Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021

eine spermie und diktatur, der spaßvogel: wir haben staatabürger, und diese schmarotzer wollen nicht oarbeiten und der staat braucht a göld, der steuerzahler auch, handel wollen die lait hoandeln, nix oarbeiten nur wurstsemmel verkaufen, verkaufen und hoandln

die hure mit müllkontainer zwischen die beine sagt: vmat2 ist huanficker, meine kinder nur stalker und sind brav, weihwasser und wichser hände? vorher finger in vaginas stecken und wasser trinken? wichsen und wasser? pfui D'eifl

dreckige mafia staat, polizei geheimdienste, richter und politiker. keine karriere für!? zerstören wegen?

political djinns and the surveillance state, illegal behavior, filming in private areas: what do they know about us.

Austrian high society is a bad joke and a cheap copy of akerican high society, at least one sees great culture and class in America, in Vienna you can only see:we are multicultural and not fascists.there are international anti vmat2 mafia, from africa asia america and elsewhere. but where there is a multicultural society, there is no visually noticeable fascism, is that so?for 20 years or more since 1998, Vienna has said:look at the dealers they are vmat2 and dream of golden apples. the daughter is a musician.charlatans thieves looters dubious mafia assholes

du sagen ich verstehen geschichte, du nur sagen, du akademisch sagen, ich verstehen, sagen sagen ich verstehen

you articulation I stupid person with language errors and grammatical errors, but stone system ok, 38 projects ok, 24 systems ok, but you wonderfull, perfect articulation

Do you understand.....austrian monkey bloodline needs cameras for all-mystery human, like in mauthausen. impoverish people, plunder families and put them in front of cameras

well, bad tablet camera. two tree, evolution and creation

the vienna police is a scam, it wants to use international gang stalking and target individuals laws to kill me with hide evidence.this is terrorism on behalf of the ayatullahs.From 2002, I was a pollitic activist with 25,000 hours of discussion for the armed struggle against ayatullahs

آقا آخوند شدید از سنگ سیاه با نقش آخوند میترسه، میگه: ما که خارکوسده، ولی وای این اصل مطلب اگر برگرده، آغشته به خونمون میکنه، نه ترو خدا بگو برنمیگردی

heassss oidaaaaa heaaass oidaaaaaa, oidaaaaaa heaaaas, oida oida oida i hob 500 schwarze gezöhlt, heaaaaas heaaaas der hot 500 carbonados i siech des, oidaaaaaaaa des ho so vül, oidaaaaa, der dschusch der perser ,stieühlt main satin oidaaaa, des ist olles hollywood oida, oida i koan besser oarbeiten. scheiß burli und hurli in uniform

After 80 years of National Socialism, UN employees say about ruining three businesses and 16 professions in a democracy and free economy: who cares. by "who cares" he means: it will find interest when charlie hebdo dies

UN has been involved in looting and exploiting iran for 40 years, including money laundering. In 1979 kurt waldheim came up with a briefcase, we are silent because of 30,000 mass murder for 6 billion pahlavi capital. it is our money not pahlavi money.The behavior for 20 years of Vienna shows:we are neo-nazi movement with wehrmachts soldiers. Ruining 3 businesses and stasi torture due to ethnic and genetic origins is revival fascism

scheiß veräter und mörder, abschaum, 7000 jahre konflikt mit ahrimanismus und veräter

آخر سر هم حالا اینطور شده: میگه این کوسخل عقیدتی ارتجاعی شده، سنگ میندازه تو آب وضو میگیره و میخوره، رفته پوست صورت سیاسیش رو هم کشیده، دم در کون سیاسیش پوست کم اورده هی میگوزه

آقا ما از سال ۲۰۰۲ به دنبال تشکلات و سازماندهی بودیم، هی قلاب مینداختیم ببینیم کی هست کی نیست، کی اهل از خود گذشتگی است و کی نیست، بعد متوجه این شدم: یک سری میومدن زر میزدن، زر میزدن، زر میزدن آنقدر زر میزدن، بعد میرفتن ایستگاه های پلیس و نیرو امنیتی و میگفتن ما مبارزیم و جانمان در خطر است، به پول احتیاج داریم. حالا امروز جنده خارکوسده های چپ و فدایی و حکمتیسمت اینطور میکنن: ما مهم بودیم، ما کار اصلی میکنیم، این معلوم نیست چرا ترورش کردن، ژن عجیب قریب داره،حتمآ، یا اصلا جهوده باهاش اینکارو میکنن

Dienstag, 20. Juli 2021

is this green carbonado or just an optical illusion as a whole? apparently magic and spell are genetics and Austria pulled bones and DNA from the depths

In 1989 the Viennese police proved their loyalty in the ghassemloo case, together with the Viennese judges, today again the Viennese police, the Viennese judge prove scum, murderer, thief and criminal: ali khamenei and hizbullah want to have stones in this stasi system, you have to use state violence and police force to steal stones. shoots with weapons if necessary. we want stones

wer ist auserwählt? du oder ich? 40 oder 400 atombomben für des? was soll die scheiße mit krieg und massenmord!?

and the austrian bastard state says: whoever mercilessly treats rana brutally is a person and an honorable citizen, despite 5 years of therapy

jews without god genes is like the ayatollahs in iran, killing innocent people without remorse or empathy, even in vienna

du scheiß simone du scheiß israeli mit austro faschismus: er sagte finger weg von tanakh und tora, verpisst euch, jude ist mischrasse und gott gene, finger weg! sogar heute jagt israel mit austro faschismus EU und amerika gott gene mit gypsy hizbullah und ayatullahs. schande über israel. schämt euch, lügner verräter und betrüger

fuck you heinrich gross SPÖ, vmat2 killer and hunter, we are old, melchior the magician and king is old

tablet photo and editing 6 stones. khuzestan ahwaz hormoz

austrofascism, police fascism, state terror and ayatullah and hizbullah wanted to solve vmat2 fascism with azadeh amiri and the family:we have a very large vagina and 15 centimeters penis the world should watch. the woman needs 24 centimeters. paeez too


Dozens of thousands fuck children like animals in Austria, bastard scum whore vienna, the whore animal collective says: we have to watch how vmat2 fucks and jerks, scum animals whores vienna

cancer you mother fucker blonde monkey, cancer is today "natural phenomenon", mother fucker dirt

fuck the white house, terror nest against race and vmat2, austria and ayatullahs have been protected and supported by nsa and cia for 20 years, stasi system and terror, america is next to austro fascism and ayatullah terror.the jews of finance ministers