Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2021

به کوس ننه هرچی سیاسی که میخواد سر نژاد پرستی شخص بنده و خانواده ام را نابود کنه، شاش خالی های ضد رژیمی، مادر کوسکش ها

شاشیدم به کوس ننت ایرانی وین

for editing

ultimately i love it, the way to me was not easy, but aryan rituals with european fascist whores have to be stopped, global mass murder projects with god genes

I'll get evidence, if the perpetrators don't get a heavy sentence because of my mother and sister, because of the Aryan ritual, then put a seconds counter and minute counter in my hand, how much in a minute !? . you neonazi police, you fucking austro fascist

I found a second piece for 50 cents, nameless, but I felt magic

Bought today in a flea market with my sister as finance, I wanted to know are you, stone sugar bowl, at this price real, a stone a phenomenon or pressed gils or soapstone. I test

everywhere where the aryan race sits, no matter which political ambitionist is susceptible to this ritual, stasi murder of vmat2 deer and ibex. they watch motionless until murder.

آقا کسی بلده با این شعر بسازه؟ ناله درویش از گوز بلند پایه ورپریدگان است، گوزباد به کمر بسته راه علاج آن است است است است است

persian art is secret code and poetry. persian, my tribes


روضه خلد برین خلوت درویشان است

مایه محتشمی خدمت درویشان است

گنج عزلت که طلسمات عجایب دارد

فتح آن در نظر رحمت درویشان است

قصر فردوس که رضوانش به دربانی رفت

منظری از چمن نزهت درویشان است

آن چه زر می‌شود از پرتو آن قلب سیاه

کیمیاییست که در صحبت درویشان است

آن که پیشش بنهد تاج تکبر خورشید

کبریاییست که در حشمت درویشان است

دولتی را که نباشد غم از آسیب زوال

بی تکلف بشنو دولت درویشان است

خسروان قبله حاجات جهانند ولی

سببش بندگی حضرت درویشان است

روی مقصود که شاهان به دعا می‌طلبند

مظهرش آینه طلعت درویشان است

از کران تا به کران لشکر ظلم است ولی

از ازل تا به ابد فرصت درویشان است

ای توانگر مفروش این همه نخوت که تو را

سر و زر در کنف همت درویشان است

گنج قارون که فرو می‌شود از قهر هنوز

خوانده باشی که هم از غیرت درویشان است

حافظ ار آب حیات ازلی می‌خواهی

منبعش خاک در خلوت درویشان است

bastard origin in iran, connected with austrian networks. shah abbas time and today. 1400-2021

scifi story, bad tablet camera

as an antique dealer, a camera for 60,000 euros would not be a problem, i have 16 jobs, one of which would be scifi scenes. 100 pictures a day

the pimp always has one or 3 whores, his wife and sister, cock suckers for black ahrimanic capital

only a bastard blood does that, unnatural bastard blood, I have nothing and I pull myself up with other races

elamites art..... came to persia with no potential talent and creativity. today's envy is thousands of years old. the finance project with azadeh and amiris 1800 years. Today these are priests psychologists, human rights activists who want to drive two women to suicide because of vmat2

Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2021

basement fascism sits in fbi cia nsa and UNO and amnesty, american bastard terrorists

I haven't had a criminal record or police files since 1986 to 2021, what does police psychopathy do?

This action against Iranian society, and families, against individuals is a long-term strategy show, as long as no resistance and radical measures are taken, then the blonde animals laugh while killing. this is the basement ass fuck psychopathy like in pulb fiction

last year i sat in the park and i thought, pulb fiction was missing a persian, the reason why holywood doesn't think about it: they were never in tehran. because of the ayatullahs, the world doesn't know about persians

alte schule kolbe o Ab

vienna is scum, 2. worldwar was vmat2 psychopathy. today you see the 3rd and 4th generation vmat2 madness and psychopathy

vienna police want to simulate ghassemloo case for ali khamenei as looters and thieves, austrian citizens have the right to defend property armed with violence and radical measures

but this dragon in kashkul has a small 1.60 meter tall master in vienna, with billions of euros. he wants to introduce fascism worse than vienna in iran. antisemitism and genocide. the satanist occultist and clown

morteza. deep inside

that's also morteza: my parents sent me to vienna with 5 million euros, they said you can't earn anything in tehran, in mashhad people laugh at you. do something in vienna.
morteza has the problem: i can't turn one euro into two euros, i hate vmat2 and race. this possibility gives vienna, hate and envy

österreichische kinder: wir fühlen nichts, wir wollen vmat2 faschismus und folter behalten, wir haben auch ein schweres leben. neanderthaler Kinder linke oder rechte ist egal,

uno city elite says: stasi torture money, attempted murder and theft money belongs to us. torture money with ali khamenei is ours. until the last supper and poisoning

آقا طرف میگه دست به بچه های ما نزنید، میگه میزنیم، منتظر امام زمانیم

i live in a europe where uno says: we need human material for a luxury life, despite 4,000 to 25,000 euros in salaries. torture, psychological war, silent murder and persecution is the financial business