Donnerstag, 18. November 2021

Mauthausen victims austria. social democracy vmat2 fascism. austria social democracy. vmat2 genocide michis. wehrmacht SPÖ WITH WEHRMACHT JEWS

murdered in vienna, she always said i'm not a jew the police said we say jew to you and you should wear jew star, she repeated herself on the streets of vienna: i wasn't a jew, she was killed by animals, michael häupels and pürstel's father

Many from former GDR were punished for psychological torture, oppression and the Stasi system with their own relatives, and 5,000 victims were given psychological treatment. Austria says in EU concept and democracy: because of ethnic origin we have the right to torture with ayatullahs

heas jackob parviz sagte immer: es gibt sehr seltene steine und ring steine gegen euch, das problem ist die affen spielen damit und verstecken es für euch, ihr seid gottlos geworden mit diese affen

reza mallahi in the millisecond where you move in the direction of my person for a fight, think of your son, i'll get him before you animal with police neonazi whores

It has become established that everything I can do, others can do much better, should I start killing the police and the SPÖ, ayatulah, hizbullah? can you do that better too?

Editing the painting means: 2500 euros projector at midnight, until 4 o'clock in the morning you can manage a lot

نتیجه: شما تو ایران، سر ریحان با قاضی های شهر و با جهود و با صهیونیسم بین‌المللی قرارداد داشتید، سند؟ خواهر مادر بنده. درسته آق موجی؟

herr oberrabbiner, politischer aktivist, sie sand mit tehran zam net woar, mit tehran. mit ayatullah koskholrabi, kohlrabi

reyhaneh jabbari was precision work and financial project of satanism vienna, berlin jerusalem with CIA NSA FBI AND MOSSAD

sebastian kurz i buy with the money from my sister decorations pieces for her apartment. do something blonde nenaderthaler, do something Austrian. red line , red line

آخوند نجس، نجس

آخوند خوار ننه کوسده، قاتل علی کولی نیرکولی، و ملیح کولی بودن، حسین کولی هم قاضی، ریحان رو رحیم کولی و سرور کولی و شمس کوچ کولی ها کشتن. نجس، آخوند نجس

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hey sau michi, nerkh nerkh fetti, kann ich nur ein bisserl rauch oder 28 andere sachen auch? nrkh nrkh bastard psycho fetti, kopier mi herren nrkh nrkh rasse

the press chief of this newspaper also takes part in bilderberg meetings, as a world dictatorship collective participant he is convinced of the vmat2 massacre and a member of the stasi system

viennese journalism is absolute illuminati psychopaths, 14 and 12 is Rana's date of birth, and the street is our address

viennese judges and others, austrians turn my mother and sister into a psychological wreck because of race and god genes. as tourists in iran, austrians spend the money, stasi pot zari and rana, and say: we are the good austrians, this family is vmat2 and evil

پول بلیط هواپیما

آقا یک روز به یک توریست اتریشی در یک جشن گفتن: هرچی ما خوندیم تو هم بخون:اتریشیه هم شروع کرد به خوندن: باری جون آی باری مرسی که تو پولداری، باری جون آی باری مرسی که بهم پول دادی. 

bought today, the way and gate to god. vmat2 gate

this is black killer spirit austria with gypsy iranian and austrian hospital in oroumie. austrian nazi hospital and doctors in oroumie. barekat is against vmat2, barekat, austrian barekat, barekat

Mittwoch, 17. November 2021

spö atheism, leftists and green have always been killing their own vmat2 children, today it is compulsory vaccination, attempted murder

wegen eine vmat2 familie in wien ist auch alles eine lüge, es ist nichts passiert. wie 800 ermordete kinder mit wiener bastarde SPÖ ÖVP FPÖ väter und mütter

international black magic mafia works against my person and family with fake material. this is attempted murder. a million euo packet was earmarked for my relatives, uncles and father to confirm fake material as original

tablet photo raw

45% percent of evolution and genetically modified neanderthals are practicing satanists with satanic states, creation is tortured and murdered en masse every day

my aunt was a woman with a double degree and a flea market trader, she had a lot of money, but when she realized that she was being persecuted and was a target, she wanted to emigrate from seattle and move to california, that was the problem: she will notice everything and take revenge, so she was killed, they put her corpse in the car and simulated an accident, the car was placed vertically on the main road

you understand? sepah basij hizbullah are together with israel america and europe murderers our race and journalists comedians, escalation and war reports comedians

آقا یک جریاناتی اونجا زیر زمین هست ورودیش آب کیره، باید جلق بزنی آب کیرو بریزی تو لوله، بعد در باز میشه، از زن هم آب میخواد، واسه همین از خشم جلق و آب کیر مارو نشون میدن.، کوسکش های حسود. میگم جلق بزنم یک پرس بفرستم واسه سپاه؟

america is dependent on toudeh aksriat and hizbullah (gypsy race) for racial extermination

American ships have been thinking for 20 years how to destroy ahvaz and khuzistan after chemical bombs iran iraq war, they are still alive. the behavior next to austria with my family is the proof. america is dependent on toudeh aksriat and hizbullah (gypsy race) for racial extermination

the only thing i heard from viennese iranians in the last 15 years: reforms and democracy within the framework and leadership of the islamic republic. with democracy is meant the silent vmat2 murders and torture, even today on the side of austrofascism in vienna

natural formation, bought at the flea market. i do not only talk a lot on this side, i also talk on the other side as well