Dienstag, 6. Juli 2021

«یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَ جَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَ قَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ»

4 austrian governments should explain why through my privacy rights, image rights and citizenship rights iranian dual citizenship, terrorists, politicians, police secret services and upper class can live with millions and i should live with 800 euros with 16 professions, 38 projects, and 24 systems and 20 inventions

Montag, 5. Juli 2021

I have not been able to find a job since 2006 because of the permanent state stasi camera system, my pension application was rejected because of insufficient working years and 500 million euros state stasi income

magical stone, dragon spirit, fly my friend, fly

i only have a tablet camera, but there are dragons to fall in love with, a platonic love. golden gate

Montag, 5. Juli 2021

left hand native, instinct and holy water

european states and networks are hidden darwinist mafia: We look for our natural enemies with genes and dna test, and destroy them with the un, international court of justice and all human rights organizations

من کیرم تو دهن میمون پرست، اگر هم ۱۵ سانت کمه از پهنا، مادر جنده های شیطان پرست، میرید تحقیقات ژن میکنید بیبینید کی آدمه کی نه؟، آدم باید گرسنگی بکشه، میمون ثروتمند باید بشه؟ داروینیست پنهان مادر کونی

ahrimanic 3. worldwar against race, genes and dna

what state of israel says with viennese jews: we only have problems with ayatullahs because of the atomic program and not with human rights in iran. after a revolution, iranian vmat2 gets atomic bombs, ayatullahs are crazy we are not

I have not been able to find a job since 2006 because of the permanent state stasi camera system, my pension application was rejected because of insufficient working years and 500 million euros stasi income

Montag, 5. Juli 2021

with the ayatollah regime, the austrian government has a million killer networks, contract killers for a lot of money, a collective. set up with iranian families vienna globally

franz kafka the homecomer, kant: the stay, tschechow adriana and in the summer freshness is a combination where the construction, and secret society structure of the austrian state is recognized, based on monkeys: for 20 years the state spies on me: ali gharib , hussein gharib and a mafia gang with amiris.and Azadeh organized 500,000 women in chat rooms, Russia, Asia, Europe and America, for:4. rich and vmat2 murder global

Democracy and crime can only be explained with a plastic bag: red poison, in mine there is healthy egyptian smoke spices, in the state bag there is red murderer and killer

no artifact, magic from inside. ya ahura mazda, fuck ahrimanism, capital fascism and capital canibalism. fuck austrian whores collective, babylon tower and whore of babylon

das kranke system mit wehrmachtsjuden: geld durch folterung, hauptsäulen der faschismus

das sind charlie hebdo huankinder die wiener, a huankind wie charlie hebdo, scheißdreck wiener journalisten, scheißdreck hebdo arschlöcher

presse kurrier, krone, standard journalismus: für a tausender mehr auf dem tisch im monat töten wir elami und luri bastarde in wien

the international court of justice and the uno city have contracts, worth millions of euros, the employees have a financial cushion, with terror, murder and the stasi system contracts in europe. police have security with illegal contracts, for murder and stasi game. likewise hizbullah and ayatullahs through vienna. the ayatullah regime earned tens of millions through terrorism

Uno und internationale gerichthof sagen wir sind arisch und haben auftragskiller, wegen stasi kamera aktion, das mafia organisation LPD wien sagt wir sind arisch und faschisten, wir vergiften

the old aryan and indo aryan ritual refers to old race and ahura mazdan bloodline: we separate brother and sister from family relatives and tribe, with money gold and gifts, then we do business and kill the two.this has been the security police and iranian society in vienna for 20 years

نون مارو از ۲۰ سال پیش بریدن، میشینن مسجد امام علی هی سینه زدن هی سینه زدن، هی کج و کوله بازی دکوراتیو، از سال ۱۹۹۸، مسجد امام علی وین، برو شاش خالی خارکوسده

آقا من با تیغ یکم میتراشم از این چوب سنگ شده، مثل شیره حل میکنم تو چائی، میرم بالا میگم به سلامتی بی ناموس ها، به سلامتی خارکوسده ها، بعد بهتون نشون میدم گائیدن یعنی چی، غبار سیاه بالا سرتون، غبار سیاه. کولاک غبار پشت کاروان افسوس که تنهاست، افسوس که تنهاست، مادر جنده دو دره باز ناموس نداره سالی ۲ بار میره حج، مادر قحبه ‏

black magic, was es von dir verlangt, tablet photo, natural formations


The oldest surviving Greek reference to the magi – from Greek μάγος (mágos, plural: magoi) – might be from 6th century BCE Heraclitus (apud Clemens Protrepticus 12), who curses the magi for their "impious" rites and rituals. A description of the rituals that Heraclitus refers to has not survived, and there is nothing to suggest that Heraclitus was referring to foreigners.

Better preserved are the descriptions of the mid-5th century BCE Herodotus, who in his portrayal of the Iranian expatriates living in Asia Minor uses the term "magi" in two different senses. In the first sense (Histories 1.101), Herodotus speaks of the magi as one of the tribes/peoples (ethnous) of the Medes. In another sense (1.132), Herodotus uses the term "magi" to generically refer to a "sacerdotal caste", but "whose ethnic origin is never again so much as mentioned."[6] According to Robert Charles Zaehner, in other accounts, "we hear of Magi not only in PersiaParthiaBactriaChorasmiaAriaMedia, and among the Sakas, but also in non-Iranian lands like SamariaEthiopia, and Egypt. Their influence was also widespread throughout Asia Minor. It is, therefore, quite likely that the sacerdotal caste of the Magi was distinct from the Median tribe of the same name."[6]

As early as the 5th century BCE, Greek magos had spawned mageia and magike to describe the activity of a magus, that is, it was his or her art and practice. But almost from the outset the noun for the action and the noun for the actor parted company. Thereafter, mageia was used not for what actual magi did, but for something related to the word 'magic' in the modern sense, i.e. using supernatural means to achieve an effect in the natural world, or the appearance of achieving these effects through trickery or sleight of hand. The early Greek texts typically have the pejorative meaning, which in turn influenced the meaning of magos to denote a conjurer and a charlatan. Already in the mid-5th century BC, Herodotus identifies the magi as interpreters of omens and dreams (Histories 7.19, 7.37, 1.107, 1.108, 1.120, 1.128)

after 6 million murdered vmat2 after experiments, vienna police elite, UNO and armed forces jews and whore collectives says: we made the family famous so that black shit could have fun internationally

tablet editing smoke, falcon spirits

آقا پالتاک یه عمو کمونیست بود میگفت: این چپ بود حالا درویش شده، هی خدا خدا میکنه! یارو خودش کرمانشاهیه نفهمید چرا خود کمونیست هم بدبخت شد، خوب خدا خیرت بده، لر خر نیست، زبونش رو هر کس نمیفهمه باید عکس پست کنه

SPÖ ÖVP FPÖ sind görring geobells himmler's vmat2 rassenpolitik. zerstören foltern isolieren töten

wiener huanweiber hatten ab 1998 mit azadeh ziele: obdachlos soll die frau und sohn werden, wir sind austro faschismus

guddenus nicht in 5. woanders

my pension application was rejectedbecause of 20 years of secret camera action, with viennese judges, there is only evidence with injury, killing and cutting off heads !? This is what the dirty state of austria expects, with bastard kurz

himmel und hölle, himmel und hölle die wüld'n sand wieder in wien zurück, himmel und hölle die wüld'n oh azadeh du engel du, du engel du di wüld'n hirsche sand wieder da, bogh bogh bogh bogh boooooogh