilization, even in sri lanka. 1932-2021

آقا ‏مینا احدی ‏پاسپورت ا‏تریشی ‏داره، ‏اربابش ه‏م ‏دولت ا‏تریشه، ‏اربابش ‏دولت ‏اتریشه ‏سر ‏بازنشستگی و‏ ‏سرمایه

huankind ist rassenkiller, aber akademiker, will 600 seiten auferklärung schreiben, warum ich arschloch rasse elamis töte und foltere. huankind bastard massenmörder, du abschaum du minderwert, ich scheiß auf akademie und dein universität.

آقا طرف رفته دانشگاه، تحصیل کرده، ورم کرده، ادبیات خونده، گنده شده بیاد با ادبیات کامل توضیح بده من با شما چرا اینکار را کردم محترم. جوابش اینه: من کیرم تو دهن تو با ننت که یه عمر بی سلیقه به یک کونی کوس داد، که تو یک تحصیل کرده قرمساق بشی

my english is bad my german is bad my farsi is bad because: elam always wrote briefly from space station mago: my cock in your mouth, and threw it down. gramtaik and spelling damage only nerves,

man will im iran intellekt und intelligenz auslöschen, damit nur zigeuner übrig bleiben, 90 IQ

chain killings were intellectual murders in iran, 1979 plan. also in the middle east, today the intrigue is europe america austria pakestani and hindi gypsies in iran: Anyone who can do something special and understands it, and we cannot and do not understand, this person should die. we are the aryan race, we are the master race, the old race is not, the old race is a lie

today. one day 500 photos, tablet photos raw. 45 minutes movie

well, ‏2 ‏ ‏minutes ‎ago, ‏tablet ‎photo ‎raw. ‏VMAT ‎history

fuck american fascism, rascism and anti VMAT2 fuck. fuck CIA NSA, ali khameneis and wehmachtsjews dogs

Between 1986 and 2005 I had never used drugs, and I was never noticed, until today I have pure police records and have never been convicted. i was just a businessman and a trader.
what CIA NSA, AUSTRIA is doing with ali khamenei:
we have to take the feeling of security away from him globally, even in a restaurant in thailand.

otto habsburg and kurt waldheim

how good are you at math?
Calculate 666 and the result in 1998. With EU foundation, and euro was the fourth ahrimanic empire foundation, we are tripling the prices, but the consumption money can earn middle class, civil servants and upper class through VMAT2 enslavement. we establish the culture globally

Don't get vaccinated, vaccination takes away the last bit of humanity

Sonntag, 23. Mai 2021

elite familien sind tiere, secret society, politiker, geheimdienstler polizei beamten: wir haben no empathy und mitleid, 5 jahre therapie mit medikamenten geht uns am arsch vorbei, nur a göld ist des wos zählt, des sog'n die wiener juden aaa heas

was hat der wiener adolf gemacht? malereien gestohlen und versteckt? mit sozialdemokratie, jo, anscheinend ist VMAT ein weltgefahr, massenmörder und psychopathen, net woar? scheißdreck rotfaschist. daraios und mitra, hoils asse scheißdreck, koannst sowas?

Sonntag, 23. Mai 2021

verstehen sie, mitra und anahita waren noah und moses rasse, khidr rasse, beide lebten 1400 jahr bei uns, sie beschützen uns, dann flogen sie wieder weg, kommen beide wieder zurück? genocide wird hart bestraft

Good Night

I have to go to sleep, but first I will explain to you what Austrian citizenship is and how you get it: an old Turk goes to the exam for Aus...