Donnerstag, 12. August 2021

scheiß grüne du du huansau du drecksau fake, du hure du bastard kotze, "grün". a grüner bin i und des, "freies energie" hob i a darauf, net jetzt aber paar jahren no

Eierorakel waren in der Römischen Antike bekannt, sie gehören zum germanischen Aberglauben und werden bis heute mit unterschiedlichen Methoden in einigen Kulturen in Asien praktiziert. Ihre Bedeutung hängt mit der Beziehung des Menschen zu Hühnern zusammen, die seit alter Zeit als Orakel- und wunscherfüllende Opfertiere fungieren. Das Ei symbolisiert Leben und Fruchtbarkeit, häufig werden ihm magische Wirkungen zugesprochen. Eine zentrale Bedeutung für die traditionelle Kultur besitzt das mit Eiern durchgeführte Wurforakel bei den Khasi im Bundesstaat Meghalaya in Nordostindien.

the behavior towards my person and family is a fact:
Wehrmachtsinder, Wehrmachtsjude and Adolfs Furies, the chickens, are inseparable, the child of all three parents is short and common. almost all are in freemasonry, and other sects. see vienna with un and international courts of law

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My antique shop and property was ruined by whores thus the whores in 6. 7. 8. 9. district Open up carrot soup shops, Michael Häupl gave no loans but only gifts to spö pussies

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that is neo-colonialism: we occupy apartments of alien races and vmat2 with state cameras, that is neo-colonialism and occupation, civil rights rape and humiliation

مینا ‏احدی ‏جنده ‏فاشیست، ج‏نده کولی فا‏شیست حکمت ‏فایشسم، تو ا‏ز ‏این ‏کورز ‏جنده ت‏ری ‏با ‏حمید

bastard nazi europe, animal origin:where is the declaration for 600 years of colonialism, 500,000 dead in syria, millions of iraq, and 100 million continent america !? europe says the story under the ground is uninteresting and for mass murder there is only political conflict explanation also in africa, the reason for constanze films of my family with the UN is what? bastard europe and america in uno, bastard race, killer race, scum race in uno, international mother fucker and killer, vmat2 hunter

bastard österreich, michael häupl zahlt millionen euro an tausende menschen für vmat2 stasi psychologoscher game und psychose, neben övp und fpö und grüne und linke rotfaschisten. bastard huankind land. heinrich grosss vmat2 faschismus bastard partei SPÖ mit linkswende antifa slp, bastard herkunft, bastard geschöpf in alle politische farben

until december 2018, bastard society talked about the depth and 24 centimeters, i showed a different depth and fucked nazis with 24 meters: it was us, we, our work our we were it

the vienna police are trying to close all my pages because the police are planning a political murder with ali gharib hussein gharib and rahim amiri against action jackson. because of millions of euros stasi capital with hizbullah and ayatullahs and israeli

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the viennese nazi judge intrigue: we will condemn the families for 15,000 euros for 20 years of the stasi system. if he finds 60 million euros because of gypsy families, hizbullah and ayatullahs, the families will not be convicted a second time

vmat2 potenzial ist 15 millionen euro jährlich ab 2002, du abschaum drecksau faschist und affe, du abschaum herkunft

zeigen sie mir die "staats geheimkameras", fokusiert auf mich seit 20 jahren

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you understand, my salary is 150,000 euros a month with 38 projects and 16 professions, apart from the morning I drank two coffees, it cost 7 euros.i thought on the 25th i would run out of money. viennese politicians have salaries between 4,000 and 15,000, they say too little for life, we have to sell vmat2 internationally, for vmat2 itself is 900 euros too much

Mittwoch, 11. August 2021

village turke: amana koyim, abi, we know a lot, erdogan abe knows a lot knows a lot, he has many doors in istanbul, he is still looking for in ankara. but this door from farahani knows erdogan from istanbul, he knows many, many, he has everything, alham dulilah dullah dullah erdogan head creation

خروس ‏لاری، ‏خسرو، ‏ننه ا‏تریشی، ‏یک کم ‏بیشتر ‏به ‏امام ‏علی ‏بپرداز ‏با ‏رفیقات، ‏دارم ‏واستون

In 2006 i was in the akh hospital because of abnormal muscle burns, high blood counts and a tumor in my left leg, it healed, the doctors only gave pain pills and falsified the diagnosis.chemical attacks and poison experiments nazi austria 21st century

esterhazy du hurenkind ich kenne deine geschichte und iranfeindschaft seit sasaniten zeit, vor die habsburger, ich kenne dich. ya emam ali, ya hagh,

Ali gharib and hussein gharib were born 2 romani villages away, which both claim: we are full iranian, austria and iran says to us persians, you are arab or jew.hussein with fake title, bought title, ali a kebab seller until 2003, and then the career led to kaffehaus, european, cortez

ahrimanic lie: we weren't

heute wieder mit 3 geheimdienste, staat, regierung, polizei und sebastian kurz und isaac kollektive, vmat2 entführer und killer österreich, auch im iran seit 40 jahren. fucking isaac, antisemit and vmat2 killer 1932-2021

lass dich verhaften isaac, lass dich verhaften, ich war politisch, ich bin politisch und ich werde politisch bleiben

بعضی آدمها چندش شون میشه وقتی ما کیر رو میذاریم وسط، آخه بی ناموسها شکر آب مارو خوردن پولدار شدن،نشون ندیم!؟ بعدش هم چند نفر دارن از زندان های ایران میخونن و تماشا میکنن، میگه چندش اینرو نباید نشان میدادی، سواد سیاسی و زبان سیاسی باید بکار میبردی، ببین باقر زاده زبونت رو ببر از زندان بیا بیرون، ما کیر نشون میدیم عجب گیری کردیم، زبان سیاسی ما نیمه پنهان بود هنوز دنبالش میگردن، ۲۰ ساله به دنبال نوشته و زبان هستند

آقا ‏شکنجه گر ‏به ‏دخترش ‏یاد ‏میده: ‏نوک ‏کیر ‏رو ‏همیشه ‏بخور ت‏ا ت‏ه ‏نکن ‏دهنت

rahim amiri worked in iranian prisons for 8 months in the 1980s, as a member of the toudeh party he was camouflaged as a political activist in 50 person cells, for espionage, as did atefeh amiri. these people are not human traffickers but cannibals for money, cannibals, members of the iranian secret service with global stasi stalking system with stasi psychological torture