Sonntag, 14. November 2021

alles was österreich durch meine familie verdient hat ist illegal, und verfassungswiedrige geschäfte. das geschäft ist rassen bedingt, und die vorraussetzung ist vmat2. heraus damit, tiere und bastarde

Shannon and Weaver models, very few Viennese have studied it, the president of Austria too, neoliberal freemasons

the movie inglourious basterds was a clear message for the 21st century, for vmat2 and god genes hunters, what else was the point

rich families and children, industrialists, judges do not want to leave melchior balthaser and casper rasse alone, with the support of the vatican. is series car bombs the solution !? The RAF hostage-taking was not an assassination attempt but an attempt at liberation. Terrorists are angela merkel, sarkozy and berlusconi and le pen

vienna had a romantic relationship with azadeh, with a gift of 5 million euros. this romance is also american networks iran europe turkey. you are unnatural, anti human and anti democracy and anti human rights, you are animals with 5000 un employees vienna

nazi bones and sociobiology. viennese collective and the good feeling with stasi show

are there hologram programs in your bone crystals? dirty anti christians at christmas party. a pattern can be seen in billions of stones, why not in your fucking Nazi bones

thoughts right now: when a schizophrenic suffers from Alzheimer's he never forgets anything, it's like: a donkey that always finds home, blind

good morning, nice sunday

Scum philosophy: we don't have a face for international action and business, we exchange, you shit face, I have a beautiful face. prove the fake material

in vienna we have national socialism, viennese judges and ahmadinejad people: people, victims, perpetrators and crimes are judged genetically, genetically, like himmler's time.

mohammed and azita piran naderi have illegally earned hundreds of thousands of euros with our private life auction on the internet, azadeh's cousin is attempting murder because of the large amount of money. 1800 and 1500 euro salaries

vienna, secret services, women collective and azadeh

sick austrians: where did he buy tobacco, paper, filters and mouthpieces, smoking causes cancer. for 100 years that has been the only ingenuity and use what austria has for the world, we free the world from vmat2 virus. with 15 years dachau and mauthausen experiments

Samstag, 13. November 2021

Invalid mindless individuals, invaders live on ahura mazda's soil and say: we are human. Invalid blonde blue-eyed sick murderer

austria is anti native persian and is involved in massacre 1979-2021. elami semit origin is 300.000 B.C.austria

luxury life of UNO employees

the old capitalist children in stasi sysfem are dangerous, they kill if they catch you on the wrong road. if you take 5 multimillionaire children hostage for the worldwide vmat2 stasi system to end the worldwide massacre with evidence, then the UN gives the order to the police: kill the hostage takers and then the hostages. only because of the money and luxury life of un employees

keine beweise, hide evidence, beweise gibt es nur mit gewalt und mord, der jude soll ins kz

Do you understand
the ötzi was not afraid of me, sometimes he wanted to kill me he was afraid of my father, he was afraid that my father would kill him and that i would not end up in a concentration camp. He didn't care if I kill him, only kz was important to him: jude (vmat2) should go to the kz

peach snuff tobacco reminded me of dalida today, and then I lost myself in thought. I only understood today why when I was 18 I listened to dalida for three hours and then an hour of eros Ramazzotti. i was different, and the austrian neighbor was an anti god gene, he threatened me because of eros ramazotti and yelled 5 times a week: be quiet with spagetti gay

since 2019 i showed new things, painting, water, stone, wood, metal and other things. the good thing is: Many came to the truth: we are no longer humane, the good thing is: so many die more easily and satisfied through Armageddon, we are not humane, why not

meine mutter und schwester und ich sind linkshänder fucking black sun society UNO

wir sind ethnien in iran, und ausserhalb iran, in österreich. UNO city mitarbeiter und amnesty international: vmat2 massaker ist seit 5000 jahren tradition, wir töten euch alle. my grandfather was melchior you bastard neo fascim israel

viennese: we had earned money through god genes for 20 years, with ali khamenei. today we don't need mother and daughter anymore, but we have to kill the son first and then the innocent family, we are in 1938, with the world and europe


آقا بعد ازمرگ زنده یاد موسی خیابانی شمشیر شیر رو سازمان و شورای ملی مقاومت ازروی پرچم برداشت، به این منظور: آمریکا لات بی فندکیم به امام رضا، ببین شیرما ویژی تاریاست. 

I have a new experience today: Snuff (tobacco) apricot makes you happy. too much dopamine. apparently anti corona too

persian and indian history. indoaryan race. the fuck in austria with gypsyi iranian

in 2008 Austrian authorities robbed me with rahim and azadeh amiri mehran minoo kamran and kambiz kamyabi, amount 280. 000 euro, this time the viennese secret service security police and hizbullah should understand something, the children of nazis will be killed after robberies. after 80 years of national socialism, your action proves: we only produce nazis and scum

i am speaking justified about occultism and ritual, the alexander coin is a proof. a 3d processing costs 25,000 euros because of the depth

omofuma war ein ritualmord der wiener richter. african vmat2

Do you understand i studied art for 8 years, i read 365 books. my potential was worth one million euros in 2003, much more today. bruce would have disappeared in the trash if I hadn't bought it. nobody buys it

a lot of work for a hindi VMAT2 goat, nice water energy

i love bruce he is wonderfull