Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2021

they never learn, bite my ass and I shit in your mouth, lucifer, satan ahriman collectives

maria magdalena, black sara and "judas" were indo-arian gypsies, anti-semitism and racism made both jews. 20 percent truth bible from anti-semite magdalena

ali abe neee, wallah, ali abe, meyman aleee war immer juden und zionisten vertrag in iran, immer immer juden stasi vertrag mit amiris. amana quium

dirty mother fucker vmat2 dealer UNO amnesty and human rights watch. wehrmachtjews intrique

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80 years after national socialism vienna: we burn vmat2 with secret cameras and mass hate campaign. with ayatullahs and our private army hizbullah and iranian cyber army

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austrians said to mix race bastard race, because of prehistory, today they install secret cameras for burning the race. my mom and my grandfather from elam

austrians in afrika. 12 tribes and gene crossing happened in austria, mother fucker animals until today: mix race is bastard race

your children can do nothing, godless talentless children, criminals, because of racism and anti-semitism of animals, jesus said my flesh and blood is the solution now
icht bible and churches, flesh and blood means racial mixture, vmat2

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vienna was the home of god genes, wilde came to vienna with the romans, after mass murder the wilde said: we are austrians, we are viennese.
with a history of the 30 years war, 1st and 2nd world wars

Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2021

500,000 adolf's whores and nazis had a goal and task: seek phenomena internationally, and destroy vmat2. today looks like this: our whores are not allowed to give proper service to vmat2 in studios internationally. Blow only up to half of the penis, not the whole. that's wiener woman in international chatrooms and networks

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اگر خواهی مرا می در هوا کن

وگر سیری ز من رفتم رها کن

نیم قانع به یک جام و به صد جام

دوساله پیش تو دارم قضا کن

بده می گر ننوشم بر سرم ریز

وگر نیکو نگفتم ماجرا کن

من از قندم مرا گویی ترش شو

تو ماشی را بگیر و لوبیا کن

سر خم را به کهگل هین مبندا

دل خم را برآور دلگشا کن

مرا چون نی درآوردی به ناله

چو چنگم خوش بساز و بانوا کن

اگر چه می زنی سیلیم چون دف

که آوازی خوشی داری صدا کن

چو دف تسلیم کردم روی خود را

بزن سیلی و رویم را قفا کن

همی‌زاید ز دف و کف یک آواز

اگر یک نیست از همشان جدا کن

حریف آن لبی ای نی شب و روز

یکی بوسه پی ما اقتضا کن

تو بوسه باره‌ای و جمله خواری

نگیری پند اگر گویم سخا کن

شدی ای نی شکر ز افسون آن لب

ز لب ای نیشکر رو شکرها کن

نه شکر است این نوای خوش که داری

نوای شکرین داری ادا کن

خموش از ذکر نی می باش یکتا

که نی گوید که یکتا را دو تا کن

Second state fake passport for money laundering and luxury living is an even bigger crime. that's like sewer rat escape line like 1945 with the help of the vatican

iran has a lot to understand 3 viennese secret services, police elite, ÖVP SPÖ fpö, UNO are aryan secret sects: 80 years ago we promised to protect the aryan race for 1000 years. Of course, it also affects iran, iran is empty, plundered and billions are still laundered today with the help of vienna, like the stasi money from my family for aryan luxury life

ali and azadeh each have 5 million euros. 1400 to 2400 people. Vienna says: it is correct that is an Aryan ritual

austria is a rich country, nobody buys something for one euro, i buy it because of poverty

the people in iran have no bread and clean water, the children in schools have no heating, and mojataba khamnei, austrian state, are distributing tens of millions of euros to iranian opposition members and my fucking relatives. thousands of austrians finance houses through the aryan ritual and the stasicamera system

I bought it today, I can't tell how old it is, the fact is: it has something to do with kazen from the oil lamp

as it says in divorce letter 2003, nasser farahani was a psychopathic tyrant, from 2010 he took over the role of rahim amiri for 1.5 million euros. for revenge, two governments, and bastard america. we haven't had any contact since 2003, either by phone or in person

مادرقحبه های مهاجر

سیاست به چه معناست در 25 سال اخیر ما فهمیدیم، قشون کشی وقبیله پرستی: رژیم هرچه از اونها بیشتر کشت بهتر، زحمت میکشن برای ما، قوم گرایی اونها باید ازبین بره، سیاست قبیله ای اونها باید از بین بره. ما قبیله هامون حواسمون جمع است، تجزیه طلب هم باید از بین بره، جاش از ماست، ناسیونالیست از اونها

به کوس ننه هرچی سیاسی که میخواد سر نژاد پرستی شخص بنده و خانواده ام را نابود کنه، شاش خالی های ضد رژیمی، مادر کوسکش ها

شاشیدم به کوس ننت ایرانی وین

for editing

ultimately i love it, the way to me was not easy, but aryan rituals with european fascist whores have to be stopped, global mass murder projects with god genes

I'll get evidence, if the perpetrators don't get a heavy sentence because of my mother and sister, because of the Aryan ritual, then put a seconds counter and minute counter in my hand, how much in a minute !? . you neonazi police, you fucking austro fascist

I found a second piece for 50 cents, nameless, but I felt magic

Bought today in a flea market with my sister as finance, I wanted to know are you, stone sugar bowl, at this price real, a stone a phenomenon or pressed gils or soapstone. I test

everywhere where the aryan race sits, no matter which political ambitionist is susceptible to this ritual, stasi murder of vmat2 deer and ibex. they watch motionless until murder.

آقا کسی بلده با این شعر بسازه؟ ناله درویش از گوز بلند پایه ورپریدگان است، گوزباد به کمر بسته راه علاج آن است است است است است