Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

wien hat pürstl und michael häupl, hizbullah und ayatullahs wegen mordversuch, lynchmordversuch zu verhaften. an 3 personen, eine familie, mutter tochter sohn. unschuldig ohne polizei oder gericht akte

10 euros

i bought this today too, my myrrh smoke has a different meaning and symbol on the pond water next to the forest, i call it ghost hunt

jesus walked on the water

muddy water

vmat2 soll in armut leben und andere in reichtum trotz 16 berufe, händler, antiquitätenhändler und teppichhändler. internationale rufschädigung, das ist tiefen psychopathie, tiefen psychopathie. internationale hass kampagne ist kranke genetik verhalten

Leftists: Masonic Lodge salvador allende , green party: dalailama CIA Masonic lodge

20 minutes later i saw green party and leftists with advertising posters, some had deep smiles on their faces when they saw me. hide evidence is terror murder with hizbullah and ayatullahs, and we bought apartments

50 + 25

theft today, or it is called theft when Vmat2 buys something.
I found this art object at the flea market, I ask how much? He said 40, I said I lost 50 euros on the street when I probably got cigarettes out of my pants, the man said, I'm sorry, 25 euros. I thought: I looked for 1 hour, I wanted to know where it fell out,
Then, by chance, I happened to pass the table, he wanted to pack everything up and put it away, then I said: it cost me 75 euros

Freitag, 28. Mai 2021

simone dinah hartmann, nayereh gharib, malyeh gharib, sophia gharib, soroor and susan shams the siblings, and many iranian gypsy women vienna are killers, ritual killers, capital and money is just an excuse and material satisfaction

history, elam emam zaman soldier and jezebel

It doesn't matter whether we live in Iran or in Europe, all careers and life opportunities are manipulated, taken away and destroyed: Aryan race is higher, we use violence. huankind judge

read brecht, read from renaissance to brecht: why does the child come out of my hole like an idiot. mr darwin said we must marry like persian cousins.well the children got even more idiotic because the crossing is and was absurd

i have proof that 2 kazakhstan tribes lived in vienna before the ice age. austria is psychopathy, diplomat and businessman?

VMAT2 diploat and businessman was worth nothing. bitchmama psychopathie häupl, kurz, pürstl, dreckige ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, GRÜNE wussten: er schneidet köpfe ab. wegen mordversuch und stasi project. hurenkind österreich hurenkind lügner, huankind mörder gesellschaft

kill fucking uno and amnesty, kill fucking uno and amnesty, never again fascism means never again fascsim, UNO and amnesty protects fascism and terrorism, hiznullah and ayatullahs terrorism

never again fascism means never again fascism, kill fuking european, kill fucking european, judges, police and the families, never again fascism means never again fascism fucking uno

20 years internet traces, 20 years internet traces fucking terrorist american, fucking terrorist american worse than al baghdadi.

ich bin aktive hizbullah und polizei stasi geisel, der kiwara sagt: schafst du 500 geiseln? dann schenken wir dir was

stops terror and stasi system and ensures the safety of two women, arrest Iranian and Austrian terror

drecksau burli mit oder ohne uniform, ein hand auf mein gesicht und ich schneide die kehle vom eure kinder und huanweiber, ich ficke und pisse auf faschisten und affenrasse

die wiener richter sind wie michael häupl und hunde kollektive in heinrich gross material, sie benitzen heinrich gross material, richter hunde wien, abschaum rasse wien drecksau richter wien mit jäupl bastard mit ali rahimi bastard huankinder abschum blut, dreckige tiere, wiener höupl freunde drecksau bastard richterh uren und bastard abschaum. gegen eine tochfer und mutter

the most important order for heinrich gross until 2002 was: find a drop for 5 minutes before the death of VMAT2. this one drop makes the ocean visible for 5 minutes, with all calculations, depth and width and amount. then you can kill him or her like an animal, he or she should see the animal in us

a scum blood and bastard breed is SPÖ VIENNA: the mother is muslim and ayatullahs want to see her naked, that is concentration camp quality. as dead these people are more valuable than life. Scum blood is worthless, perpetrators and aggressors

i cut my hair off today, i needed it for voodoo smoke ritual, i will take a photo of it. then i thought:I'm afraid of my own hair myself, and these police idiots aren't afraid of me

bastard psychopathic kz race. scum blood

the police have destroyed the last 20 years of my life and the next 50, the police and vienna say: he can rant in an illegal situation. If he has evidence from the last 20 years, the illegality is ended, then he is no longer allowed to complain.
if i don't scold in legality then i kill nazi bastards, scum psychopathy race. Dirt breed, concentration camp breed, dog breed, animals, unnatural origin, monkey evolution. money back plus compensation. bastardrace

خلق ‏من

شاعر و ترانه نویس یک فرقی دارند، نویسنده میناله، آوازه خوان میخوانه. قبل از انقلاب هرکی نالید، آوازه خوان مالید. مادر قحبه ها، آقا ریدید به مملکت رفت، 

das sind hindu und pakisani zigeuner psychopathen. beweis: indien felsen 4000 B.C. genetischer psychopathie, ibex VMAT und hirsch VMAT jäger, rahim und soroor die familie, shams familie sind psychisch krank, abschaum und krank

huankinder richter und kiwara das sind iranische zigeuner, killer, psychopathen, rahim soroor gharibs die kinder, das simd zigeuner und killer

alle wimer terroristen sind mit deutschland iraner im kontakt wegen rana, rahim ali und viele andere. sogar deutsche kinder sind unter mind control

sophia gharib war sonderschülerin, sonderschülerin mit iq 60, sie ist seit 12 jahren kellnerin und sagt: rana soll sterben ich soll leben, ich habe im internet dafür gesorgt mit meinem vater

geringste attake an rana oder verletzung oder unfall in deutschland ich schneide 500 köpfe ab, richter familien. österreich hat psychopatie auf rana fokusiert

UNO you are nazi and looter, looter, bastatd race europe in UNO you are nazis and looters, give out the money, give out the money bastard uno city, give out the money bastard