Montag, 28. Juni 2021

alhamdulillah going from vienna to tehran was just as important as going from mecca to medina

this is my tribe and origin in iran darband cave and the same caves in austria, my discovery and tablet editing

i know all paragraphs.what i can do as an ethnicity, as a race, semite and rare existence, no one can do. also 24 system 38 projects and in metaphysics. Austria is in ultra fascism and racial murder

do you see the psychopathy of sebastian short michael häupl, police, viennese parties and judges? we are pure old multi, without bad genes. For 600 years, european bastards have been sending gypsies european and others for genetic manipulation, for 600 years until today, the psychopathy is because of ancient civilization

my smoke tablet photo raw

we have worldwide vmat2 fascism and austria is first in the list after 6 million vmat2 were murdered

آقا ما ۳۴ سال خارج زندگی میکنیم غربزده نشدیم، این کونی سپاهی ها یک روز خارج زندگی نکردند و غربزده هستن، ده آخه من ریدم تو روحت به ژن خدا پرستی چیکار داری، مدرنه؟ هرچه از خارج آمد خوش آمد؟ آدم شدی؟

inferior animals and new humans in austria and iran. dirty bastards

حمید راه کارگر، حمید ریاحی، قیمت رو ژن خدا پرستی رو برادر آخوندت میذاره یا پسر عمو رحیم امیری؟ سیستم هک دارم ها،زکی به بکی زپلکی سپاهی

austrian aryan and indo aryan against vmat and seyyed bloodline. fucking killer bastard austrians with iran. DIRTY FUCKING ASSHOLES AMERICAN CIA AND NSA WITH AYATULLAH REGIME

Aryan scum collective judges, have racial struggle on a global level,...according to Dr. lenz and fischer. vmat hunt. 0 percent humanity with un employees, 0 percent humanity with amnesty and U.N scum

das gled ist unrecht, das wollen österreicher mit blut wegwischen. mit blut

wiener sind mit iranische terrorismus scheißdreck rassenmörder, wiener richter politiker. du haunkind drecksau österreich du scheißdreck

wiener richter sind mit fake material und akten killer, killer, das sind freimaurer, nazis und killer , wiener richter sind killer. wiener ricjter sind mafiosi vmat2 mörder und killer, wiener huren und bastarde sind rassenkiller, ohne polizei akte verurteilung oder sonstiges, wiener richter sind rassenmörder

amiris gharibs iranian embassy, vienna judges and networks are attempted murder, attempted murder attempted murder with europe and american anti vmat2 networks

these two stones have several combinations, one is this, the rarest breed, in egyptians marroko, berber. up to 100 million euros stasi start money. burqa and secret life is a necessity in america and europe too

alles was mir und meine mutter angetan wurde du bastard kiwara ist anti vmat2 faschismus iran, israel, amerika, europa österreich. anti elam vmat2 faschismus. bastard aryan ritual until today, bastard aryan ritual

was tatsächlich ist herr richter: herrenrasse, menschenrechtrasse, und freiheitskämpfer

was wiener richter international erreichen wollten: we have dschusch in vienna and this dschusch is worthless, we make money with dschusch and criminal, he is osama, he is mafiosi, he is drug dealer, he is....

800 Iranian drug dealers run on Austrian streets, hizbullah and sepah with stake weapons arsenal, but looking for stones, buying, collecting, putting together and freelance art is a serious offense. viennese nazi judge police politicians and upper class bastards. mother fucker bastard killer and animals with un staff. vmat2 is a crime in austria, elam god gene

des stain is ka meth und kok stain du arschloch, das ist ein größere verbrechen, todesurteil

das ist wiener sozialismus und liberalismus: verkauft wenig damit alle und andere auch verkaufen können, das ist sozialpolitik. net gierig werden

under viennese supervision, the iranian regime people is allowed to trade with 5 kilograms of opium, 2 kilos of cocaine, 1 kilo of heroin, 500 grams of crystal meth.if they cross the border, people will be arrested and sentenced to 1-3 years. if people provide evidence of state crime 10 to 12 years

österreichische regierung polizei geheimdienste, politiker, richter, wiener oberschicht unterstützen diese iraner, und verstecken mit UNO beweise

آقا این ورونیکا باز زنیکه سنگین وزن اومد تو فامیل، خلاصه یه جورائی وزنه برداره، این زن قاسم و آزاده خیلی مگسین. باند آزاده امیری و مبارزه قهرآمیز با محسن درپیتی

Sonntag, 27. Juni 2021

die tochter von sasan darvishzadeh ist wiener polizisitin aber auch terroristin für mojtaba khamenei, rassenmörder und vmat2 jäger

terrorism animals ali gharib hussein gharib, sasan darvishzadeh, rahim amiri azadeh are iranian embassy terrorists, supported by vienna judges police politicians secret services and upper class. hide evidence is murder for iranian government

austrian rock and mountain, be aware red dragon barbaism against old race and vmat

michael häupl and his gang are murderers, old fascists and murderers, also in iran, on dna and race search....

mother fucker aliens, start1, 18 levels, the almas, fucking redfascists and esterhazys

the world is subjugated and under the miserable government of black magic mafia, see uno and amnesty only scum is pulled up. therefore all people in societies should have a gene and dna passport to prevent discrimination, it concerns a woman from finland even if she has african dna and genes, it is not about blond black brown red, but genetically ethnic origin, the old or the darwinist new