Sonntag, 11. Juli 2021
آقا این احزاب ایرانی وقتی از ماده حرف میزنن از جفت گیری حرف میزنن؟ از جنده هاشون حرف میزنن؟ حزبی که منشور داره، حزبی که اساسنامه داره الان یک تل بزنم میگه؛ شما؟ بفرمائید؟ جمهوری اسلامی؟ اتریش؟ ترور؟ آقا شما دیوانه هستین. این ماده های پستون ریز و درشت ۴۰ سال میگویند پیروزی از آن ماست، ما هم ۱۸ سال پالتالک اذان میخوندیم شما از دم کوسکشید، سیا بگه آب بخور میخوری، بگه نخور میرینی به ما بره که کوپن بهت بدن
Samstag, 10. Juli 2021
african children work for 3 meals a day in the 21st century so that workers class in europe and west buy a cell phone for 100 euros, right? and black magic mafia says: We have a welfare state and everything works very well, everyone has cell phones, people buy new cell phones 3 times a year. barbad farahani nothing is missing either, 900 euros is ok, we need 500 million. uno city says we also need money for 3 meals in afrika and for the children
I have more leftists enemies than right-wing enemies. because 15 years ago I said to Iranian leftists:Marxism is an intrigue without knowing that it is an intrigue, a poison for the working class, that never again drinks this poison.Mazdak and mAni were also painted in american caves 7000 years ago, the light and holy water
my sister was visiting for 7 days when she went back she asked: how much money do you have until the end of the month? i said 500. She left 200 euros in her apartment and said buy something for the apartment, I'll take the golden magic scepter with me. today i spent 2 hours on the vienna flea market with 29 euros, not 200, the omen: you bought me from the table with 5 euros. You are like me! then i thought: is it me today, greedy, materialistic and ahrimanic, i buy today for 40 euros from 170 argentinian beef for burritos
Freitag, 9. Juli 2021
vmat and O. my mother is O+
Science has shown that only Universal Donors can give blood to all without any harm to the recipient; only people with Blood Type O. However, with Blood Type O, one could not receive blood from any other type, but their own.
The Church has always taught that during Holy Communion we unite with The Body of Christ.
Simply put, Jesus receives us all, body and soul, and unites us all, body and soul, in Him — and by all bodies, I mean all blood types.
Christ is therefore the Universal Acceptor, theologically and biologically. Anyone who took High School Biology knows blood type of the universal acceptor.
That blood type is … AB Blood.
If the Shroud of Turin is a fake, how would the forgers get Jesus’ Blood Type theologically correct — centuries before science knew blood type existed?
Further, if these Eucharistic miracles were also all staged, how would all these Blood Types not just match, but also coincide theologically and biologically?
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...