Sonntag, 30. Mai 2021

hey dudulkhim this is the right stone for forehead, hikhim shikhim dikhim ahura mazdaaaaaaaaaaaaa

mother fucker amrican, this mother fucker austrias are against you and me, beacuse of multi race america

everything that was created according to ancient civilization is scum, garbage and dirt, only 30 percent could be saved with god genes. no austrian police officers, constitutional judges, politicians, doctors, politicians, military or public prosecutors are among this 30% percent

große teile der österreicische bevölkerung sind illegale einwanderer, seit 1500 jahren, einwanderer mit abschaum und psychopathie blut, abschaum und killer instinkt blut, dreckige tiere, ahrimanische tiere

kindermörder, abschaumrasse, minderwertige bastardrasse arbeitet heute noch in wiener spitäler als huanärztin und huankind arzt: er hat das besondere blut, sehr selten, wir haben das nicht. es ist kein recht, wir sollten doe herren rasse sein. abschaum tiere frauen und männer, killeraffe nennt sich mensch

after mineral water shower, I go out of the apartment to the forest

20% capital tax in EU and america is barbaric, inhumanity. UNO ist our friend. TAX FREE FASCISM SYSTEM EU AND UNO

Justified european stasi murder according to the financial system: we have to kill persian characters with bald heads and dirty shirts, our bought houses and real estate are clean and disciplined.
we are the rich and beautiful in europe, money without work and tax oasis is wonderful, 20% capital tax is too much

„Der Geist trieb Jesus in die Wüste“. 40 tage

Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

huankinder, huankinder, bastardrasse ihr seid die kinder hure babylon, eure mütter sind babylon huren, babylon huren und kinder mörder. 1944 massengräber, eure omis waren babylon huren, kinder massengräber

when i came to vienna in 1986 i lived for 1 year next to the danube in the 11th district, margetinstrasse, i often slept in the forest, you scum

der meister von mondsee, du abschaum du gsindl, österreich war multirace, du illegaler du, du ausländer du, du ahrimanischer, du invasor. das alte zivilisation war multikulturell, 12 stämme ahura mazda. abschaum wehrmachts polizei und geheimdienst 21. jahrhundert

the light above the light is soldier emam zaman, ahura mazdas creation, the light stands above 12 tribes crossing VMAT. jesus had 12 + 5, emam zaman also needs this birth. Ayatullahs and Europe, America are not jews, christians or muslims, but:
DNA HUNTER and killer

wien tower of babylon, muddy water, jesus ging über das wasser

what lenin alleged about domestic enemies and foreign enemies concerned ayatullah khomein for genocide, it does not concern the political opponents of islamic government. americans and europeans are stasi camera action and killers

nach 30 tausend politische morde im iran sagt österreich: wir ziehen in wien auch das geld aus dem antiqiotäten geschäft asse, politische aktivismus hat ein antiquitäten geschäft?, wir machen ein geschäft daraus, wie kurt waldheim UNO in 80er

2000 years ago the romans had clean water, in 1988 more than 30,000 were murdered so that in the 21st century iran would have clean water.

österreich ist mein grund und boden und mein heimat und mein ethnie, bastardrasse arschloch, meine geschichte, meine herkunft. massenmord und rassenmord ist deswegen: perser sind die herrenrasse ihr die unterrasse

this is a hate campaign without police files, criminal records. with doppelganger and fake material and lies. Viennese whores and bastards say; hate campaign is like 1932 our behavior is a right and in 1938, money is our right germanic law 1934

huankinder wiener abschaum ziehen wieder 1938 affe, huankind michael spö övp fpö grün und linke, 1938 gegen vmat2 global.

Do you understand.1932 to 1938 had a deep meaning in research, the police and secret services have studied it thoroughly, and they formed with the CIA, like ahrimanic demons vienna in sect formations. first because of my family and then with other vmat2 families. in subgroups, supergroups, all categorized with alfas and small soldiers for chasing victims

wiener netzwerke und social media ist sekten verhalten und okkulte stalking, organisiert von polizei, geheimdienste, richter und politiker

black sun sekte wien uno, aryan rituals und sekten. das finanz projekt ist: sekten und stämmen politik und verhalten, antisemitismus und mordversuch. politiker, parteien, polizei, geheimdienste und oberschicht


uno mitarbeiter sind seit 40 jahren iranische vmat2 killer, auch in balkan krieg

my sister has lived in vienna since 1986 and has never seen azadeh's parents, gharibs or other iranian families. she never had friends with iranians, not with azadeh or others. this is VMAT2 murder

sophia du bist eine dummie, bis heute sagst du zu CIA: yes sir. die töten dich bald, weil du eine dummie bist

kilma sitzt in brasielien und sagt: über venezuella mit hizbullah alles paletti genossen

Samstag, 29. Mai 2021

peter pilz verdiente 800.000 euro. michael häupl 25 millionen, werner faymann 2 millionen euro, franz vranitzky 45 millionen, hc und guddenus jeweils 5 millionen. wien sagt: das geld in österreich ist ungerecht verteilt, wir brauchen ausländer opfer für luxus, wir brauchen 500 bis 1000 mehr monatlich

unnatural killer and psychopathy gene creation. killer instinct, scum race, bastard breed

austrians european networks are native killers. with the help of un employees, 5000 killer in vienna in human right activism costume, freemasons and illuminatis, mass murderers in iran between 1980 and 1987 and chain murders in iran, with toudeh and aksriat, aghaliat, rahe karegar and 15 other left-wing parties

10 euros

I also bought this old, small, narrow knife today, an assassination knife, you don't see much blood after the assassination

elam has no water and the UN says: we are not humane if we do not own real estate like rahim, azadeh soroor, and others.100 million black stasi camera money Austria, 300 million UN, and even more Zionism and Europe and America, because of:watch him jerk off

no emam 1979, but kurtwaldheim UNO and austria, new rom. until today in iran. muddy ahrimanic water for elam, luristan, beluchistan. austrian and UNO intrique and gypsy iranian

rome had a water canal system with clean water, pond water muddy water was for persian and jesus tribes, pure water was denied,
and all kinds of diseases were spread for slow death and many diseases had broken out, jesus healed with stones and clear water, he purified the water with stone healing energy.
the situation today in ahwaz, khuzistan and other regions of iran in the 21st century. no money for clean water, no system

الان ‏دیدم ‏جنده ک‏ونیست حکمیتست ‏داره ‏مادر ‏ستار ‏رو ‏مسخره ‏میکنه، ‏جنده ‏خانوم ‏میگه م‏نم، ‏کونیستم ‏باهاتم، ،حق، ‏مرده خو‏ر ‏خارکوسده