Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021

das ist österreichische huankind bastard spiel mit kebab ali und erdogan, wie 1932 mit attatütrk, huankind apiel gegen rasse in europa und amerika

my sister was never politically active against ayatullahs, or the state of austria, what austria does with the upper class, rich children networks global and regional is the genocide of innocents with jews fascists, with israel

6 millions and more because of fucking grail and water, scum animals, because of history fucking stones and magic, bastard kurz and häupl hc pürstl bastard abschaum tiere vranitzky faymann SPÖ

du hurenkind du hurenkind du bastardrasse österreich das war meine rasse du hurenkind du hurenbastard du abschaum du drecksau du scheißdreck das war meine rasse du huankind du huankind du huankind du scheißdreck kind, heite noch 3 gaschäfte und KZ POLITIK UND GEHEIMKAMERAS du haunkind du huankind

fatwa ayatullah khomneini war österreichisch du hudesau du huansau scheißdreck tier

nach 6 millionen vmat morde ist das krank, abschaum drecksau, feinschaft staat österreich gegen rasse, und die scheosdreck abschaum netzwerke, kranke abschaum, hass tiere österreich wegen gene und DNA

wega cobra terror und stasi geld ist mordversuch und terrorismus du huansau du drecksau abschaum scheißdreck tier

staat österreich verdient seit 2002 dutzende millionen euro, dutzende millionen euro, durch das ruinieren von 3 geschäften, wir leiden, meine mutter leidet wegen 180.000 euro schulden und ich wegen arbeitslosigkeit, das geld bekommt: polizeibeamten geheimdienste politiker und oberschicht kinder, oberschicht familien und kinder für 8 häuser, eine ist zu wenig

es gibt 25.000 obdachlose in österreich, oder viel mehr, das sind österreicher SPÖ ÖVP FPÖ GRÜNE und linke, österreicher, so viele schicksalsschläge in ein sozialstaat ist komisch

iran has to understand austria and its networks have been killing us for 40 years because of genes dna and ethnic origins from austria before the ice age.monkey has genes and dna pattern human too, the difference lies under viennese earth.

i am a european citizen and austria publicly says: we are national socialism against native iranians. italy germany, france holand and other european countries laugh and say: that's why we sent you ayatullah khomeini, austria has the right to kill like khomeini

we native iranian are supernatural race and tribe, mother fucker, mother fucker, we are the old supernatural magic race. fuck you with hate action, lies, fake material and stasi torture europe iran and ameica israel

340 editings, look at colors and start

painting editings: no value, water: no value, stone and editings: no value, smoke: no value, editings no value. kill native iranian and earn money

huankind drecksau scheißdreck österreich warum machst du inder zigeuner pakistanis vor 80 millionen iraner reich: unsere arische freunde wie rahim kauften jeweils 5 häuser. du huankind bastardrasse

the idea of the CIA and american nazis is:indo aryan neo liberalism for mass murder native iranian, 40 years ali khamenei was not enough, another 40 years for total annihilation in a democracy, austrian democracy model, you see my family and my person today

mother fucker CIA with kebab ali, wit kebab ali you mother fucker CIA with 6 classes school kebab ali

Do you understand? In addition to American bastard blood, Austria is a sister whore, mother whore, daughter whore and father bastard, 1932 never ends until 15,000 die, that should have happened in 1945 with the whores and bastards.

i was walking in the park, the cameras and satellite cameras from america are still running, people on the streets don't know me, because of an imminent murder attempt by america, ayatullah hizbullah and austrian police.there is a little time for whores in vienna, whoever blows my cock on the street becomes an aryan star, ass fuck on the street makes the aryan whore an unforgettable diva

UNO protects our and Ayatullah's interests worldwide. left fascists red fascists protect the country

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021

There is an Austrian constitution, but also judges, police, politicians and secret service psychopathy, and the UN: my mother and sister and i have lived in vienna since 1986 with no crime or police records, we only had 3 businesses and i have 16 jobs. Viennese judge:arrest, strangle and poison the son and then mother and daughter UNO protects our and Ayatullah's interests worldwide. left fascists red fascists protect the country

illegality is the viennese depression, for centuries, when illegal immigrants marched into iran and austria, where are you from? I can describe the way to cave.first world war was abhorrent, second world war animal, war against me and my family is absurd

a gift to viennese nazi judges, we were friends, brecht was funny, elam too

a Viennese judge is currently reading and says:our brecht was much higher than you. piss off you shit your father alexander burned and stole a million books from elam and shush and rey and tehran

mother/mutter and persian mim like madar is common brecht and me history, not an aryan race, but a cultural aryan community, it is culture and language not a race

austria says: we are allowed to turn gas chambers and incinerators into secret camera projects against race and business people, that is our country and we have the right

آقا ما گنده لات با فندک داریم و عشق لاتی بی فندک، این هوشمندهای ما مثل فندکن، چند روز پیش دیدم یارو فندک برای فروش گذاشته ۵۰ یورو، فندک با دوربین مخفی. گفتم عجب گیری کردیم

österreich ruiniert 3 geschäfte 16 berufe und potenzial, dazu international, und sagt stolz: wir behandeln staatabürger mit rassentheorie himmler

حزب توده، جبهه ملی، سازمان اکثریت، جازمن رو از سال ۲۰۰۲ در پالتالک میشناسند، همینطور حکمتیسم و سازمان مجاهدین خلق، این چند هوشمند میدانند، نباید بکنند، ولی به دلخواه تسلیم قیمت گذاری بر روی ژن و نژاد ایرانی شده اند، از شاهی حرف نمیزنم چون توقع از شاهی نیست

was!? woasss bist? a österreicher, und von sooshiant hooshder host ka ahnung? unter wiener häuser und erde

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021

every person has rights here, every person buys a house car luxury every person has the right to capital, freedom of existence and lives with human dignity and norms, regardless of nationality. what Vienna does is the old shoe:you are the master race and you should die.without rights. we have the support of the EU and the UN

brecht and lucky seven, 12 stämme herkunft und myrrhe und weihrauch

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021

satanism and black magic mafia already believed in pompeii:we are safe our economy and slave trade is safe too, we are inviolable. a few kilometers from vienna is a volcano, in germany, france and all of europe there are volcanoes, an earthquake is enough, like in pompeii