Samstag, 20. November 2021

خلاصه، حاج آقا

نم نم نم نم میباره بارون

به روزگار سرد زمستون

به روزگار سرد زمستون

نم نم بارون گلهای گلدون

شر شر ناودون با تو دیدن داره هی

تو باغ خوشبختی اگه

یه گل برام مونده تویی

اونی که از عشق و جنون

منو ترسونده تویی

منو ترسونده تویی

تو باغ خوشبختی اگه

یه گل برام مونده تویی

اونی که از عشق و جنون

منو ترسونده تویی

منو ترسونده تویی

نم نم بارون گلهای گلدون

i'm waiting for the right time and rainwater, the difference between russian vodka and mongolian vodka in clay jugs is like heaven and earth.

natural formations and stone

every Saturday up to 5 security guards and secret service agents walk in naschmarkt, nobody notices the people because everyone is poor. actually it is dangerous for me to go there because everyone is poor, but who can find 3 stones? for putting together and free white energy


jesus said to sheep tribe soldiers you shall not kill. not too deer and ibex, he knew the court on the other side: the woman was devilish, he could have left the woman at any time, he stayed to kill us the whole gang.
deer and ibex write a lot of time

wer versteht geothe besser als angela merkel!?

100 million euro stasi nazi money vienna tehran

The viennese criminal sydikat, 500 mafia police gang wants to attack my mother sister and my person with hizbullah and mojtaba khamenei, with the consent of all viennese networks, the attack is to take place with eviction, theft and looting in front of everyone's eyes

verstehen sie, impfzwang ist für goethe und hafiz, für ethnie rasse gene und dna, für gene manipulation und mord


میگه از عصر حجر خری و گاوی آمد و دیدی، بزار دست زند به دامنت، تا خرمن گنج و طلا و تاج و تخت بینی

In any case, my situation is getting bad, today I bought a japsis and tiger eye on credit, I combined both stones on the table and he said pay next week. the connection between goethe and hafiz is old, japsis old

rahim amiri sitzt zuhause und sagt: was die wiener richter sagen ist gesetz, sie stehen über österreichsche verfassung. ich habe stammes rechte, ich darf durch juden geld veridenen, native iraner sind juden wir sind arisch. wir haben plünderrechte

Back-Side and deep INSIDE, zahaak and ahriman

so the 1800 euro salary becomes a millionaire, accountant with a total of 8 houses., vienna judge: earning money through jews genes and dna is legal, we don't work for jews

Before you start destroying and torturing vmat2, or killing it with vaccination, explain bird and monkey phenomenon on this stone

I love the spaceship, envy and Ego gene

bought today in flea market, i always thought khidr is prophetic white science, called miracle

uterus psychopathie und feindschaft, massenmord ist alt, 3000 vor alexander

die österreichische nazi hure ist ein nichts, abschaum affengehirn, mit kappute ahrimanische uterus, psychopathie tante, nenaderthaler hure du kiwara du drecksau, du massenmörder du rassenmörder

viennese police and hizbullah: 150.millions euro finance project secret camera action and 100 millions consumer in chatrooms and user

I need 8,000 euros for 6 teeth, what the police and Hezbollah do with my old social contacts and reputation: sells nothing, buys nothing, he'll die soon, he doesn't need any teeth

fucking dirty neo fascist kurt waldheim UNO and austro fascism

From 2002 i was for armed struggle and revolution, vienna police and secret services, CIA, NSA, MOSSAD:
you influence the people on the internet and want to block the killing of jews and DESTROY our financial projects with vmat2 in iran

Freitag, 19. November 2021

islamic republic of iran kills because of a flyer, a report or a protest day, i have had internet statistics, tens of thousands of users and thousands of political internet rooms since 2002. bastard austrians

Das sind die eigentliche judenmörder, vmat2 jäger. jüdische Kollaboration bis heute

even all fake friends of rana and stasi agents are in this psychopathy today:how do we make the vmat2 rana sick and kill her. after we put the brother in jail with hide evidence

جن کوتاه

این کشور مادر جنده از اول میدونست، جن کوتاه رو نمیشه بزنی تو سرش، کوتاست، هیچکاره، هیچی ندار، جوجه توده ای خارکوسده با ناصرعلیزاده، کوتوله های57تی کیری

3 Minute clip, I took a screenshot, by my mother

in vienna you can find and film phenomena every day, because of old earth and technology and old civilization, what is called an atheist today is yesterday's old fascist, expeditions in tibet africa orient north pole and latin america: where are the old tribes and phenomena, i am came to vienna voluntarily

deer rootes, elam

last year phenomenon in the forest 10th district. precise melted

Viennese secret services had imagined psychosis differently. no van helsing, i haven't shown any vampire flies yet !?