Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021

dirty bastard eu politician austria where does the austrian constitution say that you can sell all rights of citizens with passports? we sell these citizens to america and eu and asia, with his passport.the money is paid by jews and ayatullahs

the genetic eye is another truth, not your truth

atheism, garbage and bastards sit in uno city: god gene is only harmful in this world, cancer is the cure

austria has no politicians only european rubbish and scum

if my sister is suffering from psychosis through jew intrigue and ayatollah intrigue then i only kill viennese jew children and ayatullah children

es ist wie 1932, ohne juden hat austro faschismus und richter kollektive keinen schance für rassemord, semiten mord und folter, es ist wie 1932, ohne die juden hat wien keine schance rasse und vmat2 zu töten

ایران ‏با ‏زور ‏نگفت ‏یا ‏علی، ‏جنده ‏زیاد ‏شده ‏بود

hinter drachen netzwerke steht immer eine frau, goldig die kleine

look in the list of sun deities

level 1, start, dragon and goat tribes... tablet editing

domestic politics in venezuela has a solution, 4 tribes has 4 lines on a stone, one of which is the hero 78 shifts of work

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021

What lies in a forest or with a price tag in a shop is capital fascism and capital cannibalism, the whore, the whore of Babylon, and an Indo-Aryan race like Soroor: i need gold earrings, necklaces, bracelet, and 5 houses. I need, I want it to survive

the chosen one says: kill for gold it's god's will. here in vienna, here in vienna

austria wants to kill mother and daughter with european and american networks with the help of the un and says: iranians in networks agree with us, our racial struggle has understanding and support in tehran. minorities and weird ethnic origins have no place in europe and america

österreichische politiker und geheimdienstler wollen mich wegen stasi show und finanz projekt töten, und ziehen sepah mit ein: wir haben das recht weil ayatullahs und das recht geben, diese rasse ist zu töten

Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat in verschiedenen Bundesländern Wohnungen und Geschäftsräume von zehn mutmaßlichen iranischen Agenten durchsucht. Sie waren offenbar im Visier des Verfassungsschutzes

There are many stones in the forest, nobody cares, there are stones in shops too, with a price tag, if it has a value then it is of interest

du 4000 euro gehalt richter, du 4000 euro gehalt richter, arschloch

na bitte, die psychopathie und rassenwahn ist michael häupl, vranitzky, fischer, schüssel, chap, gusi, kurz, hc und hunderte andere bastarde: wir müssen einen weg finden um diese 3 zu töten, wieviel millionen brauch ma no!?, nimmer mehr, töten

apartheid in south africa was the after show of the nazi regime germany and austria. more jews more older than the jews in israel. At some point the people said we don't scold any more, we'll do one thing: sends a terrorist to paris so that we can bomb the children of bastardrace, the ISIS should withdraw from the area. someone who kills 500,000 doesn't need to write bastard breed, why should he or she? if they kill 2000 children on a bright day. ranting is weakness

old? 5000 years psychopathy?

FBI CIA NSA MOSSAD MI6 are all working with hizbullah and ayatullahs and austro fascism, only because of: establishing secret genocide in iran, and getting rich like ali, rahim, karim, azim, hussein azadeh, amir ashkan

anyway.... golden fuck, and persian wars

When I sent this offer, a kebab and coffee seller was sitting in chat rooms with doctors, nurses, politicians, judges, public prosecutors, social workers and others: looks at how he fucks, eats and jerks, that's Viennese level after secret genes and dna test. 80 years after national socialism

alles was ich mache seit 2 jahren kann der wiener bessser: heas des computer wos iiiiii hob hot er net, mich'l hot eam sho fertig gemocht, göld hot er nix mehr, verdienan konn er a niergends, wir sand sho besser, des oarbeit wos is moach hot a wert, i bin wos wert, er ober net, des is nix

golden age, ‏tablet editing, ‏level ‎1. ‏16 ‏ ‏levels

i love the old zivilisation, because of many jockes

austrian state breeds with ayatullah's murderer, with iranian gypsies women and men, turks and arabs and others: earns money with mother daughter and son and then kills everyone unobtrusively when there is no more money

fuck your mother nazis, i bin net blond wie a semmerl ober i bin from austria

At least in 2009 all human rights organizations and human rights observers should have reported the crime, because of hizbullah terror and viennese stasi fascism, but no, eylam and deylam vmat combination is alien, there is no history before the ice age, water formula is alien

This one offer is a profession with a state trade license