Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2021

Do you understand? vienna has known the eylami vmat2 abbasgholi for 2000 years. 12 tribes multi race, with different relegions

david is persian jew and i'm shiite, from persia. what europe america, UN NEO FASCHISM and ahnadinejad imagines: if we attack david we are anti-semites, but if we secretly find the blood line, no one can punish us as anti-semite and fascist. so we choose vmat2 targets. secretly find in laboratories vmat2

as a specialist and trader, i am even listed in international books, and vienna / UNO says: he is a jew vmat2 and nobody

eduard klablena means animal fantasy. and describes the philosopher as a noble black bird. that is the Viennese against my person with his demons

عباسقلی ایلامی،‌‌‌ پلاک ۱۲ ا‌‌‌ز ‌ا‌‌صفهان، ادوارد کالابلنا..

tragisch ist: peter pilz will sich unbedingt als gott gene faschist und vmat2 mörder präsentieren. ich bin politiker und in,

in 2. bezirk beisl geht der nsa und cia bier trinker net ane, ahura mazaaaa

these two wait for you in an irish pub, and then after 12 beers you think: i'm an insider with these two

vienna the scorpion and snake america and england have long known about native blood, which reminds me of my aunt tara who was killed in america.high education we are also punished. not just doing capital and business

because of dirty austrian animals, nazi whores is my life in danger., austrian nazi whores and dirty animals

100 millionen euro für luxusleben 3 geheimdiensten bundeskanzler und politiker aus stasi pot. 100 millionen euro stasi terror geld. 100 millionen euro. wegen meine politische aktivsmus und vmat2 folter

15 years, thousands of paltalk rooms were under my hand, as admin and organizer, i have all hard drives since 2002

5 millionen euro stasi money family amiri for live stasi show

nobody has contacted me for 4 years, except police terror commands. i had a death sentence from iran, stasi show azadeh amiri in front of hidden live cameras was because of that: political activism since 2001

خیزاب بعد از توفان، ای خدای آسمان ها

میگم حاجی، لاتاو دلی یاد گرفتی از کدام محفلی؟ لات هم دارد کمی دلی، مانند این لاتاو  یک دلی، جگر کباب نمیکند، بدون آب خیزاب کسی بلاتاو دلی دم نمیکند. اینم لات و دلی؛ گفت بپا  که آرسن در آب حل نشود، جگرت از آرسن کباب نشود، بپا، بدون آب خیزاب لاتالو دلی دم نشود

wiener polizei führt mit grüne spö und övp 1933 gesetze ein, als EU LAND; vmat2 und vmat2 eigentum gehlört den staat, UNO bestätigt es

313.000 in austria you animal europe and america, you animal UNO

wegen österreichische tiere, linke und grüne sozialisten

state austria: because of gene dna god gene, vmat we have no obligations, we have citizens without rights and all authorities refuse to serve because of ethnic and genetic origin

state austria: because of gene dna god gene, vmat we have no obligations, we have citizens without rights and all authorities refuse to serve because of ethnic and genetic origin

Austrian state mixed 10 years with ali gharib and azadeh amiri, soroor shams, rahim amiri insolin and antidepressant in food and milk and coffee, stasi show needs depressive fat people. for millions euro profit

آخه مادر جنده ها، کوسکش ها، کونی ها، خار مادرتون رو من گاییدم، مریض کردین مارو، چرا من باید هر روز برنج سیاه بخورم مادر کوسده ها سم پاش، انسولین ۱۰ سال؟ کیری ها

ayatullah khomeini was austria, he was kurt waldheim: we bring gypsies to the master race level in iran. with robbery, looting and mass murder rights. living example: amiris and gharibs and hundreds of other gypsy families in vienna

آخه مادر قحبه ها این کجاش یونجه خوار بود، گاو بود؟ قوچ بود؟ گوزن بود؟

ayatullah khomeini was austria, he was kurt waldheim: we bring gypsies to the master race level in iran. with robbery, looting and mass murder rights. living example: amiris and gharibs and hundreds of other gypsy families in vienna

مادر جنده های قریب، کوسکش های اجنبی، رژیم کوس ننه

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

ayatullah khomeini was austria, he was kurt waldheim: we bring gypsies to the master race level in iran. with robbery, looting and mass murder rights. living example: amiris and gharibs and hundreds of other gypsy families in vienna

خارکوسده ه ‏ه ه مادرجنده کوسکششششش رسیدن به مقام انسانیت برای کولی ‏ها ‏گفته ‏شد، ‏ ‏برای ‏کشتن ‏ما

wien ‎kennt ‎gott ‎gene ‎showbie, ‏das gene, ‏ ‏blut und dna, ‏ ‏genauso UNO, ‏europe ‎und ‎amerika

österreichische tiere und wehrmachtsjuden wollen 80 jahre nach nationalsozialismus terrorismus nicht aufgeben. 6 millionen vmat2 war nicht genug, gott gene morde sollen weiter gehen, in europa und amerika. 6 millionen waren nicht genug, dreckige blonde affen und terroristen

dirty fucking satanic UNO and america ya mazdak ya shouwbie

یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَیٰ وَجَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِیمٌ خَبِیرٌ (حجرات، آیه ۱۳)

there are 313,000 millionaires in austria, and communism and socialism alternative and green, the UN have registered a fight against god genes because of social and national prosperity distribution