Dienstag, 21. September 2021

i needed manpower in 2003, rahim amiri only had a salary of 1800 euros, he could have received 300 euros a month from me, the judge says: go and install with ali and azim cameras and buy a house

ich bin nach österreich gekommen um possitive zu leben, nein, vmat2 wird bis heute negative als stasi gehalten

vmat2 faschsimus 1933 du drecksau richter

foto 2002, kebab restaurant ali gharib der terrorist.

sold to my sister, 5 manitu tabaks

no country in europe killed children in europe because of vmat2, austrian concept and idea, psychopathy and scum blood the viennese judges, police, politicians, state officials and lawyers are still today inferior scum. scum inferior vein, inferior vein.

i have little money but it was very important to buy this nice one today

leftists and greens also need a lot of money, the good man costume, clothes fashion green and leftists fashion costs from 300 to 6660 euros. pants, shoes and bags. clothes make people into human


green, leftists, human rights activist satanism: we are the good ones.
racism, fanaticism, antise, itism anti-human politics: you are right the family is bad, he fucks whores, we will kill, she fucks with men we will kill

nehmen sie datenschutzgesetze von pädophile weg, macht es jemand? nein, sonst wird es keine spö und övp politiker mehr geben

satanism sects and mafia, soroor shams and viennese woman mafia

There are thousands of laws in Austria to protect citizens, the women collectively pulls society into good and bad politics: 20 years until some mistakes happen due to a change of fate, then satanism says:
we are good they are bad because of sex and masturbation and other things and racism anti-semitism fascism says: we have the right to kill, the race is bad

Reading aleist crowley takes a lot of time, especially about enochian curse and metaphysics, jezebel spirit can genetically use this verbal and non-verbal curse to keep the falcon or eagle away, for me it was 5000 behind azadeh

What he writes is that the genetic black magic women move differently in society than racists and fascists, verbally and non-verbally, as left-wing greens also humanright activists. it's less about race, it is about good and bad fight , and trophy

the ducks spirit gets wet with our hand you fucking killer whore

آقا دیشب یک تابلو پست کردم، تابلو ماسونی، یک دفعه یه دختره از زعفرانیه بیسیم زد: آقای کشتی نوح، تو تایتانیکی من کوه یخ، خوارت رو میگام. یاد این سنگ افتادم، گفتم ما از کوس جنده مدرک تاریخی داریم. خندم گرفت و خوابیدم

where ist the center today for deer goat and sheep trade!? i mean you jakob, wehrmachtsjude

when deer and goats get their wings and take action against ahrimanism and vmat2 mass murder and fascism. it's not funny

9/11 was not funny, but i am funny, mother fucker, vmat killer do you need more trouble!? "american yes we can fuck because we are duck!?

Austria wants to report austrofascism because of vmat2 with the help of the UNO, iranian and syrian iraqi vmat2: the property and life of vmat2 belongs to the state, 1933 was a right, we today too


wissen sie was genialität ist? mit bildschirmkamera aus 60.000 tab fotos eine movie zu machen

austrian art: hell and the "surprise" 1988. yeah man for aryan race we are the hell and surprise

hey deine pussy keine überraschung asse kumman!? dein problem und massenmord grund!? michi spielt der junge schach? 

Montag, 20. September 2021

rich nazi children are crazy because of race, international, look at my mom and sister case, rich children are psychopathic crazy, look at this action vienna, all this because of old human and new human

1990 tara in america and today rana and her mother you mother fucker american freemason terror with austria!?

pitschka madre wissenschaft bosnien 2004 war nicht genug, huankind, wien ist älter mit asiaten und afrika rasse

jude und austro faschismus: rassismus antisemitismus, rassenhass ist in wissenschaft, archäologie und geschichte verboten. lügen verboten. wir werden verfolgt und getötet wegen rasse und geschichte, wegen gott gene

you dirty fuck cia nsa with hizbullah ali hharib and viennese police, dirty fuck monkey brotherhood against master race, dirty animals

mother fucker cheap asshole 400 dollar cia nsa agent. bastard with mojtaba khamenei, bastard you, youcdirt, fucking american

polizei faschismus eine schritt im meine richtung und ich töte dich du ghassemloo mörder, fucking european terrorist with hizbullah CIA and NCA

i edited it, the police of vienna says: we do not work for this race: elami god gene. dirty bastards viennese police with zara and amnesty international

i have to find a golden bowl with ashes and this koskesh is fuzul with state cameras, leave me in peace scum vienna, madarjende

فضول ‏کوسکش

آقا میگه این پیر زنه روزی ۱۰ ساعت با یکی همش حرف میزده ما نفهمیدیم کیه، خوب خارکوسده سنده ننه مگه فضولی کوسکش به تو چه من یا اون با کی حرف میزنیم، با من هم پانتومیم حرف میزنه مادر جنده تا کونت بسوزه. خاکوسده ها کونده ننه

I have clips 4 months my uncle was banned from visiting, 4 months from visiting because of seeing his mother in dirty black magic ayatullah tehran

das ist die black magic mafia wien mit wiener richter: entwerder tötet er, oder wir töten ihn in eine zelle mit black magic rituale und seelen säuberung mit schwarze materie. wie seine großmutter im iran with black magic mafia mojtaba khamenei

mojtaba khamenei kidnapped the mother of tara khonjmanesch in a nursing home with violence and police officers for black death