Montag, 14. Juni 2021

political black market is old: a miracle healer lives on the riverbed, people believe him and have trust, he is socio-political, market his medicine and elixirs, and give it to people for free, distribute it, that is social, kill him

political black market says: pursue the black money! we will kill you if you are number 7 on a scale from one to 10, lucky seven will be murdered. that means there is only one answer: hunt and kill political mafia, with children and grandchildren

ich bin terror opfer in wien, schlimmer als ghassemloo fall, heute sagt wiener sicherheitspolizei und geheimdienste: ayatullah khamenei und ayatullahs brauchen schwarze steine und rote, wir müssen die wohnung von rana plündern

the police of vienna proves one thing with pürstl: we are rubbish bins, who throws more black-and-brown rubbish into it

the most dangerous thing in europe and vienna and the european parliament is: a psychopathy that is called leftists and red and green. the criminals according to the murder plan are most: paid culprits, one million euros for 2 years. ali amir ashkan and other gypsies

I was supposed to be psychotic in Vienna, like 30 year olds that looked like 70 in concentration camps. after family drama, mother and sister penance and persecution

this lyrics by fereydoon forooghi concerns unofficial fascism of the white house, european states and the UN:kill your deer and goats yourself, or we will kill this breed on our soil. we don't let this race live in freedom, we isolate and kill

"قوزک پا"


دیگه این قوزک پا یاری رفتن نداره
لبای خشکیدم حرفی واسه گفتن نداره
چشای همیشه گریون آخه شستن نداره
تن سردم دیگه جایی برا خفتن نداره
دیگه این قوزک پا یاری رفتن نداره
لبای خشکیدم حرفی واسه گفتن نداره
میخوام از دستتو از پنجره فریاد بکشم
طعم بی تو بودنو از لب سردت بچشم
نطفه باز دیدنت رو توی سینم بکشم
مثل سایه پا به پا من تو رو همرام نکشم
دیگه این قوزک پا یاری رفتن نداره
لبای خشکیدم حرفی واسه گفتن نداره
بذار من تنها باشم میخوام که تنها بمیرم
برم و گوشه تنهایی و غربت بگیرم
من یه عمریست که اسیرم زیر زنجیر غمت
دست و پام غرق به خون شد دیگه بسه موندنت
دیگه این قوزک پا یاری رفتن نداره
لبای خشکیدم حرفی واسه گفتن نداره
دیگه این قوزک پا یاری رفتن نداره

that's a fucking alien spirit war with us: we have wings, we fly high. deer and goats and sheep are paranormal with physics, why does a deer fly? that's what we call xenophobia, fascism and racism today

who can hate santa claus except a depressed Viennese !? the deer are the surprise, aren't they?

herr jandl es gib in österreich künstler und intellektuellen netzwerke, was ist " DAS GEHEIMNISS DER HÖLLE" und was ist die überraschung?

europe killed 100.000.000 native american, in1988, 13-18 years old girls and boys were political activists in iran, and we are not talented for special jobs and art and business

Sonntag, 13. Juni 2021

UNO/ÖVP,SPÖ today with iranian native DNA

she's bad, no statistics

I dreamed of shahin najafi and simone dinah hartmann last night, keep your distance to my sister 100 kilometers, otherwise you will get 20 centimeters close to me, I'll fuck you

hey ‎abdul ‎ghader ‎muhammed ‎abu nasser ‏yaghubodin ‎alhazer, ‏y‏ou ‎now ‎saadi?

سَلِ المَصانعَ رَکباً تَهیمُ فی الفَلَواتِ

تو قدر آب چه دانی که در کنار فراتی

شبم به روی تو روز است و دیده‌ها به تو روشن

و اِن هَجَرتَ سَواءٌ عَشیَّتی و غَداتی

i lost everything in my life in a democracy because i scolded: fucking EU America and Israel and the UN have been involved in genetic murder and genocide for 40 years

مشنگ، ‏بندر ‏عباس ‏یه ‏بلک ‏پانتر ‏پارتی ‏را ‏ه ‏بنداز ‏بینیم، ‏داری از‏ ‏بین ‏میری ‏ها

native iranian fucking america nad EUROPE native iranian, shahab suhrawardi and saadi, hafez origin

In 1982 toudeh and aksriat party sent 30,000 political native iranians, including children between 13 and 18, to the slaughterhouse, today both parties have been established in vienna for 40 years and say:we have europe america, satanism sects and fascism sects on our side, and have the right with stasi finance program and murder with austria and europe

Sonntag, 13. Juni 2021

ayatullah khomeini was from india, this genocide until today is indo german race, gypsy race, austria vienna and european and american intrique

A networks with rich children, with grandchildren, daughters, sons, mothers and fathers, take the right to anti-semitism and fascism globally and threaten my sister. Capital fascists, they threatened with death, kidnapping and persecution alongside the CIA and NSA. kill the rich and the children, eu elite, that is fascism global

österreich wir sind die herrenrasse human rights rasse ( mit beweise), ihr seid die unterrasse

i say this to kobra and wega Einsatzkommando: despite evidence, austria is taking away our image law, private law, intimate area private law, civil rights, professional law and existence right. Because of race, DNA genes and political activism, if Austria behaves like 1932 and takes no responsibility despite evidence, then I report armed struggle, we are people with human rights, old races with special rights. this is not a threat but a civil duty to protect my family

Herkimer diamonds are rare, of natural origin and to buy on the internet, this is from an online auction, natural phenomenon. I have 12 stones to combine with these

i show these phenomena from inside the stones, the stones are up to a million years old. This shows our origin, and alien genes manipulated origin. natural origin and unnatural origin. the unnatural origin is:first world war, second world war and 20 years of secret camera action by the viennese police, and attempted terrorist murder because of 100 million euro business with race.with hizbullah ayatullahs and viennese scum

When Austria joined the EU, Austria committed itself to EU laws. humanrightts charter, european human rights convention both anti torture law, today the whore vienna and whores collective says:we are austro fascists against race

body detox with energy need a recipe, i was just thinking of redbull, watermelon, kohlrabi, turmeric, ginger and beets and green apples.shit happens it's sunday

fick dich beck, das sagte ich 1998, und ich sage es noch heute, fick dich. ABC abwehrturppe 1998, alle giftmordversuche überstanden

now you have to understand why vienna, the nazi officers insisted on being stationed as edelweiss mountain group on greek islands. strong VMAT type, inferior michael, franz heinz and sebastian. christian murders, Jewish murders and native murders, elam and luristan murders

NS POLITIK MICHAEL HÄUPL SPÖ. I am a person with 16 professions and 38 projects. i live with 800 euros, my mother artist and carpet dealer with 800 euros and rana musician with 1300 euros. With international hatred action with fake material, Iranian gypsy families live with millions, Viennese whores with tens of thousands, police with millions of stasi pot, politicians and upper class in luxury houses, through NS policy Michael Haeupl