Samstag, 12. Juni 2021

Uno city: cut the head of amiris and gharibs, cut the heads, we need money for luxury and houses

SPÖ,ÖVP,FPÖ, GRÜNE,LINKE antisemitismus faschismus und VMAT mordplan will mit ayatullahs sagen: du bist kein mensch, nach 100 millionen euro einnahmen.LOL

all of this beacause: austrian history is monkey and darwinism, and we are humans, creation

Austria has a gene policy with its networks: we are ruining the race internationally with fake material so that all habitats are destroyed. we want to torture the race in austria forever like in concentration camps

this action globaly is anti persian, anti persian, anti native persian with gypsy iranian, you bastad country america, you scum animal and killer, you shit, you dirt, you mother fucker america

international database and traces has to be save you mother fucker zion nazi and amerian nazis, i will take hostages, your young whores. 500

wir sind drei staatabürger seit 1992, und österreich sagt: wir verkaufen rasse vor die kameras, gibt uns geld, ayatullahs und amerikaner hlefen uns, wir verkaufen rasse und staatabürger

the cheginis the amiris, zargar, gharibs tribes, have been killing our race since 1449, tahmassob, safavids with europe and austria and ayatullahs

das ist mordversuch, wiener verkaufen uns und behaupten das mit iraner zu tun, welche iraner? welche iraner du bastardrasse, welche iraner? mit zigeuner

مادر ‏قحبه رفیق ‏رحیم اسمش ‏رو ‏گذاشته: ‏چگینی ‏فراهانی، ‏مادر ‏جنده، ‏کولی ‏ایرا‏نی وی‏ن، ‏ضد ‏ایرانی ‏وطن ‏فروش

america if after 20 years you hide and protect iranian terrorism then i will take american hostages, that is fascism with hizbullah and ayatullahs

ich werde wiener polizeibeamten und geheimdienste, die richter strafanzeigen, wenn das abschaum sagt wir hatten das recht für nationalsozialismus. dann töte ich euch. ich werde euch jagen und töte und die häuser verbrennen

bought today from flea market for rana, and my topic. mixed breed great persia, deer ibex and falcon

abstrakte 1932 und 2021

herr österreicher, herr jandl, geheimnisse sind, richter sekten, polizei und politiker sekten, ärzte und akademiker sekten, sozialarbeiter und menschenrechtsaktivisten sekten. die überraschung ist: todeszelle, endresultat tod wegen millionen euro stasi kapital

österreichische bastardgesellschaft, wiener richter, politiker, geheimpolizei sagt seit 600 jahren, will seit 40 jahren etwas im iran: die mischrasse sollte die sklaven von indische arische zigeuner sein. so wie in wien seit 25 jahren. 800 zari. 5 millionen soroor

ما با افتخار ۱۲ قبیله مولتی ریس اهورا مزدا هستیم، طرف خربزه گذاشته سرش با طایفش اومده ایران میگه ما آریایی هستیم، خر بزه، خر بزه.، عمامه نیست، از اول به معنا خربزه بوده

موجی ‌آقا، ‏بیسیم ‏کج و‏ ک‏وله، ‏۱۸ ‏سال ‏کار ‏میدونی ‏یعنی ‏چی ‏یا ‏نه؟ ‏بچه ‏آخوند

ما با افتخار ۱۲ قبیله مولتی ریس اهورا مزدا هستیم، طرف خربزه گذاشته سرش با طایفش اومده ایران میگه ما آریایی هستیم، خر بزه، خر بزه.، عمامه نیست، از اول به معنا خربزه بوده

bastard networks europe with doctors and judges, original iranian tribes and ethnic groups. my mother at 20. (((((((((18 years work and experience in tehran's ministry of culture you asshole judge))))))

Freitag, 11. Juni 2021

this is the second political activism murder after ghassemloo, with viennese judges terror, and hizbullah and ayatullahs. with CIA NSA MOSSAD support

atefeh amiri the sister of rahim amiri is new indian, gypsy, and aryan race and from the same tribe as malieh and nayereh and ali gharib, brown immigrants against native iranian.she has been working as a court interpreter for viennese judges for 35 years. Austrians got keys from her nieces and nephews

80% hizbullah people, the CIA and mossad agents in iran europe and austria are zargari people. 80%. this crime against my family with viennese and austrian is the prove, finance stasi business, hizbullah, austro fascism and CIA NSA UNO

Iran belongs to Iranian native tribes, not to strangers and immigrants. it is sold piece by piece like a cake, caspian sea, islands, minerals, treasures, people, kidney, heart and lungs, people are sold, stasi show is the new oil field, persian vmat

to protect our children, we have to dig

the current cooperation between SPÖ toudeh and aksariat party is a 1960s intelligenzia cooperation:we prepare young politicians for the gallows.both iranian parties are now social democrats and in european social democracy a mafia, anti god genes mafia. "We'll find VMAT targets for you like in the 80s iran. We'll manage 40,000 again

there are billions of chinese and indians and latin americans and asians and europe says because of my family: why is the old race and civilization on earth, the hatred because of billions of people was focused on my family: why should we not kill you in europe

Austria has networks of europe and america, jews and zionists, freemasons on its side for ayatullah's dictatorship, with the intrigue: we distributed one million euros among his relatives and father and 3 uncles and aunts, all of whom are silent

old indian, tablet editing, bosnian pyramid stone. our old brother and sisters. 2 tribes vienna bosnia

It doesn't help if you speak a little Indian as an Iranian, you are secretly examined for genes and DNA... ridan kardadaheeeee ridankardandaheeee, ridankardandaheee ha heee ha heee ha heee

photo today

what is going on in europe and network society:we only accept indo aryan race, iranian paki and hindi, the gypsies, the persians are like muhammed reza pahlavi, all doors are closed for these people, they want to build persian tribes and the country, they are nationalists

my instinctive action today was to put a shirt in the water and the right stone, the reaction of the right stone was: magician and magic.i just took two photos with tablet and it's over, clear art photo costs 25,000 euros. a shot