Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021

österreich amerika EU sind in netzwerk nationalsozialismus gegen rasse und vmat, sogar österreichische verfassungsschutz behörde sagt: bringen sie beweise aus internet und handys.

historical documents prove why hindi gharibs and paki amiris are allowed to earn millions of euros illegally: Hate to master breed and its technology under European and American soil

میراث فرهنگی رفته از رو تخته سنگ های ایلام و شوش نقاشی لطف کرده، بعد روش نوشته نقشه حوض آب و بوستان. میدونی چرا؟ اون موقع از امروز ایران پیشرفته تر بودن. یابو، میگه خط خون ۱۲ امامی، ۱۲ شاخه. ‏

american nazis, gene and DNA terrorists global, you earned money with my mother and sister, you fucking global terrorists, genocide mother fucker

مادر سگ های قربتی بعد از ۴۰ سال آب تمیز به مردم نمیتونن بدن، بعد میگن ما ناسیونالیست های شیعه هستیم، برو کیر لاپستون اون گاوی که ازش شیر خوردی، مادر جنده های گاو پرست، نوکر صهیونیسم آمریکا اروپا اسرائیل

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021

my action 15 years paltalk was national mazdakism, fucking NSA with hindi paki iranian

mother fucker animals, we are old race, you are new race without humanity and empathy. empty bastards

viva mazdaks nationalsocialism, mazdaks, mazdak. nationalsocialism. this meaning

fucking CIA NSA MOSSAD, gypsy iranian are no nationalism and socialism. no patriots, no mazdak. you dirty bastard

because of deep psychopathy london vienna, berlin paris, sent europe 600 years terrorism to great persia, gypsy tribes, today they claim iranians are terrorists. fucking wien, dirty psychopathic bastards, yes i am terrorist i am native iranian

vienna police officers are animals, worse than animals, rana had 5 years of psychotherapy with medication, vienna's population is scum

wiener weiber und alt faschisten sind krank, psychopathisch krank wegen gene und DNA, mörderisch krank. abschaum

wiener psychopathie and adolf hitler. so, hitler got nietzsche's walking stick, the viennese became vegetaria and said: i am ahura mazdas child not the persians and people from orient, we have to drink mineral water, not the persians

only elam, melchior tribe is able to bless the water, grandfather jesus christ, father of holy maria

iranian luris, beluchis elamis and others have a genetic code because of water and smoke. Austro fascism is because of this code, ayatullah terror and daily murders, secret murders is because of this code. 5000 years old on a rock in elam

12 stämme und kreuzungen. schöpfung ahura mazda

ich bin politischer gefangener unter täglicher folter wegen politische aktivismus und vmat2, scheiß auf dich und deine kinder simone, scheiß auf PDKI bastarde und stopthebomb

armed struggle against fascism in austria and europe, armed struggle against mass murder plan europe

internationale european judges: we do not work for persian elami vmat, no act, we are alexander and 300, european torture and genocide with UNO

richter sebastian ist psychopathisch und müll mit häupl und hc, pürstl

ritterliche abwehrkräfte

4000 ghälter richter kollektive, alt nazis sagen: wir haben göttliche und sonderrechte ab 1998 bis 2006 drei geschäfte zu ruinieren und euch ab 2006 wien zu überlassen für stasi kamera finanz aktion mit fake material

i work 100.000 euros, judges 4000. 4000, cheap nazi bastards, cheap nazis and bastards, 4000 euro bastards

wien is shit, even judges earn money with fake material, even judges

fucking american antisemitism and racial stasi action in vienna, antisemitism and anti race stasi action anti vmat, ayatullah terror

my statistics: 58.000

9/11 war wissenschaft, mother fucker amerikaner hören mit genozide vmat nicht auf seit 20 jahren

fucking amerika is: vmat killer and hunter, fucking terrorists america,fucking terror state amerika, vmat hunter in asia, afrika lateinamerika, fucking terror state america

ask fucking american: 2500 hindi and pakis, regime people are in amerika multimillionaire, with dozens of millions dollars, like amiris, why are they getting rich, and we elam, kurdistan, beluchistan, ahwaz, gilan and other areas become poor? you dirty asshole fascists and bastards, why has rahim "1800 salary" 5 millions dollars?

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2021

fereydoun farrokhzad died, he only had 500 marks on his bank account. everything was blocked because america is a bitch mom, europe son of the bitch and israel bastard, but amiris and gharibs, regime people millions of euros

karim azim rahim, atefeh amiri sind alte diebe und mörder, die familie setzte millionen euro für sich und ayatullahs und hiznullah um, mit hilfe austrofaschismus

scheiß wiener standard, kurier krone presse journalist du, scheiß salzburger und tiroler nachrichten, österreich melkt 3 vmat iraner seit 20 jahren, finde das geld du bastard