Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2021

vmat2 psychopathy and fascism is greater in austria than in any city in human history.all authorities politicians and officials show one thing:we don't work because of the breed

cemetery of cuddly toys, where did the idea come from?

vmat2 psychopathy and fascism is greater in austria than in any city in human history.all authorities politicians and officials show one thing:we don't work because of the breed

even in pompeii a little boy said to his mum: these aren't humans mama, where do you see humanity? in unosio cityos? or parliamento

there is no telepathy, there are only aliens with Viennese slang, it has a behavioral pattern and facial expressions. the steps have been visible for millennia, strategies, tactics, mind control and social politics

no policeman is allowed to touch me, the viennese police work with the iranian secret service and hizbullah and ahmadinejad together for 20 years. Terrorism and attempted murder will be killed, touching means: murder, arresting means poisonous murder, imprisoning means hezbollah torture after 20 years of Stasi cooperation

3 geschäfte wurden von minderwert und abschaum, nutzlose tiere ruiniert und die huren schreien: lass uns in ruhe. ich habe 38 projekte 16 berufe und 24 systeme und mehrere erfindungen, du wienerin, du bastard hure; nutzlos und minderwertig. 3 geschäfte und leben, meine jugend, karriere ruiniert, international, du nutzlose bastard hure du dieb, scharlatan, plünderin und scheiße

this alliance has been saying for 20 years: they are nobody .But there is secondary control, stalking, spying and manipulation, the plan is on an international basis. Looting is ahrimanic law: taking everything away from nobody


well, cohiba smoke was love, american spirit, handmade cigarettes is love too, the whore comes with her djinns and says etch etch, etch etch, etch etch, shit happens

I was in the social welfare office 2 days ago, I said my application for a pension because of mental breakdown and self-talk was rejected, I found out: You will get the money from us, please be patient, 950 euros. I looked at the man and whispered softly:I smoked with 25 cigars for 40 euros, 10 times a week. thank you for 950 euros

آقا کونی نشسته تو ماشین راه بندون هم هست ۵۰۰ متری، حوصلش سر رفته، موبایل رو گرفته دستش میگه: بینیم این باربد چی میگه، خارکوسده صدات با ویرلس آخوندی اومد، میگه: باربد خیارشور زیاد نخور وضعیت تو خیلی خرابه، کونی، من یکبار سیر ترشی خریدم از ایران ته شیشه ته سیگار بود، یک بارم خیارشور قلمی خریدم، دیدم اه، یه تیکه آدامس جویدست ته شیشه، کونده، یار دبستانی، یک بار موهاتو تو مدرسه کشیدم از ایران دسر نفرست، مادر قحبه

Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2021

in austria the statement "ma göld" has a deep meaning, i can still feel 20 tons of gold in a bunker in murau. it is guarded by pain, ghosts old times

in uno city there is no human rights activism but vmat2 killer mafia gang, with global agreements, with the iranian government and gypsy mafia iran

voushhhhhhhhhh. aryan race: he is jude! indo aryan race: he is arab.

wenn a österreicher sagt ma göld, ma göld, ma göld, dann beweise ich herkunft und die wurzeln, das tier, weil ma göld aus illegalität und terrorismus ist das tier, der killeraffe, ma göld ma göld? nein, du hast gehälter, 14 mal. du bist nicht arm, es ist blut, blut, mord, mord, blut, ka göld, du psychopath du tier, blut

viennese mafia and 30.000? no 350.000 genocide 1982-2021, race gene and dna hunt with EU monkey networks, today with sebastian kurz and häupl

Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2021

showbie vmat2, no hindis or pakistanis, iranian old race and dna

black magic mafia darkforce, business with innocent vmat2. mother, brother and sister

I forgot to put my name underneath

against black sun society on power, only evidence helps, history water and magic

activists are killed every day in iran, the viennese judges say: killing after full plunder and theft, ahmadinejad people must understand: first money, then killing

the pharaoh discussed with moses for 10 years: leave the box, your workers and slaves will also vote for neoliberalism and right wing parties in 5000 years

For 35 years i thought about what moses and pharaoh discussed, free the slaves and the slaves will kill you too !? they won't kill you as long as you stand next to me on top of the pyramid. the same goes for whistleblowers and journalists. who dies is his fault

;) fuck your mother😁

tablet photo and editimg. khidr and elias, the fish, water. perfect instinct

my sister and I have: police sects enmity, jews, judges ayatulahs, politicians secret service sects enmity without police files and criminals files from 1986.

mr and mrs judge order me, order me and i will sit down in the courtroom,felt comfortable with beans and garlic and onions, scum europeans, scum fascist, racist, darwinist and monkey, with ahmadinejad's support

یک مشت خودباخته کله کیری خوار ننه کوسده مادر کونی ولدزنا خایه مال مثل ساسان نشستن اینور میگن: تاریخ ایران رو باید از هرودوتوس شنید، برو کیر تو روح اجدادت مادر جنده خایه مال حوله بدست

since 2000 years of genocide through europe, because of:Herdot was an alcoholic and a liar, he did not tell: we hate persians because they made stones glow with batteries and magically used crystals. genocides to this day

the behavior of the judges fascism collective shows: we sign and send names for death sentences to tehran, after gene and dna test. in vienna doctors in hospitals take care of these three, mother daughter son, gross mengerle and the whores our henchmen

wiener richter arbeiten seit mehr als 30 jahren mit ahmadinejad, seine richtern und gang, todesurteile werden anscheinend in österreich unterschrieben, rasse und ethnischer herkunft, niemand versteht warum dutzende tausende sterben!? in wien beweist es der wiener richter: wir sind diebe, scharlatane, schläger, mörder, und lügner, wir sind bastard österreicher, abschaum österreicher, die wiener richter, ahmadienajd anhänger wegen rassenmord und holocaust denial, bastard österreicher wiener richter, mörder und abschaum wien

god bless frank sinatra, this last curtain is my way