Mittwoch, 24. November 2021

رحیم لاشی کوسکش مادر برو باپول دزدی این رو بخر و کار من رو بدزد، مادرکون کوس قلمبه بابلی خوار مادر کوسده کونی، زن جنده دختر لاشی

forced vaccination for vmat2 mass murder means armed struggle, emam ali struggle, 800 animal heads

the light over the light, vmat2 pieces

I have no money to buy this piece for research, nobody knows the angle, light position, physical and mathematical calculations, and geometry. sunny light, shadow, darkness, studio light. this is light over the light object, for instinctive work

fick dich wiener geheimdienst mit ayatullahs du terrorist, fick dich neonazi österreicher ich bin vmat2, gottes kind mit 38 projekte und16 berufe, fick dich polizei burli und huri

sasan ali darvishzadeh IQ 90 a schas hast studiert, schas herr magister, du bist unter meiner eier mit dein magister titel du terrorist mit ali gharib. illuminaten anti perser hunde. sasan, ali, hussein zigeuner dorf

du arschloch archäologie was ist die bedeutung? warum wurde es hergestellt, bastarde

ingenious native great persian vmat2 art iran, 150, dollars., i have no money to collect and buy

artifacts are sold unnoticed $ 70, $ 70

i am day trader class

there are stupid old illuminati with IQ 90 that also study. Free documents and titles, 5 minutes of economic discussion, strategy/tactics with me prove it. i am day trader too

we are humans you are animals, animals lead humans to violence so that animals say to humans you are animals

i have been blocked everywhere for 15 years, satanic terror has freedom against vmat2

anti christ furz mit ali gharib hussein gharib und amiris, satanische game mit mark Zuckerberg facebook

Dienstag, 23. November 2021

malcolm x

malcolm x was poisoned a few times, once so much that even 4 elephants had enough poison to die, he survived. wasn't a criminal !? and drugs consumers !? LOL fuck you bitch mama satanist

heart muslims are immune to corona, ali khamenei wants to destroy everyone with austria, israel, america and the eu

khidr and vmat2 story

austria is sick, the aryan race is genetically sick. i have never been convicted, i have no criminal record, no police files vienna and iranian national socialism is fanatic vmat2 enemies and anti-semites. this is satanic terror, anti god genes and satanic terrorist fundamentalism

network stalking is a global crime against vmat2 with UN AND AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL STASI FINANCIAL PROJECT

the police want to kill me, without a police file, criminal record and no convictions. just because of races and vmat2 trade

hundesöhne und huren mit huankinder, 500.000 syrer sind wegen unsere geschichte gestorben und archäologie in wien ist tabu thema, prehistory. 500.000, vermutlich 25.000 cosmas und damian. technologie medizin frieden., bastardrasse abschaumrasse

österreichische hure und bastard, abschaum hat tiefe glaube in vmat2 morde, massenmorde, auch wenn sie und ihre kinder sterben, tiefe glaube und aufgabe, vmat2 massenmorde

my tribes all have universal tasks: fuck the nazis. crystal and stone

ich ziehe meine geschichte in 10. bezirk unter der erde asse und rufe bastard wiener archäologen an, und frage die affenfiguren: ist das 500.000 jahre alt oder nicht

bastard viennese youth and children., bastard wiener, abschaum wiener, abschaum herkunft

hey america, vienna and its children have been bombed for 5 years, many have died, the children have died, it doesn't matter, mauthausen was full of vmat2 and god genes. that was important and amusing

the police want to kill me, without a police file, criminal record and no convictions. just because of races and vmat2 trade

ayatullah sumka faschisten, ayatullah nationalsozialisten in wien, emam ali mosche, unterstütz von wiener richter und geheimdienst

the police want to kill me, without a police file, criminal record and no convictions. just because of races and vmat2 trade

wien ist stolz nach 6 miloionen gott gene morde wieder erfolgreich zu sein: unsere richter sind arisches recht, wir sind das recht, wir sind das luxusleben

green party austria is race and vmat2 killer

the psychopaths in vienna: sick greens are more focused on fpö, they want to burn fpö and vmat2, fpö psychopathy: we laugh at green goblins and want to burn jews and vmat2

Die wiener polizei will mich wegen NS wiederholung mit iraner töten nach plünderung und 20 jahre luxus leben


scum killer race europe with your judges, scum origin and, killer race, blue eyed monkey europe, fucking nazi aryan bastards, fucking thieves fucking neanderthals