Montag, 19. Juli 2021

well, the 6 bricks from subway construction site needs 20 years of research, the research is:the set combination must be right for a bundle of energy and a chain, perfection is a sign

i piss on your fucking black magic UN and EU Parliament, bastard mother fucker animals and killers, fucking darwinism, fucking european antihuman bastards

the problem has been since 2000 years: the european, the blonde monkey keeps saying we are the superior breed, this monkey sits in UN, amnesty, international courts and international public prosecutors: Aryan and Indo-Aryan race darwinism is superior race, that is what is practiced today in vienna with pakistani ayatullahs, aggressors and murderers, psychopathic animals. who defends against darwin's theory will be destroyed with his country, communism, monarchy socialism doesn't matter, it should say in the third world darwinism is human and we are still primitive apes

you understand?, the contracts were unconstitutional and brought 8 million euros for some iranian perpetrators, the viennese judge, tax office and public prosecutor say: we don't care LOL

natural, formation from inside. fuck thieves and nazis, fuck your ritual and looting

In 2004 an Iranian came into my shop, he insisted that I take a look at his apartment, I said ok, I went to him, I had a cup of tea, then suddenly he opened a door and it smelled like cannabis, I went in and saw a plantation, i said:do you want to produce hemp wool for me? and went.the reason:if he calls the police then he's like me, a bastard, i leave him alone, if he doesn't reveal anything then he's a good person and i can fuck him. the case until today

verpiss dich du huansau du drecksau tier, 15 meter in wien graben bedeutet 150.000 jahre. deshalb wurden 6 millionen und noch mehr (hunderte tausende) bis heute ermordet, im iran und naherosten. verpiss dich fotze du huansau

the whores have been attacking my mother and sister for 20 years and say we are women, no, you are animals with two tit, we are creation

For 4 years I have been walking on the streets and scum monkey breed scum breed goes by grins, laughs and shows non-verbal aggression or the Viennese make noises like animals, like animals, scum animals, animals with two breasts that look like women

corona impfung ist vmat2 massenmord du bastard kurz

scheiß wienerblut sagt: österreichische verfassung, grundprinzipien ist für vmat2 nicht gültig, du scheiß wienerblut du hundesohm richter bastard richter, tier und abschaum herkunft

du bastard hundesohn wiener richter du abschaum, du schande du abschaumrasse wiener richter du dreck du müll du mörder, du scheißdreck mörder du wiener richter, du müll herkunft du abschaum genetik und herkunft, du psychopath du killerrasse scheißblut, scheiß wiener blut

scum europe, bastard europe is also international court, public prosecutor, UN and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL the european animals and scum breed say: with our jew friends we destroy vmat2 and we kill in iran in europe, america and asia, our collective is stronger today than in 1932

ناصر ‏بی ‏ناموس، ‏این پسر ‏نوستراداموسه که ‏میگه: به عباس کوس خرنه بگو بره پیش محمود کون کلفت، باسواد شما، بعد متن این شعر رو معنی کنه، بده دسته قاسم ته تغاری، از همین الان میگم محسن درپیتی از دست قاسم میگیره میگه: من بمیرم تو بمیری باری نمیره ما همه شاهیم ما امیریم. خارکوسده ها مشت مشت پول جمع کنید، مادر قحبه ها آقتابه دزدَ

بمیرید بمیرید در این عشق بمیرید در این عشق چو مردید همه روح پذیرید
بمیرید بمیرید وزین مرگ مترسید کز این خاک برآیید سماوات بگیرید

بمیرید بمیرید وزین نفس ببرید که این نفس چو بندستو شما همچو اسیرید
یکی تیشه بگیرید پی حفره ی زندان چو زندان بشکستید همه شاه و امیرید

بمیرید بمیرید به پیشه شه زیبا بر شاه چو مردید همه شاه و شهیدید
بمیرید بمیرید وزین ابر برآیید چو زین ابر برآیید همه بدر منیرید

بمیرید بمیرید وزین مرگ مترسید کز این خاک برآیید سماوات بگیرید
بمیرید بمیرید وزین نفس ببرید که این نفس چو بندستو شما همچو اسیرید

یکی تیشه بگیرید پی حفره ی زندان چو زندان بشکستید همه شاه و امیرید

بمیرید بمیرید به پیشه شه زیبا بر شاه چو مردید همه شاه و شهیدید
بمیرید بمیرید وزین ابر برآیید چو زین ابر برآیید همه بدر منیرید

بمیرید بمیرید وزین مرگ مترسید کز این خاک برآیید سماوات بگیرید
بمیرید بمیرید وزین نفس ببرید که این نفس چو بندستو شما همچو اسیرید


yesterday as today, djinn monkeys under contract with jews

realy? realy! fuck you EU iranian american israeli satanic sects

the jackal reminds me of my editing of guido von list's photo, black magician and the mentor of adolfs hitler, his beard is his tribal mark, wehrmacht jew old civilization

yesterday i passed a subway construction site, everything was prepared for concreting with billions of stones, i save six it was outside the fence

Sonntag, 18. Juli 2021

in this ahrimanic matrix there is a door, ayatollahs ask: where are you inside, who are you talking to. because this door is hokm allah, not the turban

viennese judges and viennese ayatulahs are in vmat2 business, children woman, families and girls. satanic rituals with israel against god genes.

I'm 46.5, I have a father that I haven't seen since 2002 and haven't talked to him, that deep dirty Austria is: 500,000 euros stasi money, a wife with 5 children and 3 grandchildren with 12 million euros so that he says: my son has been addicted to heroin for 20 years! without a police file, medical file, or judicial file!?

memed abi frag abdullah: kann man von rauch idee und teschnologie asse holen? deppert oder nix derppert? eshek lan

LOL nahaniahani farahnanani naini maharani sahakhani, sie herr farahani makahkarani. du scheißdreck du spaßvogel du

nicht wahr oberschicht drecksau, fakharanan nini , farahara sagakhni harananini frahanfarhananii fakharanahananini

you understand? austria has a collective and this collective is an animal, an animal, a scum, how do we earn even more money through genes and dna, through vmat2.Austria has been an animal with 2 injured hind paws for 80 years, it pulls itself forward and wants to bite the breed again and again

There are officially 313,000 millionaires in Austria, and Austria has 8 billion euros in black money in Swiss banks, which is of interest to the police, the secret service and others:how much does a vmat2 girl have at home

the police officers, the secret services are in a kind of vmat2 psychopathy that only armed struggle helps against the animals and their scum families in europe and america

without police records and any conviction or criminal offense being condemned in europe and america means:secret vmat2 society. mostly state officials led by elite secret sects.Doctors and prosecutors are the even bigger animals, one providing laboratory tests and the other hiding the evidence

my sister, set, yesterday

man sagte immer, austrofaschismus ist dreckiger, tiefer, elendiger, schrecklicher, schmutziger als deutsche faschismus, der grund ist: österreich nimmt sogar seit 80 jahre vmat2 immer noch ins visier, mit juden, wehrmachtsjuden. drecksau huankind edelweiss zeigte sich in kefalonia. 40 jahre unheimlich heimlich: iran genozide