Freitag, 18. Juni 2021

that is absolute ultra fascistism, networks, europe america iran turkey and asia, canada australia, civil servants and employees, politicians, doctors, judges: race should die because of our prosperity, money and luxury. this is animal behavior, parasite networks. i live with 800 euros and should die as an international target and victim

es ist immer das gleich, ziege ruft ya emam und sagt: du ya emam, das sind die liesing firmen, die elite und ihre kinder, firmen und konzerne, politiker, richter, polizeibeamten und geheimdiente, ayatullahs und hizbullah, schau:

i only have tablet camera, the produktive aryan race eat my money, i live on 800 euro. azadeh and ali 1200-2400 salary 6 millions. kebab seller and german teacher

Viennese women work in the ministries, offices and positions as they did in 1932, and have been saying for 20 years:this family is nobody, nothing. How much was the value of the goods, do you and your children have a value for more than 2 days?

because of deep insight into the ahrimanic system and networks and stasi financial capital with race and ethnicity, the viennese judge and police say:there was nothing we will send you to a madhouse. i live in a villa through you, villa is my flesh and blood, i die for it

brecht und frauen, nach 1945 bis heute

I was just going to buy bread, a breed of scum passed by, and showed the behavior of the first and second world wars: you are dead, he whispered. austria never learns, being small does not mean being scum. he thinks he is small and has to show scum to be tall


سیفون ‏رو ‏هنوز ‏نکشیدم

Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2021

rana malt und hat mehrere malereien, ich auch, was bedeute freischafende kunst? wer wurde bis jetzt ausgebeutet und bestraft, oder geplündert, kopiert? wegen neues?

It is illegal to shoot unarmed 14 to 18 year olds on Iranian streets.then self-defense armed struggle is a right, bringing my mother and sister to psychosis and suicide through state power is also illegal. an armed struggle against the state is also a right

especially the UN and the green party and leftists know the philosophy, logic, politics and abition for armed struggle when the state does not respect any laws

my pension for psychological illness schizophrenia and paranoia was written, but approved the money but refused.because of 20 years of the stasi system and secret camera campaign, i haven't got a job in the last 15 years. the stasi financial action brought hundreds of millions of euros because the state with ayatullahs and the UN made me too good and slave. my pension share is 200,000 euros a month if you factor in everything and calculate it

K.u.K Army also hanged 30,000 civilians and families in the first 3 months of World War I. Austria

The basic idea behind Iranian sparatism is:
you are not humans, we do not care about you. this is the aryan invasion in iran and austria
native are not people.
the strategy plan has existed since the 19th century. with the Austro-Hungarian Army in Iran. K.U.K Army also hanged 30,000 civilians and families in the first 3 months of World War I. Austria

پری ‏ور ‏بپری، ‏یه ‏نگاه ‏کن ‏به ‏لیوان ‏بقلی

hey europe, buhhhhhh, buhhhhhh, huuuuuuu,huuuuuu

from 2002 my job was antiques and antique carpets, i would have earned 50,000 to 150,000 euros with this one job.the aryan intrigue and indo aryan intrgie is like iran intrigue ahwaz, khuzestan, lorestan and kurdistan:don't buy, don't sell, give nothing, let him die in poverty. rahim and ali need millions. 20 years of vienna and 40 years of iran

neoliberalism is Aryan blood, native blood is social and human blood.the neoliberal movement in iran and liberalism in general are supported by the CIA NSA, secret societies and israel europe. indo aryan intrigue against native iranian. even social democratic movement is a fake in iran, indo aryan with social democracy mafia europe

500 persian artefacts, elamish and kurdish, gilan and kurdistan azerbaijan, are system compilation, like stones, politics economy and social politics against ahrimanic intrigue. 4 strategy set, 500 artifacts

we always had the problem with gaw, he learns too late: the enlightenment and the knowledge about the world and intrigue. then it comes the war

the package with ali and azadeh and two families what austria sends to iran as chic and modern, with hot air and the shine of the perpetrators, is a dirty 2000 year old ahrimanic aryan intrigue in iran. Aryan versus the native Iranian. european drawing 16th century, in savaid time

the models and intrigue tactics and strategies that michael häupl franz vranitzky, SPÖ, ÖVP, FPÖ, viennese security police and secret services have worked out with ayatullahs are horribly old. Aryan dirty thoughts and behavior, and animal desires, intrigue and hideous scenes. hunger for suffering and misery and torture and death of native people globally.It's a small economy, big economy, against a family, political group, governmentand minorities. european drawing 16th century, persian artifact sasanid period

if vienna does not respond despite evidence and continues the stasi method globally then i kill vienna with spö and övp children and youth, fascism only understands one answer

scheißdreck österreich scheiß österreich plündert seit 40 jahren iran, und verdient mit 313.000 millionäre millionen euro durch plünderung meines lebens, für noch mehr millionen, aussage: wir haben ein genetisches probelm, eine familie aus dem iran ist in wien, eine familie aus dme iran

sebastian kurz hat mit javad zarif ein mordplan, es soll gemeldet werden als: es ist kein terrormord, nur sklavenmord

scheißdreck österreich scheiß österreich plündert seit 40 jahren iran, und verdient mit 313.000 millionäre millionen euro durch plünderung meines lebens, für noch mehr millionen, aussage: wir haben ein genetisches probelm, eine familie aus dem iran ist in wien, eine familie aus dme iran

313.000 bastard köpfe, affen köpfe, die verdienen geld durch rana und mich, affen köpfe können nur stehlen und plündern, affen köpfe wiener elite. 1980-2012 iran business

das sind kinder von hunde und hündinnen, kinder von alexander hunde und hündinnen

i will also prove that 70% of austrian millionaires, 313.000 got rich through iran. 70%. In 1980 vienna was a city of beggars, beggars and cheap beggars

if vienna does not respond despite evidence and continues the stasi method globally then i kill vienna with spö and övp children and youth, fascism only understands one answer