Montag, 4. Oktober 2021

fucking america, cia and nsa you delted everything for iranian indo aryan gypsy race, bastard satanism america?

my cock in the mouth of shirin azita my cock in the mouth of shirin, ruining the life of me and rana for expensive travel and 4 houses in iran and vienna

viennese want to kill because of black money and old stasi action ritual

moses received orders from god a hundred times on his way to kill, look left, look right, look over the hills, look over the water, look behind the house and in the kitchen and kill. otherwise you will be destroyed, my creation human

secularism and christian democracy is a lie, there is unconditional satanism with a state treaty. against different vmat types in america, asia, europe and the middle east

schlimmer als austro faschismus sind wiener freimaurer und wehrmachtjuden. josua und kaleb!?

das gleiche system wie in rom, ägyptische sommerspiele und schauspiel. tablet editing 2019. ali gharib, amir shirazi, ashkan und azadeh

this is vmat psychopathy untill today: i am Prophet and magic too.

the line means special skills and gifts. so moses said: we can run the empire economically without slaves, luxury without slaves. and in 20 and 21 years a spö övp and wien says: without secret cameras for vmat2 there is no luxury. Viennese judges are poor with 4,000 euros in salary

12+1 tribe, moses

Nach der Bibel erschuf Gott die Erde in sechs Tagen (siehe Augustinus’ Bemerkung im Gottesstaat).

Yes man. Secret solved, meteorite struck in Libya and sand became glass, even magnetic, Yeahh Orthodox state science

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In order to absorb energy, VMAT is needed aluminum and other meteorides Magentmetal, or yellow magnetic minerals from Lybia. yes yes yes, pharaos wore the yellow stones on the ring and neck

The square, for Ghostbusters.Several hands can be much more in the circle

Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2021

In 2009 it was clear to me that Israelis are more fascists and anti-semites than anyone else. stopthebomb was a spider web organization for iranian nationalists and socialists

michael häupl, europe iran amd ayatullahs

someone in a museum asked an ayatullah what does that mean:
he said before islam these people were kafir and ghostbusters, he asked what is the square system, he said: the square is the channel to hell

nazi ausrria 2021, because of blood and race

ernesto koch was a jew and communist and had no future prospects because of the nazi regime. what does future perspective mean and what has austria been doing for 20 years.
i am old bloodline and national mazdakist

I'm going to sleep now, but demonized proleten can't do what I can, still 38 projects and 24 systems, that’s the difference: the white proleten are shiny. (edelproleten)

wiener polizei ist dämonisierte proletariat, scheißdreck kann nicht sagen was er von mein mutter und schwester will. wir haben lait des man net hoibn woilln, 40.000 flüchtlinge die 2015 gekuman sand, die sand laiwand, aber die drei woill ma net hob'n, des konn ma uns net laisten, die woiiln ma net hob'n

mazdak and assholes

Demons have a class society, so do the whites: sheep, goat, horse, bull, deer, camel. sometimes the soldier gets depressive


the viennese police want to kill me with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL and UNO soon because no one has reported anything. because of the money

hihi vienna, romans and bajuware

the asshole sent signs to jesus for years: that here, over there and this one and the other, until the way to kingdom hades, he said go jesus, go free the partriarchs, free them, come out, and now:
viennese police fuck you and nobody helps you, look romans and bajuware torture you and jews and your tribe is just watching. hihi die my friend, get up again, and live, does anyone know you? do you have someone? go my friend, go 

You can even see uterus disdain and vmat on Austrian silk painting. black magic black widow

the biggest mistake is when austrian whores work in amnesty and un and human rights organizations, they use multicultural society as a protective shield and build a wall with turks, kurds and arabs. killer to protect the stasi vmat2 finances

Austrian society formation with Ayatollahs: whoever comes forward because of the stasi finance project, race and vmat trade will be killed sooner or later. we are the 4th empire in europe

آقا یکسری هندی شاهی همیشه میگفتن؛ عجب خدمتی خمینی کرد به ما، هرچی چپی بود کشت. کوسکش اگر یک روزی بجا شیر گوزن نذاشتن روی پرچم اسمت رو عوض کن، اتریش شیر کجا بوده اون موقع

والا بخدا، مگه نمیبینی، شیر بدر و بخور و ببره، جلو آفتاب هم گرفته، باد هم نمیذاره بیاد هی سیاسی میگوزه. اینم که الله گذاشته روش میگه شیر حلال است مجاهد منافق است و حرام. به شاهی کسی کاری نداره، برو بیا، والا، میره میاد، ارث پدر اینها تو ایران گم نمیشه. زندگی ما پاک میشه ولی ارث پدریشون و مادریشون پاک نمیشه میرن و میان

ja ja wie es brecht sagt, solange die sonne scheint oder wenn die sonne scheint

schweine hacksen suppe paranormalität wien, kein zufall

cohen and dood. antisemitism and genocide is based on vmat and old race

american psychopathy, and austrian persuasion politics: i am cancer risk person and i have cut two breasts away, my life is difficult and i hate race and vmat2 because they have no risk

holocaust und kz armutspolitik. scharlatan tier wien, bastardrasse

bastardrasse du hurenkind, abschaum rasse, du tier du heyvan, du unnötiges, du scharlatan du lügner: beamten gehälter bis 18.000 euro sind armuts gränze und 900 euro rei hrum für stasi opfer, das isr holocaust gedankengut und verhalten

Uno fascim and austro fascism against race global

was die nazis vorhatten war: in lateinamerika mehr zu töten als in europa, mehr als in österreich deutschland und polen. ab 1954 ist UNO dafür zuständig, sehen sie das radikale verhalten gegen rana und zari seit 18 jahren