Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2021
anti vmat2 mafia global has a strong link with 6 million killed on the shoulder, austria and europe's "social democracy" says:We have the privilege and approval of all human rights organizations and UN employees, we do not deny a holocaust, we had the right to do so, today also because of vmat2 families. the hole for aliens is bigger than it was in 1932
Why is Friday the 13th Considered Unlucky?
The truth is that no one is absolutely sure where the idea that Friday the 13th is unlucky originated. Donald Dossey, the founder of the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, North Carolina, suspects the fear can be traced back to a Norse myth about 12 gods who had a dinner at Valhalla—the fabled hall where legendary Norse heroes feasted for eternity after they died—that was interrupted by a 13th guest, the evil and mischievous god Loki.
According to legend, Loki tricked Höðr (the blind god of winter and son of Odin, the supreme god in Norse mythology) into shooting his brother Baldr (the benevolent god of summer who was also a son of Odin) with a magical spear tipped with mistletoe—the only substance that could defeat him. Thus the number 13 was branded as unlucky because of the ominous period of mourning following the loss of such powerful gods by this unwanted 13th guest.
Supermarkets have become very important to me for 2 years, namely: why am I not allowed to eat everything, it concerns me every day, what is diabetic neuropathy? incidentally, nerontin is worse than disease. then I go home and think:Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and nerve damage aren't good until I find the old man
I see as sharp as a falcon again.
آقا ما تلویزیون نداریم ۴ ساله، نه اخبار میخونیم نه میبینیم، از دست این مادرمون هم نمیدونیم چیکار کنیم، هی یوتوبه رو روشن میذاره، خلاصه شنیدیم حجاب اجباری رو میخواستن ۴ نفر بدزدن، ببرن ونزوئلا با قایق تندرو. قایق تندرو یک معنی در مکالمه نویرو لینگویستک داره: خلیج فارس، خلاصه به در میزنه موش تو دیفار بشنوه
5000 B.C. elam/luristan and fucking vienna and europe, 1449-2021
Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2021
H-E kopf in der philosophie, "sprachphilosophen" Ludwig wittgenstein: entweder ist die ente ist für dich eine geile hase, oder du bist tod. was siehst du vmat2?
the internet police austria europe america iran turkey are strong, trained and the people monitor the smallest movement in establish the vmat2 murder:we know of 15,000 people in chat rooms, but we don't know of millions of euros in illegal black money.that is establishing model 1932 but today on the internet. germanic laws 1938
Intrigen gegen den Buddha und Abspaltungen
For 15 years i had 200 user statistics in my political rooms every day, the torturer of sattar beheschti killed him under torture and asked the whole time: do you think you are human? who is there for you? the same thing happened in vienna; under UN amnesty and the austrian state dictatorship, the "iranian" asks: do you think you are human? who is there for you? i piss on your mothers' cunt, the animals that gave birth to you in my iran
Apparently, 2000 thousand years of slavery spawned something: the afro americans 21st century: we have to annoy, torture, earn money and kill with ayatullah's successful white people, the gypsies help us.this is the feeling of inferiority of afro-americans after 500 years of slavery, out of the victim role and looking for white victims, like pedophile victims
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...