Montag, 18. Oktober 2021

patina and journalism

this business was not a hair salon, shampoo and soaps, esoteric or vegetable business, this business was 8 years of experience, art history, international art and 5 years of study. You become an art dealer not only through university studies, but also through eye experience, whoever recognizes the dozen layers of partina in antiquities business, he also knows the capital economy and politics. layer by layer, geopolitics and 32 years of strategy like a journalist

many Viennese women are crazy nazis, which the world didn't know: vmat nazis. some capitalists pay up to 15,000 euros for a laboratory example, for the stasi system and social distribution of stasi money, to hitlers furie 3rd and 4th generation

Corona vaccination is safe death for vmat2, doctors conceal death statistics. police arrests means forced vaccination, doesn't get too close to me anti-semitic garbage austrians with ahmadinejad sect in vienna.

got today

son of the bitches, only persian tribes were massacred in the balkan war. the rest of the survivors were helped

deppert muß man sein um für mich Kommentare zu verfassen

ahrimanische keule ist der djinn. denial ist mordversuch

metaphysik eigentum. vmat eigentum. 7 Chakra Heilung

ببین کونی، بندر عباس کوسه می‌خوره تورو، برو آب شیرین آبتنی، خونه میخوای؟

Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2021

The fact is: viennese police works as an autonomous organization for the islamic republic of iran and mojtaba khamenei., hide evidence, upright stasi system is the evidence. fuck cia and nsa and mossad

heas polizei beppi, sog den kiwara seppi der soil zu sigi, stürmean kennast durt in tirol, er zagt da wos der tiroler

my sister and i are phenomenon hunters today. we want to enjoy life and darwinism says no. sex, life, house and car belongs to our djinn. yo emam zaman, yo hey

was dieses land mit häupl heute ist, war gestern goebels, himmler und adolf, mengerle und heinrich gross. wir werden diese niveau nicht erlauben: "was sie sind wer wir sind". das ist wien das ist österreich. immer wieder österreich. wir erlauben nicht, dass charisma vor uns steht und sagt: was sie sind und wer wir sind und das mit miserable deutsch. foto 2003

i live in a country with a history of mauthausen, with an incinerator for my breed. vmat2 breed. what armed forces Jews, israeli cultural communities and uno city, amnesty international vienna is doing to this city: back to the vienna's bestial murderous tradition. because of money and looting

anyway. i have to work 200 hours for energy system constellations

freshwater mermaid, elami artifact. origin blue danube.

iliegal collecting money for ruining existence has up to 15 years of imprisonment and 100 million euros in damages., with fake material, such as secret recordings and films of intimate and private life. an arian nazi fuck iran austria america

خلاصه یا ابوذر

«یَا أَیُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاکُم مِّن ذَکَرٍ وَأُنثَى وَ جَعَلْنَاکُمْ شُعُوبًا وَ قَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَکْرَمَکُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاکُمْ»

like in ghassemloo case, the police want to illegally storm my sister's home with heavy weapons because of vmat2 property. for murder and looting

my sister asked today: do i have freshwater pearls from mermaids, i said i don't know, i have no money and i'm not an expert. I've lived on 900 euros for 10 years.

vienna police officers secret services spö övp fpö work together with ahmadienajd people, minorities persecution plundering stasi system in vienna is ayatullah dictatorship. with the viennese antisemitic police

alien spirits work in 2 american alien buildings. nsa and cia. In cooperation with Austro fascism and Iranian gypsies anti-Semitism. international vmat2 targeting and murder

my mother opened a carpet shop in vienna after 18 years of work in the iranian culture ministry textile department. 1968 to 1986. It was ruined by spö and övp. my business the third one too. today she knots as a hobby

the calculation is: my grandmothers were siblings from arak/hamedan, bagher from shusha, elam, nosrat luri from malayer. this is how man calculates master race, the dna and gene chain: my children. Austria has prevented it internationally with hatred action and cameras, lying campaign international

this stasi fuck is aryan nazi fuck. in iran and austria, this is my fuck: bagher from elam, nosrat from luristan, my grandfather's. you are darwins monkeys, we are creations

iranians were never fascists, racists or mass murderers, only hosts.but what the gypsies like azadeh her family, shams and gharibs and other tribes do is this:we are the great aryan race, children cyrus the great and protector of iran, you are jews, arabs, azeris are mongols, kurds, elamis, blutschi, gilanis are jokes

austrian woman with international networks: same dna gene ethnic origin like my sister. genocide until today

my sister and i are 12 tribes elam vmat2 dynasty, fuck you europe because of genocide everywhere

tablet photo. religion is the opium of society, the sheep. but also basic material for pain medication. didn't he know that !?

Samstag, 16. Oktober 2021

pyramid red fascists, pharaos secret weapon

The welfare state is an old pair of shoes, the idea was not Hegel, Marx Engels, but the idea was to complicate language. the language was for class society behavior in communism: do you understand marx? no? read feuerbach and then goetebach you inferior rags. fucking romantic satanist socialists, pyramids red fascists