Freitag, 2. Juli 2021
alt wiener geschichte: pürstl ruft jandl oan und frogt: heas jandl heas jandl is a bua auf dain doache affe geklettert, a büld seh i auf sain seit'n, ist des gestohl'n aaaa? jandl: der juden bua der mazdaner ist des net woar, a juden bua, i kum und unterschreib di wos und sog des woar vor 10 joar, den judn buan krieg ma
from 1996 we worked with austrian roma and sinti, everyone was correct and honest, no one was like michael häupl, rahim, ali, hussein azadeh and iranian tribes and others like vranitzky. the genetic family tree of viennese politician gypsies is from somewhere else, I know from where. corrupt thieves and charlatans
we are innocent people without police files and criminal files, alexander van der bellen sebastian all parties focus to this day international psychopathy on us for racial murder, the perpetrators are rewarded with millions in front of the eyes of networks. for murder guarantee. 800 euros victims, 5 million perpetrators
Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2021
Overfriendliness is a psychological manipulation, the KGB used it on relatives and family members for political and racial murder. Viennese networks and society are trained in chat rooms by the police and secret service, make them feel they are much higher and more intelligent and give them a career and money
heinrich gross: nervengifte, toxine und neid
eine DNA probe aus knochenmart beweist 7 vergiftungen, 7 michael häupl und AKH mengerle und fischer
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...