Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021

since 2002 until today global network fascism, and capital fascism, police, secret service, politician, judge doctor says: if someone buys something from vmat2 then we kill the customer. these are genetically diseased scum, genetically diseased scum

verstehen sie, mein geschäft mein leben mein existenz, 2002 war mein firmen gründung, du huankind arzt richter polizist bastard politiker und bürgermeister, 1932 du huankind du scheißdreck du

fascism and murder plan against vmat2 only works with UN human rights watsch and amnesty international, i write and rant in illegality, illegality against race and i rant from a position like a concentration camp inmate, the viennese judges and police are the cause of fascism with ayatullahs and hizubullah

jude, jude, jude, jude ikh bin sohn gottes, sonderbar, einzikhartig und das ist natürliche formation, du jude

i sold antiques for 12.000 euros you bastard judges, 12000 euros you 4000 euro salary bastard, you subhuman

das ist rassenwahn und faschismus strib du bastardrasse, das ist wiederholung

viennese doctors and doctors collectives are part of mass murder because of vmat and old civilization races, i sold antiquities for 12,000 euros, 2000-2800 euros salary said: we are doctors, he is not human

I was in the intensive care unit in hospital for 7 days in 2018, I noticed that these bastards are races insane after 20 years of stalking and persecuting, peeked into my shop from the hospital to plunder and ruin like 1932

the secret society is in vmat2 and vmat stasi system and murder program globaly, the agents the whores sit in UNO, amnesty, humanrights warch and dozens of other organizations for no act, monkeys against humans

من ‏کیرم ت‏و د‏هن ‏سازمان اک‏ثریت، ‏پیدات ‏میکنم

All Viennese whores in Amnesty International work with regime agents and the Iranian embassy, they are loyal to spö and haeupl for distributing stasi money, murder programs against my family. million euros annually

nasser halte 100 meter entfernung von rana, sonst gehe ich zu veronikas töcher und enkelkinder

huankind michi, heas euro mit neuro ist a geschicht ober wos ist mit stain huankind bastard faschist michi, spö scheiße, spö bastard spö huankind, spö kindermörder, rassenmörder

the police have been sending fake documents reports and files for 15 years because of the psychological war against JUDE. to be a jew in austria means vmat2, race, ethnic origin. after 18 blood tests i am hiv negative, the police sent fake hiv positive for 15 years

SPÖ HAS BEEN RESEARCHING NEUROBIOLOGY WITH HEINRICH GROSS AND UNO SINCE 1954. dirty animals and bastard race, scum race wonders with michael häupl WHY DOES VMAT2 RECOGNIZE US IN A STASI SYSTEM AND Murder PLAN. although the whore was friendly.therefore the evidence suppression:they are paranoid and sick

drecksau arschlöcher polizei burlis und huris, scheißdreck kiwara, huankinder wollen mich tören weil sie nichts im kopf haben, drecksau huankinder, du arisch du, du huankind. terror und stasi beweise unterdrücken ist mord, du burli und huri und scheißdreck kiwara. das ist mord in wien du huankind, mord mit amiris und gharibs und hizbullah

Azadeh Amiri has a system against my race with the Iranian gypsy gang, the viennese women collectives, police, politicians and secret agents with the upper class, if the international judge does not open the door in the database then he is in satanism nazi collective, cia and nsa agent

fucking viennese zion nazi, zion nazi, zion nazi, zion nazi, abschaum nazi, anschaum rassen und vmat mörder

wichtig ist in diese stasi geiselnahme und schweden syndrom nummer: azadeh amiri und frauen kollektive, huren bastarde wien europa

wir sind freundlich und behandeln opfer mit respekt, wir schweigen und töten, die opfer sollen sich in uns verlieben. du abschaum rasse, schweden syndrom und stasi geiseln

dracksau wiener rasse du hast dich amüsiert, du hast dich amüsiert und jetzt hat nichts ein sinn, sein leben ist aus. strib du bastard gesellschaft, stirb du bastard rasse du abschaum auf gottes erde

du wiener huankind du abschaum rasse und mörder, die grundnahrungskette, die grenzen sind offen und supermärkte unbewacht

sweden syndrome is genetic and apes old, when the apes took humans hostage to learn, then the apes killed because of love

the psychopathy of bastard breed scrap race, vienna and viennese police, secret service is old, concentration camp old: we have to fall in love with victims before we kill the race, it takes time, nobody is allowed to arrest ali rahim azadeh, ashkan and hundreds of others until our elami victims kills the perpetrator, we need time in prison to fall in love


bastard society: secret cameras is for this: to turn sweden syndrome psycholical system intrique, into stasi secret camera hostages system intrique, because society psychopathy should kill out of love too: we had a good time with a dear guy, it makes no sense he should die


Do you understand.......the turkish government does not sell image rights and privacy rights, what the islamic republic of ira does and austria is symbolic, shahabba's time. habsburg and bastard race iran.the turkish government bought our image rights, although their mothers are based in karkhane.erdogan's mother also works there so that he can pursue a career as a dicator

کلآ وضعیتی هست تو این دنیا، آقا ما هرچی تیغ مردونه خریدیم صورتمون خون و مالی شد، گفتیم اینطوری نمیشه تابستونی، پوستمون میسوزه، آقا رفتیم تیغ پشم کوس گرفتیم، تیغ زنونه، بیا حالا صورتمون شده مثل کون بچه ۶ ماهه

huankind, es dringt auch keine strahlen rein, nichts bilogische, chemisches und radioaktives, geh und patentiere es LOL 4 jahre arbeit

Today you can make diamonds artificially, but is there a formula for impenetrable armor crystals?

du huankind nazi pürstl du bist die niedere rasse, untermensch, versteht das endlich massenmörder, killeraffen ihr seid untermenschen ihr mörder, niedere rasse du massenmörder

iran, austria michael häupl SPÖ övp, viennese secret services are looking for us with hiznullah, rare race with special gifts for mass murder. the international contracts about my sister and myself were made in dirty european courts. international courts of justice

how will scum and fascism ruin databases in the 21st century?

i have 16 jobs, 38 projects and 24 ideas, police officers are worth 1200 to 2400 euros, just like Iranian gypsies gangs turks and arabs and others, you shit, you scum, it's me, son cyrus the great, not you, you scum you dirt

80 years after national socialism, EU europeans do not want to behave rationally as a human being and say: we are the animal right to exploit and kill gods genes with HIDE EVIDENCE

Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2021

ich habe 16 berufe, 38 projekte und 24 ideen, polizei beamten sind 1200 bis 2400 euro wert, genauso wie iranische zigeuner banden türken und araber und andere, in eine demokratie und rechtsstaat ist es rassimus faschismus und tierisches verhalten wenn polizei sagt: wir müssen rasse verkaufen um über unsere verhältnisse als arische rasse zuleben. scheißdreckrasse ich bin es nicht du