Freitag, 9. Juli 2021

austria, america, EU, UNO, israel, turkey: we loot and kill iranian, if this iranian DNA and bloodline has vmat2

Freitag, 9. Juli 2021

UNO city employees work symbolically for europe, turkey, america and iran vmat2 fascism.we torture vmat2 and earn money, laughs like we laugh at the iranians

Racial madness, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, violence and verbal confrontation is a topic in Austria, thousands of incidents per year according to a public report. these bastards also know iran and the bloodline, in iran the bastards can kill with the help of alis and rahims and shams

gharib and amiri, real persians.this is a photo of 19th century persia, immigrants from romania, today rich elite, in network system since 1979, and agents for eu fascism and austro fascism, for genocide and racial madness austria, dna and race hunters in hospitals, laboratories, parliaments and security organs

Freitag, 9. Juli 2021

austrian european, american and israeli politics and intrique. alexander politics

‎فاتحی از مشاورانش پرسید که چگونه برمردمی که ازمردم من بیشتر می فهمند حکومت کنم؟  یکی از مشاوران میگوید: کتابهایشان را بسوزان. بزرگان و خردمندانشان را بکش  اما یکی دیگر از مشاوران پاسخ میدهد:  «نیازی به چنین کاری نیست. از میان مردم آن سرزمین، آنها را که نمیفهمند و کم سوادند، به کارهای بزرگ بگمار. آنها که میفهمند و باسوادند، به کارهای کوچک و پست بگمار.  بی سوادها و نفهم ها همیشه شکرگزار تو خواهند بود و هیچگاه توانایی طغیان نخواهند داشت. فهمیده ها و با سوادها هم یا به سرزمینهای دیگر کوچ میکنند یا خسته و سرخورده، عمر خود را تا لحظه مرگ، در گوشه ای از آن سرزمین در انزوا سپری خواهند کرد!‎

PERSIAN LURI AND ELAMI VMAT2 elite in iran, secret society tehran connected with vienna and europe: gas chambers have been turned into poisonous murder, Austria and viennese society do it symbolically and publicly, with sebastian Kurz häupl, hofer, green party, amnesty and the UN against race dna and ethnicity

یهودی ها اسکندر را دعوت کردن به شام، گفتند: ای اسکندر، پرویز صیادیست که میگوید امام است، اگر نمی آمدی پسر این ولدزنا میشد امام ۱۳ و به جنگ با ما می تاخت، اسکندر گفت: پیروان و حامیان ما میگویند هنرپیشه اش کنید، شوخی ای بیش نیست

austrian european, american and israeli politics and intrique. alexander politics

‎فاتحی از مشاورانش پرسید که چگونه برمردمی که ازمردم من بیشتر می فهمند حکومت کنم؟  یکی از مشاوران میگوید: کتابهایشان را بسوزان. بزرگان و خردمندانشان را بکش  اما یکی دیگر از مشاوران پاسخ میدهد:  «نیازی به چنین کاری نیست. از میان مردم آن سرزمین، آنها را که نمیفهمند و کم سوادند، به کارهای بزرگ بگمار. آنها که میفهمند و باسوادند، به کارهای کوچک و پست بگمار.  بی سوادها و نفهم ها همیشه شکرگزار تو خواهند بود و هیچگاه توانایی طغیان نخواهند داشت. فهمیده ها و با سوادها هم یا به سرزمینهای دیگر کوچ میکنند یا خسته و سرخورده، عمر خود را تا لحظه مرگ، در گوشه ای از آن سرزمین در انزوا سپری خواهند کرد!‎

آقا ۱۵ سال این ملت امامزاده بیژن رو مسخره کردن، گفتیم باشه، پیشکش، حالا امروز که امامزاده بهزاد و پرویز رو وین نشون میدیم، که داداش همه اینور بودیم با امامت، همه جیم شدن

there are several millionaires from iran, children between 18 and 30-35 many are gypsy children, romanians, georgian pakistanis, children from the iranian secret service elite, what's going on:we the iranian gypsies are: in iran humans in europe and in america humans, the cia gives us the right to say that against persian and native iranians. we are gypsies and humans like hussein gharib rahim amiri and ali gharib

the life wheels of ancient civilization man is valuable, the tasks an urgency, the metaphysics a law, to change it from useful dirt a big crime against the universe.lost time is a crime

for whores collectives this terrorism is worse than carlos, i look good today and i'm 46, in february 47

the perpetrators have no explanation for 20 years of crime and say we'd rather die with black money.the patterns from the inside of the stone are also inexplicable

as drawn on the american continent,we have turtles pace steps

the deer explains quickly and easily: the state with left and right flank with center left movement wants to kill you, and yes they can, because 60% of the society has not seen 5000 euros without work and potential on the table.

only simone can transform herself into 3 wheels of human beings

occultism and the ritual human being is behavior, also collective behavior, genetically with the brain as a database. there is also a simple explanation in america, with pictures language.

50% of Iranians in austria have never seen 5000 euros on the table, 20 percent 20,000 euros and the rest have no idea for capital management. Austrian state and Iran breed killers

Do you understand? the perfect black is evolution, the full monkey, like ali gharib his brother sisters and children with amiris: the materialistic killermonkey: kill zari rana barbad, for luxury living and 5 houses and garden in the 21st century supported by the rule of law, "democracy" and human rights organisations (monkey rights)

tribe number 3 never gets a chance, it even starves in America,

off the coast of cuba there are many sunken pyramid cities, the submarines report phenomena. but today cubans swim to america on car tires, car tires is hope because people have forgotten their origin. hope is tv, although a head cinema is progress

mama was eagle, papa falcon, and showed:when stones fly, the stones can also swim, let's go where it's warm

Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2021

what the concentration camp and cuba have together is laughter, laughter is vmat2. sanctions beans and tourists.shame europe, practiced with secret cameras hate and lies campaign genocide with police and secret service networks, 3 are better than none. 3 are victorious until the final solution

vmat2 psychopathy and fascism is greater in austria than in any city in human history.all authorities politicians and officials show one thing:we don't work because of the breed

cemetery of cuddly toys, where did the idea come from?

vmat2 psychopathy and fascism is greater in austria than in any city in human history.all authorities politicians and officials show one thing:we don't work because of the breed

even in pompeii a little boy said to his mum: these aren't humans mama, where do you see humanity? in unosio cityos? or parliamento

there is no telepathy, there are only aliens with Viennese slang, it has a behavioral pattern and facial expressions. the steps have been visible for millennia, strategies, tactics, mind control and social politics

no policeman is allowed to touch me, the viennese police work with the iranian secret service and hizbullah and ahmadinejad together for 20 years. Terrorism and attempted murder will be killed, touching means: murder, arresting means poisonous murder, imprisoning means hezbollah torture after 20 years of Stasi cooperation

3 geschäfte wurden von minderwert und abschaum, nutzlose tiere ruiniert und die huren schreien: lass uns in ruhe. ich habe 38 projekte 16 berufe und 24 systeme und mehrere erfindungen, du wienerin, du bastard hure; nutzlos und minderwertig. 3 geschäfte und leben, meine jugend, karriere ruiniert, international, du nutzlose bastard hure du dieb, scharlatan, plünderin und scheiße

this alliance has been saying for 20 years: they are nobody .But there is secondary control, stalking, spying and manipulation, the plan is on an international basis. Looting is ahrimanic law: taking everything away from nobody
