Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021

Do you understand.......the turkish government does not sell image rights and privacy rights, what the islamic republic of ira does and austria is symbolic, shahabba's time. habsburg and bastard race iran.the turkish government bought our image rights, although their mothers are based in karkhane.erdogan's mother also works there so that he can pursue a career as a dicator

کلآ وضعیتی هست تو این دنیا، آقا ما هرچی تیغ مردونه خریدیم صورتمون خون و مالی شد، گفتیم اینطوری نمیشه تابستونی، پوستمون میسوزه، آقا رفتیم تیغ پشم کوس گرفتیم، تیغ زنونه، بیا حالا صورتمون شده مثل کون بچه ۶ ماهه

huankind, es dringt auch keine strahlen rein, nichts bilogische, chemisches und radioaktives, geh und patentiere es LOL 4 jahre arbeit

Today you can make diamonds artificially, but is there a formula for impenetrable armor crystals?

du huankind nazi pürstl du bist die niedere rasse, untermensch, versteht das endlich massenmörder, killeraffen ihr seid untermenschen ihr mörder, niedere rasse du massenmörder

iran, austria michael häupl SPÖ övp, viennese secret services are looking for us with hiznullah, rare race with special gifts for mass murder. the international contracts about my sister and myself were made in dirty european courts. international courts of justice

how will scum and fascism ruin databases in the 21st century?

i have 16 jobs, 38 projects and 24 ideas, police officers are worth 1200 to 2400 euros, just like Iranian gypsies gangs turks and arabs and others, you shit, you scum, it's me, son cyrus the great, not you, you scum you dirt

80 years after national socialism, EU europeans do not want to behave rationally as a human being and say: we are the animal right to exploit and kill gods genes with HIDE EVIDENCE

Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021

ich habe 16 berufe, 38 projekte und 24 ideen, polizei beamten sind 1200 bis 2400 euro wert, genauso wie iranische zigeuner banden türken und araber und andere, in eine demokratie und rechtsstaat ist es rassimus faschismus und tierisches verhalten wenn polizei sagt: wir müssen rasse verkaufen um über unsere verhältnisse als arische rasse zuleben. scheißdreckrasse ich bin es nicht du

azan at lunchtime, at viennese time. in 3 years i will be 50. this is how our breed looks with healthy food and special clean water. genocide and envy should be destroyed. eye for eye, tooth for tooth

خارکوسده ۱۵ سال در ایران هم این رو میگه: پول نیست گوشت نخورید، میوه نخورید، پسته نخورید، کوسکش تو هم نخور، راه داره، زمانش رسیده

nein zu faschismus und antisemitismus bedeutet nie wieder rassenmord, oder 10 jahre wirtschafts fiasko, mit alle mögliche angriffe auch mit nahrungsmittel herr und frau richter

wenn meine familie krank wird dann lacht wien, die grenzen sind offen, und supermarktketten sind nicht gesichert du mörderrasse du killeraffe, dann lache ich über abschaum blut

wien ist dreckiges blut mit seine kinder und jugend, wien ist dirty blood, dirty scum abschaum blood

hide evidence mit UNO, amnesty international, wiener richter, polizei, politiker, hizbullah und ayatullahs ist mord, rassenmord, vmat mord, politische aktivisten mord du scheißdreck wiener journalist, scheißdreck wiener armin wolf und journalisten netzwerke

آره ‏خلاصه ‏فعال ‏سیاسی ‏خاص ‏تخمه ‏هندوانه ‏هم ‏زیاد ‏میخوره

In 2010, six hundred Austrian companies gathered in the 5th district, lobbyists, financial Jews and financial mafia, the topic was: how can we help to circumvent iran's sanctions. it turns out: Israel and Europe help with the marketing of the Persian race and political altivists

american government has a duty to arrest ayatollahs and hezbollah for illegal stasi projects and millions in profit. or is that outside of the sanctions program !?

wegen das, schönheit. sooshiant. hayat

Austria has destroyed and sold our image rights, privacy rights, rights to private life and intimate areas because of racism, fascism, anti-Semitism and terrorism.with the UN and Amnesty international help because of vmat and god gene

wiener juden vernichten 20 jahre beweise und tanzen mit ali khamenei tango, wiener polizei und regierung abschaum kassieren millionen für rassenverkauf. es sind wieder die juden wie 1932. anscheinend gibt es beweise mit geiselnahme und waffenkampf

dachau und mauthausen mit wehrmachtsjuden unterstüzung und wehrmachtsrabis unterstützung, diamanten und gold preise für vmat mord

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021

black goo

This leads me to believe that this event is related to the rise of insanity in 3D people (and lower) carbon life forms, that may have partially bonded to this black goo in their DNA. Bonding DNA to the Black Goo is directly related to embodying the artificial intelligent alien machinery and being subjected to severe mind control like an automaton or robot. This is related to current purging of AI intelligence and Satanic forces that are very aggressive lately. This is surfacing now in order for us to understand and see what it is. Starseeds, when we stay in our heart we are capable of holding anchor for the highest frequency levels of the liquid plasma of our Cosmic Christ Consciousness, and thus, destroying this alien black goo without violence. This new understanding of the function of Alien Black Goo in the dark matter template, and how it has infected the Albion body, gives us deeper revelations into the importance and purpose of the Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-Encryption of Elemental Body earth mission.[1]

nasser is a victim of black magic mafia, a black mars liquid, and radiation therapy. this liquid and rays are experiments since 1960. there are examples in the iraq war, russia and africa. for obedience and lack of will, it dampens intellect and intelligez and the combination turns humans into robots and apes, an alien opium

nasser wer wegen 500.000 euro für faschismus und terrorismus seine kinder tötet sollte mit benzin verbrannt werden

ich lebe in wiener stasi system, mordversuch bis heute, 1998-2021, wegen pollitische aktivismus und rasse, gene dna

the police is working with society experimentally because of vmat and god gene, "it wasn't us", is part of the psychological war and attempted murder, with all strata of society. the police expect: please be silent about terror murder, your career and money will be safe

Sebastian Kurz wants to kill my mother and sister and me with rich children's networks or at least one of us to unlock the stasi pot with ayatullahs, your borders are open and all supermarkets unguarded, unguarded, all products you murderer

آقا ما با این مادر کونی ۱۲ بار اتاق باز کردیم، هردفعه هم ۲۰۰ نفر کشیدیم تو اتاق، خلاصه تا مرگ سرنگونی و مبارزه مسلحانه. یک روز پ.م. دادم گفتم ببین علی این سازمان اطلاعات سپاه واسه ما دسر قبل از شام آخر داره میفرسته چیکار کنیم؟ گفت دسر چیه؟ گفتم میگو با سوس کچاب و خردل، گفت یعنی چی؟ گفتم سیب زمینی واسه تو میفرستن واسه ما میگو. گفت یعنی در خطری، گفتم والا بوش میاد، گفت تو دیوانه ای مگه تو چکار ه هستی، ما داریم میجنگیم. کوسکش های دل و رند

teile kurdistan sind mit zigeuner "besiedelt", deshalb sagt ein alev korun die romano arische rasse: ich bin auch ein recht in österreich ich bin arische kurdin