Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

black goo

This leads me to believe that this event is related to the rise of insanity in 3D people (and lower) carbon life forms, that may have partially bonded to this black goo in their DNA. Bonding DNA to the Black Goo is directly related to embodying the artificial intelligent alien machinery and being subjected to severe mind control like an automaton or robot. This is related to current purging of AI intelligence and Satanic forces that are very aggressive lately. This is surfacing now in order for us to understand and see what it is. Starseeds, when we stay in our heart we are capable of holding anchor for the highest frequency levels of the liquid plasma of our Cosmic Christ Consciousness, and thus, destroying this alien black goo without violence. This new understanding of the function of Alien Black Goo in the dark matter template, and how it has infected the Albion body, gives us deeper revelations into the importance and purpose of the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body earth mission.[1]

nasser is a victim of black magic mafia, a black mars liquid, and radiation therapy. this liquid and rays are experiments since 1960. there are examples in the iraq war, russia and africa. for obedience and lack of will, it dampens intellect and intelligez and the combination turns humans into robots and apes, an alien opium

nasser wer wegen 500.000 euro für faschismus und terrorismus seine kinder tötet sollte mit benzin verbrannt werden

ich lebe in wiener stasi system, mordversuch bis heute, 1998-2021, wegen pollitische aktivismus und rasse, gene dna

the police is working with society experimentally because of vmat and god gene, "it wasn't us", is part of the psychological war and attempted murder, with all strata of society. the police expect: please be silent about terror murder, your career and money will be safe

Sebastian Kurz wants to kill my mother and sister and me with rich children's networks or at least one of us to unlock the stasi pot with ayatullahs, your borders are open and all supermarkets unguarded, unguarded, all products you murderer

آقا ما با این مادر کونی ۱۲ بار اتاق باز کردیم، هردفعه هم ۲۰۰ نفر کشیدیم تو اتاق، خلاصه تا مرگ سرنگونی و مبارزه مسلحانه. یک روز پ.م. دادم گفتم ببین علی این سازمان اطلاعات سپاه واسه ما دسر قبل از شام آخر داره میفرسته چیکار کنیم؟ گفت دسر چیه؟ گفتم میگو با سوس کچاب و خردل، گفت یعنی چی؟ گفتم سیب زمینی واسه تو میفرستن واسه ما میگو. گفت یعنی در خطری، گفتم والا بوش میاد، گفت تو دیوانه ای مگه تو چکار ه هستی، ما داریم میجنگیم. کوسکش های دل و رند

teile kurdistan sind mit zigeuner "besiedelt", deshalb sagt ein alev korun die romano arische rasse: ich bin auch ein recht in österreich ich bin arische kurdin

ich scheiße auf deine rasse du bastardrasse, du killeraffe

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

die polizei muß millionärin veronika weiss (12 millionen euro kapital) verhaften, sie verdiente geld durch meine mutter und schwester, trotz 12 millionen kapital. polizei sagt: es ist 1932 wir verhaften keine arische rasse, ich scheiß auf deine killeraffe rasse du bastardrasse

Austria clears,In 2008 there is a statement from me in the AMS database: i am persecuted by psychopaths and regime agents and am politically active, i did some things to know who is spying on me at home and outside. this message was deleted by AMS employees

the networks are controlled by austro fascism scum and indo iranian: if we find in laboratories that someone is higher then we have the right to kill and blackmail states with acts of evidence. ali' and rahim' blackmail

europa sucht rasse und blut für folter und mord mit dutzende tausenden reiche familien

nehmen sie gene und dna proben, europa tötet rasse, europa sucht in labors nach rasse für folter und mord

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

rana hat gene rana hat dna, rana hat knochen, rana ist ein wunder, auch in musik, die psychopathie europa und amerika ist in mordversuch, morderversuch wegen rasse wegen das wundersame, wegen hoch spiritualität

nasser stirb, nasser stirb, nasser stirb das ist ayatullah terror und austro faschismus nasser stirb, stirb nassser, stirb

do you understand the european leader and secret society psychopathy?we have the right and the society to block torture and murder everywhere vmat, we are also ready to reprint banknotes hundreds of millions even for reparation, but the people have the right to keep blood feud and blood money

i was looted because of race, today the perpetrators say: we need stones, property or not, bought or not, we are the aryan race. there is too much of you sick bastards too much even in churches

the situation is himmler and göbel's philosophy: The system only works with political activists and traders, 1,200 to 4,000 euros in salaries, authorities, judges, police, politicians and secret agents say: whoever sells the breed is a person, whoever is a victim is not a person, himmler and göbel's philosophy

the israeli says: if the police allow in vienna, then we will prove that we are not humans, only decoration

we are 12 multi race tribes ahura mazda, race mix 12 tribes you mother fucker aryan and indo aryan. 1998-2021 you bastard crazy psychopathic race

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

sebastian meine mutter und schwester sind persische rasse und keine sklaven für kameras und show, beide sind staatsbürger mit rechte, ich schneide köpfe und sterbe wegen diktatur, zuerst hole ich mir die beweise von antisemitismus und faschismus und ayatullah terror, dann wenn keine aktion und reaktion wegen stasi geld schneide ich köpfe. dann könnt ihr bastard tiere töten ohne gift

burlis und huris reden von rechtsschreibung und gramatik, heas populismus ist älter als 15. jahrhundert, politische sprache ohne bakdoor und fluchtweg, diplomatie und gramatik ist nur ein intrgie für massenmord. verstehst noten und sprache? einfach, logisch und tief

آقا سال ۵۷ کولی ها شدن زندانبان، زندانی حرف میزد نمیفهمیدن چی میگه، زنگ زدن به هندی ساواکی ها، طلب مرام و معرفت، آقا بیاید ببینیم این گله یونجه خوارها چه میگویند، بعد برید خارج. حالا ناسیونالیسم امروز فرقی با سال ۶۲ نداره، فقط دنبال پوله، گرون بخره بخوره، خوشگل هم برینه، بعد بگه: آقا نون سنگک خریدید دم نانوایی بگویید ما هستیم. ما هستیم. میخوام نباشی کونی، دجال ساواکی، چرا هنوز هستی؟ ناسیونالیست هندی خیلی رندی ‏

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

i was 19 and went to abbas ghahremani with ali eslami, abbas was the friend and partner of nayereh gharib, when i was there i had a glass of beer, abbas was drunk and suddenly said: your father is very right about our necks, your father is very right about our necks, he is a tall man, i thought nasser is not a politician but apparently he pronounced two words correctly. 20 years later, I understood, azade fucked ali eslami, and 20 boys more a month, I was the clown in the Iranian community, everyone should watch me and stalk me so that I don't catch azadeh. because of soroor and azadeh, wanted to get rich

hände weg hände weg, hände weg du lump, das wasser ist verboten. tablet photo raw. 5 von 38

Do you understand, this dirt never had a problem with jews, or was anti-semitic because of jews, it's just a show, it was always us, persia middle east north and south africa and latin america, we are the jews, the old civilization and the genetics and dna

these long-term projects are only possible with un employees, gentle stasi murder, lifetime 40-45. you cannot flee either. You will be found in all countries with red cross mafia, secret service vatican for artificial ventilation

verhandlung und konflikt: hey bruder takhiim halakhim shalakhi, lass blödsinn, lass blödsinn sie uns alle töten, lass den krug, lass den blödsinn, sie werden uns alle töten, ikh habe gehört

ich werde eine liste aufstellen mit 12000 reicher psychopatische kinder und deren eltern weltweit, sie jagen mein schwester, solange polizei geld verdient dürfen sie nicht töten, pürstl ich fick dich deine wertlose polizei kinder und die reiche familien, die faschisten und vmat jäger und rassenmörder glohal

ja ja, ja ja, das phänomen und das zeichen, du bist nicht allein