Montag, 22. November 2021

ali khamenei sebastian kurz, vmat2 frauen morde, mutter und tochter, frauen morde mit wiener nazi huren

the new holocaust for vmat2 has to do with international database,UN mafia the gladios, black sun and other dragon sects are cutting out data

wiener, nazi richter und geheimdienstler, politiker haben in wien herrlis, die ayatullahs wegen milliarden schwarzgeld aus dem iran, nazi hunde haben ayatullah herrlis

this is mass murder and vmat2 murders in iran, in vienna with my family and with the consent of UNO and america. austrian secret services are the animals and dogs of emam ali mosque and ayatulahs

i have been an art connoisseur, international art, islamic art and pre-islamic art and tribal expert since 2002. the meaning!? I'm worth 50 million in business today, a million in 2002

ali khamnei und alexander van der bellen

ali khamenei mojtaba khamenei javad zarif ahmadinejad and rouhani with best friends austrofascism: where we want to see smoke is in concentration camps, in chemistry and incineration plants. like in shah aba's time before and after in savaid time and 1938

in wien leben universität professoren und sagen: unsere frauen haben das recht vmat2 zu plündern, juden rasse zu verfolgen, stalken, und immobilien kaufen

polizei und mordversuch mit hizbulah wien

definitely good friends and good aliens against dead

the driving force behind murder is stasi black money, the spö övp judge and secret service hizbullah intrigue and stasi black money

worldpress. com

i wrote in google barbad farahani. Nobody understood this sos and attempted murder


آقا یک روز داشتم از یک تیم توریست فیلم مستند نگاه میکردم، چندی نگذشت دوربین رفت فرحزاد، همون زمان یک دفعه یه دختره دود قلیون داد بیرون، گفتم اه، همشیره نخورتت مثل خرما آلمانیه، این چیه، شانس اوردی امام نیست، امامزاده فریبرزه

i will try it in the forest soon, with better camera

heas niavarani so schaut ma aus mit 47 ohne impfung, du sauerkraut mit abgusht

jaaa naaa, Hühner wollen mit zwang zu herrenrasse werden, du arschloch atheist schwein wien. tablet kamera, kein geld für götlliches kamera

Forced vaccination is mass murder unconstitutional and fascism. austrofascism wants to prevail against race, even if 500 die in vienna

Vienna has killer race that sit on judge chairs, killer race

I write wrong with a lot of mistakes like a foreigner, but with 38 projects, inventions and 24 system constellations. hey viennese iranian you don't know my work? i'm old in this business, what do you want to copy besides my tablet work


emigrants have marched into iran for 600 years so that they could say this as farhadi, asghari, larijani, momeni, gharib, amiri and everyone else: our kings were rubbish, europe
is that right, we live in europe, europe is a master race, our native race garbage

driving wind and wave for force

verstehen sie, wiener richter sind ultra nationalisten und NAJES, NAJES, abschaum alexander tiere

mother's breasts

Dareios came back from the battle, his family was kidnapped, he looked at the people and asked: what was going on? everyone was silent and snapped their heads, no one spoke, only one said: we were surprised overnight. the fact is that: the family has been on display in the main square, who wants to see the tits and bodies of kings? who wants to see the beautiful breasts of saints? people wanted to look, farmers, civil servants, soldiers, traders, muggers and others. then said the concubine looks and is silent, otherwise daraios will kill you

azadeh amiri the concubine gang, and house daraios

fuck yourself., photo 2003, the eye

I surprisingly saw paul again, it was Saturday afternoon the day before yesterday and it was pretty cold.
I would be more comfortable if it were a classy chinese whore. ÖVP AND SPÖ and Viennese secret service, they can at least blow and then exploit me

fucking alien ahrimanic judges and fucking satanic games

what judges do in all these cities, with romeo and venus trap, and intrigue, is the worst ahrimanic intrigue: viennese news several times a year: father kills his children and wife, or man kills 10 people, the family of his wife, or wife kills her 3 children and then the woman killed herself

روم سیوم و دوازده فحش

آقا یه اصفهونیه میومد پالتالک به نام مستعار جک جیمز، اتاق پشت اتاق باز میکرد وفحش خوار مادر به زن ایرانی میداد. کم میاورد هم به من فحش میداد، میگفت این جزی کونیه. ما هم فحش بده نبودیم، از فرهنگ لمپنیسم کلآ دور بودیم، کلآ از 16 سالگی لاتی رو بوس کردیم گذاشتیم بالا طاقچه، گفتیم بیخیال. اومدم بگم: اصفهونی مشکل دودولست؟ شوتولست یا که مشکل اونست، اونست که میدونست. بعد دیدم بحث بدیه راه بندازم، آخه با اصفهونی شوخی10 ساعت زمان میبره

herr richter, frau richter ich scheiße auf deine akademische bildung sie bastard, plünderer diebe und abschaum. 4000 euro gehalt bildung mit 1400 gehalt kiwara bildung, abschaum fake akademiker mit fake titeln

پس از نه سالگی مکتب رها کرد.... حساب جنگ شیر و اژدها کرد

حیوان هیچکاره با مدرک های قلابی 1800 ساله اومده مملکت ما و تا به امروز میگه: مگه تو آدمی، حیوان هیچکاره با مدرک تحصیلات قلابی