Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2021

شکارچی اجنبی: ابی شکار. قبل ازانقلاب

michael häupl: i have no hitlers youth in police stations, only sympathizers for storming and looting, i am not an anti god gene adolf, i am just someone who knows who we are and who this family is. my grandfather was vamt melchior race, magician, king and prophet

1999. near to milano, after selling carpets, diling diling diling pissoff, dilling dilling dilling LOL

hey killer race, neanderthals, i prove your fucking hand, you animal

my discovery, first person. negative hand must be proven, monkey origin. receiving negative energy, djinns and anunnakis. today it happens through electronic tv and cell phone

das ist das bild iran seit 40 jahren, mit österreichische huren. glauben sie die haben mit rahim amiri und ali gharib und azadeh angefangen!? nein mit ayatullah khomeini und mit hilfe kurt waldheim

میگم ماه خارکوسده باباش همه جا تخم گذاشته، خودش هم قابلیت زیاد داره

جون تو رحیم، ما ۱۲.۰۰۰ سال پیش هم شما هارو با پشکل محمود و قاسم و محسن و عباس بو میدادیم، ما تو فامیل گاو ده من شیرده قدیم زیاد داشتیم

i am also the first person with the theory on my international website: nails were used for pictures or visual language even before mitraism. a coded language

strongest link and back push force in sect formations against god gene and vmat2 is freemasonry.the implementation of revolutionary thought processes regarding vmat2. the rulers forgot: Whemachtsjuden and some tribes helped to kill 6 million vmat2, no difference between yesterday and today

خلاصه، دود را از آتش کشیدم تا مار را درهم کنم، خشکش کنم میخش کنم، با چکشی در طویله خارش کنم با بخار پشگل درمانش کنم، گاو ده من شیرده را ذاتش کنم. شاعر نگو ذات بد نیکو نگردد چون که بنیادش بد است

مارپیچ میکنه که هزیان گو بشی، روز صد بار از خجالت بمیری

آره خلاصه، من فاریسم بد بود بلد نبود، ۳۴ سال خارج بود. ۱۰ سالم بود. اگر مار پیچم کنند، خواهنداز چنین و چنان چنون زرتشت خزیان ام کنند، با عفونت راهی به هزیان ام کنند. خلاصه زکی به دکی و بکی‌ آمده ای!؟

deep state in austria means: sect information on the internet called network. it is called democratic values: values 1933 and free statements about anti-Semitism and racial hatred. satanism and fascism anti god gene campaign is practiced in all authorities and state organs: we do not work, we are objectors for this race. business is done with vmat2 metaphysics property: we drive up prices and we systematically plunder, "we sell". these networks are a secret business in eu, america iran asia. mafia formation with vmat2 metaphysics property, nobody is allowed to buy, we will sell it later.

i love unknown artists, it gives a feeling of security: we are there

anonymous silk painter. must remain hidden because of sperm and uterus, penis taboo topic and secrets

Anti-Semitism starts with the women's collective: we have no oriental resilience and vmat uterus

there are more than 80 serious violations of the law in austria. an action with the islamic republic of iran. police want to arrest vmat2 terror victims and kill them with viennese women and veronika douda farahani weiss

goa'uld language is not correct, the story is different

zeichen heute früh. für bearbeitung

born february 1975, got up today at 6 o'clock, had nice dreams, no damaged and negative energy

Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2021

natural formations, natural scene.massage from god

eduard klablena finance ritual darkforce. brain database

i have been living in vienna since 1986 without police files, without convictions, without a court act and in a stasi nazi system of anti-semitism, supported by un and amnesty international

UN says we have a dictatorship, but doesn't say that it's because of vmat and god gene from persia. study balkan history and persian tribes in yugslavia

psychopathic ayatullah thoughts in networks: we will hang a blue lantern on your crypt so that the atoms of your soul humidify the air for eternity,the water that you drink illegally should steam

the tragic is that one in a hundred thousand can write a poem with toghian code, but thousands of people can buy secret camera insect drones from schiebel company or elsewhere for 4000 euros

آقا اینم انگیزه، بنویس دیگه

the wise men lived on greek islands and kefalonia for 3000 years. you are animals and apes, killers, tens of thousands were murdered by animals


ihr seid tiere und affen das zu sagen ist weise, es zu beweisen ist noch nehr weise

ghassemloo fall, war nie, nie gespräche und termin vereinbarung, sondern illegale stürmung mit wiener polizei geheimdienst und hizbullah, mit toudeh und aksriat intrige. wie heute, polizei will wegen plünderung stürmen