Mittwoch, 10. November 2021

to be a man

in our history, in our not in israeli, in great persian history, being a man has a metaphysical, philosophical and spiritual meaning, it has to do with spirit and electro-magnetism. the aryan race, the woman wants judge to be man with penis size, with penis size, 15 and 16 is nothing, from 18 on one can talk about a man and honor

خلاصه آخوند

ناگفته نماند خط بنده نو آوریست، ولی قابل دزدی نیست، بگرد و پیدایش کن، تابلو و چوب و تخته و سنگ که نیست بدزدی، پیداش کن سایت قفل و کلید دار نیست، قدیمیست، از کهن سالیست که ققنوس را از سنگ و آتش فلان وبهمان و خلاصه

Dienstag, 9. November 2021

نر و ماده در جامعه‌ ما

AKH and other hospitals vienna, dna and gene hunt

silent holocaust are european and american hospitals and laboratories,
data, gene and dna information are being sold illegally.
if the race is a trader, successful, or a scientist, occult stalking and stasi system will be organized in fascist and satanist networks. whoever has a jewish religion is spared because of a suspicion of anti-Semitism

jude jude jude das waren die juden die juden es gab nur juden keine andere, jude jude islam ist jude, christ ist jude alle sind jude. vor 300.000 jahren alles juden

laborberichte bezeugen davood is jude, war jude zari ist auch jüdin

hurenkind mich mit ahmadinejad, faeze rafsanjani, scheiß arische rasse du geheimdienstler mein onkel war jude, jude jude, nicht wahr? laborberrichte zu ahnadinejad jude jude wir haben labor berichte jude jude, laborberichte  zu mojtaba khamenei ihr habt 90% juden blutlinie in iran, judeee bastard arische rasse österreich, du, scheiß gestapo geheimdienstler

4. generation beweist es: abschaum muß ausgerottet werden, es ist die rasse, ich bin Armageddon das auge und soldat emam zaman

scheißdreck abschaum rasse österreicher 6 millionen waren nicht genug, das ist NS wiederholung du scheiß arische rasse, du scheiß abschaum herkunft und rasse

scheißdreck nenaderthaler tier richter, bastardrasse abschaumrasse was glaubst du wer du bist du abschaum herkunft du arisch du!? du scheiß österreicher du scheiß rasse du arisch du, du rassist du neonazi, du brauchst 4 häuser und 950 ist für gettho dna juden genug!? du faschist du tier du schwein

i think few Viennese know sadegh hedayat, i know when the animal's mask fell then i kill you like animals. i know the time and place


i was 14 and i fled from boarding school with manfred, sigi, michi and someone else, i said: let's go to the opera ball, they followed me wherever, the best thing was: sigi got me the biggest brick, i threw it and I met a police officer in a face mask, I looked at him for 40 minutes, he was deeply confused, scared and moused, even while other police officers were beating demonstrators. i was about to aim the second stone at his mask and suddenly a leftist woman was holding my hand. she asked why are you throwing stones? i looked at her and noticed her face, i saw her some time ago, she is still leftist, 60 years old and worries about the police mask and goes to eat in amerlinghaus

wenn diese hauptäter mit 15 millionen euro verschwinden, dann wollen vermutlich österreicher für wohlstand diese familien sterben

michi willst du meine auch mit faymann speisen? mao ist weit von sozialdemokratie, aber lutschen und essen wollt ihr beide

histroy and vmat2 penis

Chinese Authorities Seize Over 7,200 Human Penises on a Cargo Ship From Nigeria

Chinese customs officers have made the world’s biggest seizure of human organs in history this morning, a total of 7221 penises of African origin hidden in a refrigerated freight container.

Acting on information from an anonymous informer, Chinese officers found the organs in 36 boxes labelled as plantains (cooking bananas) inside a refrigerated container on a ship harboured in the Shanghai Port.

امپریالیسم کیر خور چین

اتفاقآ علی خامنه ای ماو سه دونگ رو خوب میشناسه، میگه اون هم شش دونگ حواسش جمع بود، میگرفت چشم بادومی های شما هارو دست و پاشون و زبونشون رو میبرید وبعد حلق آویز میکرد. خیلی حواسش جمع بود. آقا چند ماه پیش یک کشتی باربری چینی رو گرفتن و کالاهایش را ضبط کردن، دیدن 10.000 تا کیر بریده داره از آفریقا میبره چین، ایشون یادشون نیست، ماو شش دونگ کیر هم میبرید. حاصل جریان اینه: کیر واسه خوردن کم اوردن حالا میرن ازمخزن وارد میکنن، والا چینی حسابی ها رو همه رو  کشتن، کیر هارو هم خوردن، طبقه کارگر رو نگاه کن

definitely michael häupl, i call this set and energy bundle the "damascus experience" with a train and train driver

I also bought for my sister today, and thought what the hell is that !? in an episode of spaceship enterpreis someone brought a present for deana troi, she looked at it, thanked him and left, the handing over of the present was an important scene, but the object was a guessing game.

black magic mafia vienna tehran uno city. vmat2 and juden dna finance project and genocide in iran and europe and in america, ahmadinejad ghalibaf häupl, spö and övp grüne

got today, kashkul set..... i piss on mojtaba satanist khamenei, imam zaman soldier is genetically marked, iranian goat and ibex genes and dna, ahmadinejad and ayatullah black magic mafia kills everyone, fear of emam zaman. Vienna is an example, fear of our vmat2 children and vmat2 grandchildren

iranian embassy, rahim amiri, azadeh amiri and emam ali mosche have earned 68 million euros with viennese jews dna finance economy, 68 million euros with 100 million viewers. pimping, pimping mitazadeh amir. Iranian regime is a pimp


hurenkind michi juden dna finanz wirtschaft hurenkind faymann gusenbauer fischer und andere neanderthaler hurekind bastardrasse. 80 jahre nach national sozialismus: juden dna aus dem iran bringt vü göldgöldgöld hurenkind tier bastard scheißdreck blut

kiwara, kumm zu meine schwester plündern für ali khamenei und ich verbrenne eure kindergärten. komm du bastard neanderthaler rasse, kumm kumm wegen kunst raub und plünderung wie 1938, kumm affengeschöpf, untermensch bastardrasse du nazi drecksau schwein

Do you understand........ emam ali mosque and iranian embassy earn money with a iranian family that has lived in vienna since 1986, because michael nenaderthaler häupl and his spö gang say: jews dna finance project is legalized with israel and america is amused. SPÖ FASCHISTS GANG WITH ÖVP, JUDEN DNA FINANCIAL ECONOMY IS LEGALIZED AGAIN. and peter says: do you know about poison mushrooms


today i got several things, the composition is a pleasure, i just don't know which region the old wood is from, only the ceramics, it's a peter. mushroom peter. the deeper nazi: iranian are old, old, old, hahaha we are neanderthals and iranian creation, old old, prehistory in vienna hahahah old. 3. world iran is old, creation, hihihi civilization hahahahah, prehistory vienna hohoho

ich hatte politische aktivismus und österreichische regierung will mich mit grüne und linke töten, und sagt: er ist jude, israel bestätigt, er ist jude und brachte uns 100 millionen euro, er ist jude und soll sterben

مادر جنده ها شما پول خوار نیستید، شما خون خوارید. اجنبی های ایرانی نام وین

5 ahrimanische neanderthaler haben sich in wien gemeldet mutter tochter und sohn wegen 100 millionen euros stasi nazi kapital zu töten. in polizei uniform

hurenkind österreicher, abschaum tiere, drecksau österreicher tötet vmat2 kinder seit 40 jahren im iran, sehen sie die affen und tiere gegen rana. millionen geschäft neben öl und gas, es sind 20 millionen kinder

Both governments have installed secret cameras in my property and business with israel and america because of vmat2 and political activism, and discussions about armed revolution