Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021
80 years after national socialism, EU europeans do not want to behave rationally as a human being and say: we are the animal right to exploit and kill gods genes with HIDE EVIDENCE
Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021
ich habe 16 berufe, 38 projekte und 24 ideen, polizei beamten sind 1200 bis 2400 euro wert, genauso wie iranische zigeuner banden türken und araber und andere, in eine demokratie und rechtsstaat ist es rassimus faschismus und tierisches verhalten wenn polizei sagt: wir müssen rasse verkaufen um über unsere verhältnisse als arische rasse zuleben. scheißdreckrasse ich bin es nicht du
Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021
black goo
This leads me to believe that this event is related to the rise of insanity in 3D people (and lower) carbon life forms, that may have partially bonded to this black goo in their DNA. Bonding DNA to the Black Goo is directly related to embodying the artificial intelligent alien machinery and being subjected to severe mind control like an automaton or robot. This is related to current purging of AI intelligence and Satanic forces that are very aggressive lately. This is surfacing now in order for us to understand and see what it is. Starseeds, when we stay in our heart we are capable of holding anchor for the highest frequency levels of the liquid plasma of our Cosmic Christ Consciousness, and thus, destroying this alien black goo without violence. This new understanding of the function of Alien Black Goo in the dark matter template, and how it has infected the Albion body, gives us deeper revelations into the importance and purpose of the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body earth mission.[1]
nasser is a victim of black magic mafia, a black mars liquid, and radiation therapy. this liquid and rays are experiments since 1960. there are examples in the iraq war, russia and africa. for obedience and lack of will, it dampens intellect and intelligez and the combination turns humans into robots and apes, an alien opium
آقا ما با این مادر کونی ۱۲ بار اتاق باز کردیم، هردفعه هم ۲۰۰ نفر کشیدیم تو اتاق، خلاصه تا مرگ سرنگونی و مبارزه مسلحانه. یک روز پ.م. دادم گفتم ببین علی این سازمان اطلاعات سپاه واسه ما دسر قبل از شام آخر داره میفرسته چیکار کنیم؟ گفت دسر چیه؟ گفتم میگو با سوس کچاب و خردل، گفت یعنی چی؟ گفتم سیب زمینی واسه تو میفرستن واسه ما میگو. گفت یعنی در خطری، گفتم والا بوش میاد، گفت تو دیوانه ای مگه تو چکار ه هستی، ما داریم میجنگیم. کوسکش های دل و رند
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...