Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2021
What a jew is doing in vienna, fake israeli with simone: god (ahriman) says make money with creation and kill, sacrifice blood for holy capital
Niemand kann zwei Herren dienen: Entweder er wird den einen hassen und den andern lieben, oder er wird an dem einen hängen und den andern verachten. Ihr könnt nicht Gott dienen und dem Mammon.“
sebastian kurz, new human and killer., bad gene, and animal, psychopathy. hidden demon and killer
austria is an animal, not because of being jewish, but because of seyyed line, a million year old seyyedline, it has nothing to do with islam jew and christ. anti-Semitism because of animal and human
Montag, 4. Oktober 2021
kamasutra is sexual chakra theme, someday i will show how a woman's body becomes a temple and is ready for healing. I can proof it. energy healing with guarantee
dirty vienna
when we came to vienna in 1986 the "iranians" were very polite and genteel, critical of the regime, that was the previous show for 1988 massacre, mind control program to keep exiled Iranians in check. today the "iranian" is rude: the regime is good you are bad, in vienna, in austria
stasi vienna
Vienna has caused extreme psychological problems for me: for example: for 1 year I have been thinking about two rings with these stones, then I'm afraid if it escalates and I kill the jeweler because of fraud and theft, to this day I have no chance of making rings
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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Vienna's mayor Michael Häupl apologized for allowing one of the responsible doctors, Heinrich Gross, to temporar...