Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2021

Cambyses skinned dozens of alien judges, anunnakis

du scheißdreck hurenkind bastard tier österreicher, plünderer dieb scharlatan mörder, massenmörder, du tier

Austria is getting older than 1932, it's about history, dna genes and race. austria is back, to shah abbas time, storming, looting and killing innocent families, habsburg shah abbas alliance and crime. it was never about jews but vmat2. even all buddhists were exterminated

جون تو، فاک یور مادر

the, viennese police is waiting and wants to carry out the orders of mojtaba with wega / cobra special forces, looting, armed, masked, no service number, the austrian state will call it a romanian mafia by viennese charlie hebdo journalists


به منت دگران خو مکن که در دو جهان

رضای ایزد و انعام پادشاهت بس

به هیچ ورد دگر نیست حاجت ای حافظ

دعای نیم شب و درس صبحگاهت بس



میگه یاخچی؟  میگم یاخچی، میگه پس گریه برای چی، رفتی باغچه، میگم بله رفتم باغچه، میگه خوب حالا که چه؟ گفتم شما هم اینور و هم اونور نمودین مارو با این یاخچی

tablet editing 2019, bosnian pyramid stone. hindi vmat2 and elam vmat2. nemo

i was ten and read jule verne's books every day, the translations were my problem, i suspected he was kidding people, those are prophetic stories, for example nemo said to jonas: piss off you protect english people, ahrimanic darkforce. it is the case, still in vienna

european police secret services politics have collected 100 million viewers because of my family, stalker psychopathy, for a second holocaust and concentration camp and eternal funding. for financing and bribery all authorities, to international lawyers, public prosecutors and international judges


دلا رفیق سفر بخت نیکخواهت بس

نسیم روضه شیراز پیک راهت بس

دگر ز منزل جانان سفر مکن درویش

که سیر معنوی و کنج خانقاهت بس

وگر کمین بگشاید غمی ز گوشه دل

حریم درگه پیر مغان پناهت بس

به صدر مصطبه بنشین و ساغر می‌نوش

که این قدر ز جهان کسب مال و جاهت بس

زیادتی مطلب کار بر خود آسان کن

صراحی می لعل و بتی چو ماهت بس

فلک به مردم نادان دهد زمام مراد

تو اهل فضلی و دانش همین گناهت بس

هوای مسکن مألوف و عهد یار قدیم

ز رهروان سفرکرده عذرخواهت بس

به منت دگران خو مکن که در دو جهان

رضای ایزد و انعام پادشاهت بس

به هیچ ورد دگر نیست حاجت ای حافظ

دعای نیم شب و درس صبحگاهت بس

نزدیکاهای چشمه علی، طرف های ابن بابویه تهران، ما زمان امام علی پیتزا تنوری داشتیم، پنیرش رو هم از طالقان میاوردن و امام میگفت آفرین به مردم طالقان. عجب آبی عجب نانی

huuu huu,

kashkul set: influence of water molecules and atoms through mental power and electromagnetism

5000 B.C. iran: huuuuu hu, hooosh woosh monkey, i am hu hu, circus woosh wooshhush hush. 80 years after national socialism huhu and hush hush monkey

der ötzi hat ein problem oida, perser waren nie hurenkinder, net woahr journaldienst hurenkind mit sau huanweiber, du kiwara

Montag, 25. Oktober 2021

Organ trade is secondary in iran, israel, austria, europe, rich children and families are looking for race and dna, with gypsies and european romano races, for hunting, persecution and murder, financial project: passion

i'm born in iran, austria israel and iranian gypsies: you are vmat2 jew we have laboratory reports from the 90s. because of genes and dna you are traditionally a target in europe for looting, persecution, torture, financial projects and death

Iran politics, and generally iran in the world system has a problem, the problem is rat hole and sewer love. austro faschsimus and armed forces jew, started in 1932, completed with uno from 1954. as far as iran and iranian race is concerned: everyone is against our holy cyrus race

i had activism from 2002, with solutions, strategy/tactics plans, dialogue as a countermeasure, a sharp tongue. this old fascist and vmat2 murderer like simone harmtmann: we are the real humans we fight against the ayatullahs in front of the iranian embassy

I never needed a european fake organization to fight ayatollahs,but iranian gypsy clans abroad need amnesty to kill native iranians, to rape their mother and daughter sister emotionally, to earn money and then kill them in silence, like the gypsy iranians in vienna. in european human rights costume.

which judge has ever demanded certificates for hundreds of thousands of gemstones at the flea market !? vmat2 metaphysical property is energy and 4000 euro salary judges thieves beggars and looters. 4000 euro salary against vmat2 bourgeoisie. like 1938

i think i have the right traditional stone for green tea ritual

holy grail and vmat great persia. 40 years genozide austria iran

the true and fact is vmat race. not religion and israel. Vienna started it, long term strategy


مروارید از قدیم‌الایام سمبل عشق، شادی و خوش شانسی بود و معجزه شگفت انگیز طبیعت لقب گرفته است. تولد یک مروارید.... تولد یک راز

the fact is, my sister was 3 when we came to austria, i was 11 years old. what has been happening for 24 years is vmat2 fascism and anti-semitism

a tear like a pearl for an old contract, written with sunlight on silk

the fact is, my sister was 3 when we came to austria, i was 11 years old. what has been happening for 24 years is vmat2 fascism and anti-semitism

i was 14

i was 14 and had a teacher, she was 23, she said: barbad you are a sexual, i went back to boarding school and said to angie: you are A sexual, she laughed and said: massage my back and then go with your magic hands, gigolo . the next day i went to school again and learned math and said: the root calculation is this: angie is a phenomenon, without knowing it, you can calculate for a long time where it happened. and today both are one, one can no longer calculate and the other was not worthy of the phenomena, it flew away