Freitag, 11. Juni 2021

to protect our children, we have to dig

the current cooperation between SPÖ toudeh and aksariat party is a 1960s intelligenzia cooperation:we prepare young politicians for the gallows.both iranian parties are now social democrats and in european social democracy a mafia, anti god genes mafia. "We'll find VMAT targets for you like in the 80s iran. We'll manage 40,000 again

there are billions of chinese and indians and latin americans and asians and europe says because of my family: why is the old race and civilization on earth, the hatred because of billions of people was focused on my family: why should we not kill you in europe

Austria has networks of europe and america, jews and zionists, freemasons on its side for ayatullah's dictatorship, with the intrigue: we distributed one million euros among his relatives and father and 3 uncles and aunts, all of whom are silent

old indian, tablet editing, bosnian pyramid stone. our old brother and sisters. 2 tribes vienna bosnia

It doesn't help if you speak a little Indian as an Iranian, you are secretly examined for genes and DNA... ridan kardadaheeeee ridankardandaheeee, ridankardandaheee ha heee ha heee ha heee

photo today

what is going on in europe and network society:we only accept indo aryan race, iranian paki and hindi, the gypsies, the persians are like muhammed reza pahlavi, all doors are closed for these people, they want to build persian tribes and the country, they are nationalists

my instinctive action today was to put a shirt in the water and the right stone, the reaction of the right stone was: magician and magic.i just took two photos with tablet and it's over, clear art photo costs 25,000 euros. a shot

tablet editing, no comment

Do you understand,.... ahriman is intellect and technology, hades evil is cool, lucifer laughs as a clown. lord ahriman demands: science and high potential, satan seduces and laughs so that ahriman punishes you very hard, ahriman punishes financial criminals without a system or strategy and intellect

heute wird rasse ruiniert wegen zwei berufe, teppich und antiquitätenhandel, morgen wegen 6 berufe. weil wir es nicht können, müssen wir potenzial mit kameras zerstören damit wir zumindest das geld verdienen

michael and his mafia sect were never capitalists, but from the lower working class with salaries between 5000 and 12,000 euros. just so much potential.5 million, 10 and 15 to 70 million is just a bastard race capital, bastard race capital, bastard race capital without capital business plan and business strategy system potential

ich hatte vergessen zu sagen, manche steine kann man schneiden, beispiel: 3×7×3×9. für etwas neues sensationelles, für 57 editings

as tesla said, we have a receiver against satanic powers and states, I don't know if it's the brain, but it is a receiver

4 american governments want to kill me with viennese judges, kill me with the CIA and NSA. not the ayatullahs and hizbullah, but american authorities system and government:We check all databases and courts of law, there has been no evidence since 2002, no financial stasi capital and NS retrial. americans want to kill me, not ayatullahs in vienna

ich war 2002 berufstätig und erfolgreich als wiener richter, polizei, politiker, zigeuner iraner und ayatullahs mit finanz projekt angefangen hatten, ich war berufstätig und WKO mitglied. NS wiederholung mit geheimkameras: österreich verbrennt mit geheimkameras

wiener wehrmachtsjuden und deutsche hatten dieses problem mit 6 millionen orientalische juden

the phenomenon from insideof the black stone is old 12 tribes, native american, asian and middle east, no european, only vmat from old 12 tribes

fucking europe is vmat killer and hunter in iran europe and america, persian vmat

fuck bastard european elite to free iran

european americans, europe feels inferior because of race and vmat. europe america israel has been killing us for 40 years by the ayatullahs with a clean cloth in hand

my mother and sister and iranian in iran are innocent, UNO and amnesty want to kill us, fucking european bastards and animals scum

europe kills you everyday with ayatullahs, every day fucking europe because of race, kill this mother fucker

comes out of iran and kill bastard european and nazis, kill this scum and animals for 40 years genocide

wenn österreichische nazi huren und bastarde sagen, wir töten euch gerne mit eure kinder mit ayatullahs seit 40 jahren, dann wird es zeit kingärten in brand zu setzen dutzende in gnaz österreich wöchentlich

هوا ‏بارونی ‏شد، ‏بیرون ‏رفتن ک‏نسل ‏شد

ich pisse auf wiener hurenkinder, politiker, polizei, richter, geheimdienste und behörden, ich scheiß auf das bastard land huankind österreich. 25 jahre stasi finanz aktion mit UNO und ali khamenei gegen rasse, 25 jahre verbrechen mit bastard arische rasse

از فروزان آتش زاییده شوریده سوال کردم؟ این چیست که آخوند برای ما گوزیده، مداح با لباس سیاه چرا با لب ملا ممد خان روزی ۳ بار گودیده، میدونی چی گفت؟ بزار برم برگردم میگم، یه ۴ ساعت دیگه

energy stones without phenomenon signs are absurd, table fireplace without black stones dull, pepsi bottle with water felt ugly, terror state unimaginable without attempting to attack

the feeling of the UN for 25 years towards my family is like the feeling in the balkan war: murder torture rape of women and children in sarajevo, bosnia, croatia, serbia: NO ACT ONLY WATCH AND Jerk off 3 times a day