Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

2000 years ago the romans had clean water, in 1988 more than 30,000 were murdered so that in the 21st century iran would have clean water.

österreich ist mein grund und boden und mein heimat und mein ethnie, bastardrasse arschloch, meine geschichte, meine herkunft. massenmord und rassenmord ist deswegen: perser sind die herrenrasse ihr die unterrasse

this is a hate campaign without police files, criminal records. with doppelganger and fake material and lies. Viennese whores and bastards say; hate campaign is like 1932 our behavior is a right and in 1938, money is our right germanic law 1934

huankinder wiener abschaum ziehen wieder 1938 affe, huankind michael spö övp fpö grün und linke, 1938 gegen vmat2 global.

Do you understand.1932 to 1938 had a deep meaning in research, the police and secret services have studied it thoroughly, and they formed with the CIA, like ahrimanic demons vienna in sect formations. first because of my family and then with other vmat2 families. in subgroups, supergroups, all categorized with alfas and small soldiers for chasing victims

wiener netzwerke und social media ist sekten verhalten und okkulte stalking, organisiert von polizei, geheimdienste, richter und politiker

black sun sekte wien uno, aryan rituals und sekten. das finanz projekt ist: sekten und stämmen politik und verhalten, antisemitismus und mordversuch. politiker, parteien, polizei, geheimdienste und oberschicht


uno mitarbeiter sind seit 40 jahren iranische vmat2 killer, auch in balkan krieg

my sister has lived in vienna since 1986 and has never seen azadeh's parents, gharibs or other iranian families. she never had friends with iranians, not with azadeh or others. this is VMAT2 murder

sophia du bist eine dummie, bis heute sagst du zu CIA: yes sir. die töten dich bald, weil du eine dummie bist

kilma sitzt in brasielien und sagt: über venezuella mit hizbullah alles paletti genossen

Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

peter pilz verdiente 800.000 euro. michael häupl 25 millionen, werner faymann 2 millionen euro, franz vranitzky 45 millionen, hc und guddenus jeweils 5 millionen. wien sagt: das geld in österreich ist ungerecht verteilt, wir brauchen ausländer opfer für luxus, wir brauchen 500 bis 1000 mehr monatlich

unnatural killer and psychopathy gene creation. killer instinct, scum race, bastard breed

austrians european networks are native killers. with the help of un employees, 5000 killer in vienna in human right activism costume, freemasons and illuminatis, mass murderers in iran between 1980 and 1987 and chain murders in iran, with toudeh and aksriat, aghaliat, rahe karegar and 15 other left-wing parties

10 euros

I also bought this old, small, narrow knife today, an assassination knife, you don't see much blood after the assassination

elam has no water and the UN says: we are not humane if we do not own real estate like rahim, azadeh soroor, and others.100 million black stasi camera money Austria, 300 million UN, and even more Zionism and Europe and America, because of:watch him jerk off

no emam 1979, but kurtwaldheim UNO and austria, new rom. until today in iran. muddy ahrimanic water for elam, luristan, beluchistan. austrian and UNO intrique and gypsy iranian

rome had a water canal system with clean water, pond water muddy water was for persian and jesus tribes, pure water was denied,
and all kinds of diseases were spread for slow death and many diseases had broken out, jesus healed with stones and clear water, he purified the water with stone healing energy.
the situation today in ahwaz, khuzistan and other regions of iran in the 21st century. no money for clean water, no system

الان ‏دیدم ‏جنده ک‏ونیست حکمیتست ‏داره ‏مادر ‏ستار ‏رو ‏مسخره ‏میکنه، ‏جنده ‏خانوم ‏میگه م‏نم، ‏کونیستم ‏باهاتم، ،حق، ‏مرده خو‏ر ‏خارکوسده

wien hat pürstl und michael häupl, hizbullah und ayatullahs wegen mordversuch, lynchmordversuch zu verhaften. an 3 personen, eine familie, mutter tochter sohn. unschuldig ohne polizei oder gericht akte

10 euros

i bought this today too, my myrrh smoke has a different meaning and symbol on the pond water next to the forest, i call it ghost hunt

jesus walked on the water

muddy water

vmat2 soll in armut leben und andere in reichtum trotz 16 berufe, händler, antiquitätenhändler und teppichhändler. internationale rufschädigung, das ist tiefen psychopathie, tiefen psychopathie. internationale hass kampagne ist kranke genetik verhalten

Leftists: Masonic Lodge salvador allende , green party: dalailama CIA Masonic lodge

20 minutes later i saw green party and leftists with advertising posters, some had deep smiles on their faces when they saw me. hide evidence is terror murder with hizbullah and ayatullahs, and we bought apartments

50 + 25

theft today, or it is called theft when Vmat2 buys something.
I found this art object at the flea market, I ask how much? He said 40, I said I lost 50 euros on the street when I probably got cigarettes out of my pants, the man said, I'm sorry, 25 euros. I thought: I looked for 1 hour, I wanted to know where it fell out,
Then, by chance, I happened to pass the table, he wanted to pack everything up and put it away, then I said: it cost me 75 euros

Freitag, 28. Mai 2021

simone dinah hartmann, nayereh gharib, malyeh gharib, sophia gharib, soroor and susan shams the siblings, and many iranian gypsy women vienna are killers, ritual killers, capital and money is just an excuse and material satisfaction

history, elam emam zaman soldier and jezebel

It doesn't matter whether we live in Iran or in Europe, all careers and life opportunities are manipulated, taken away and destroyed: Aryan race is higher, we use violence. huankind judge

read brecht, read from renaissance to brecht: why does the child come out of my hole like an idiot. mr darwin said we must marry like persian cousins.well the children got even more idiotic because the crossing is and was absurd

i have proof that 2 kazakhstan tribes lived in vienna before the ice age. austria is psychopathy, diplomat and businessman?

VMAT2 diploat and businessman was worth nothing. bitchmama psychopathie häupl, kurz, pürstl, dreckige ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, GRÜNE wussten: er schneidet köpfe ab. wegen mordversuch und stasi project. hurenkind österreich hurenkind lügner, huankind mörder gesellschaft

kill fucking uno and amnesty, kill fucking uno and amnesty, never again fascism means never again fascsim, UNO and amnesty protects fascism and terrorism, hiznullah and ayatullahs terrorism

never again fascism means never again fascism, kill fuking european, kill fucking european, judges, police and the families, never again fascism means never again fascism fucking uno