Freitag, 26. November 2021

holy cup and altar, emam ali, cheshmeh ali, abbas water

this mug is for stories of damascus, with another silver ball and glass in honey and milk

hey angie

rapatapatu shapatapatu, zire patu, shapatapatou. angue huma chi sanda kesiamu shatina baraku

Die Macht ist mit mir. international djinn and pari intrique

murau and avalon

this face was looking for me 200,000 years ago, or I don't know, maybe 80,000 years ago in murau women alps. i left vienna because of bad energy, through underground tunnels, protected from lower people, "evolution", she chased me, desperate and always asked the question: what is he doing, i kept getting cramps, a nervous breakdown, what want this furie from me, i'm going to murau. i was in murau and in avalon, i fucked 72 women every day. at some point she came to murau ... the story is long

nice face on youtube, born 1975., political activist 2002-2021

my family and i are victims of terrorism and the stasi, in vienna, with death threats from the state of iran and austria. because of race and vmat2

wien uno has been saying for 20 years: you can earn money with your vmat2 native race through the stasi system in vienna

Viele Dank für viele blumen, sehr nett von dir. kurt waldheim and massacre. wien tehran

bad tablet camera photo, raw. khak bar saram dir amadam

UNO and vatikan my sister and mother

1988 genetic ranas, 14 to 17 year old girls, the order for ali gharib rahim amiri and shams tribe came from the vatican, UN kurt waldheim, vienna and london new york. Ayatullah Montazeri always said: they were our children, emam ali wouldn't do that, i never understood why

Establishing innocent murder, vmat murder worldwide with fake israel and zion children means your annihilation, the light no longer understands fun

criminal files have to be in the police database with date and time with file number police has nothing since 1986 until today, only fake material with ahmadinejad people produces for international vmat2 business

heas, huankind, bastardrasse, abschaum herkunft, bin ich pädophil, dieb, betrürger, mörder, verbrecher, wucherer, drogendealer, heas huakind bastardrasse mit hirnschiss, du willst mich töten wegen stasi verbrechen schwarzgeld und stasi finanz projekt vmat2

natural wood natural formations, found last year in second district vienna simone, rostam, rakhsh and ahrimanic dragon intrique, illuminats and alien

neben goldbrasse richtung eine gasse

schweigsame masse, wegen asse, brauchen eine unglaubliche goldbrasse, im wasser schwimmend richtung eine phänomenale gasse, dort tickt keiner richtig, die schreien: schreib für die scheiß masse

abdullah heidi and franz

vienna is the sick scum that even cheap individuals, cigarette sellers say: smoking causes cancer and our state earns money with secret camera projects. You shouldn't smoke, or come to us, we have cigarettes with a bitter taste

heas, huankind, bastardrasse, abschaum herkunft, bin ich pädophil, dieb, betrürger, mörder, verbrecher, wucherer, drogendealer, heas huakind bastardrasse mit hirnschiss, du willst mich töten wegen stasi verbrechen schwarzgeld und stasi finanz projekt vmat2

arisch verpflichtet das ganze land sich zu impfung. in tirol, voralberg, steiermarkt gibt's noch alte knochen., arisch wien will alle zwangsimpfen, arisch wien. drecksau illuminaten und freimaurer

kleinste drohung und nötigung und attake an meine schwester wegen vmat2 wertsachen, du wiener scheiß bastard rasse geheimdienst, du arisch du, du scheiß arisch du, du hundesohn nazi mit hizbullah, und ich töte deine kinder. 18.19.und 13.

hey fucker, cia nsa mossad, a persian does that, great persian native race, and son syrus the great, ancient civilization gene and dna

master yoda and the power, tablet photo raw,...... crystal ball, metal ball and aluminium grail.

satanic state austria, lucifer eu, and ahrimanic america protect and hide terrorists and financial stasi agents until we die. no police files, no criminal records. just because of politics, genes, race, vmat2 god genes from elam and luristan


tablet photo, mitra and khidr

cia, mossad, iranische geheimdienst österreichische geheimdienst hure

کیرم تو دهن جواد ظریف وآخوند اجنبی

my uncle had my photo with ya ali and protective shield material and verses in his showcase for 30 years, for today: israel is not a jewish state, jews have all died. what is today is no longer a jew

soll ich lauter schreien zion nazi, es wird weh tun,

der vogel war nazi geschwader 1937 bis 1945. wehrmacht und nazi geschwader, das methaphysik: wir wissen wo die kinder leben, vmat2 kinder

happy god gene mozzafar and zion nazi dudulkhim

wiener schämen sich nicht wegen existenz raub mit zion nazis, mit zion nazis, schon gar nicht wegen1933., du scheiss zion nazi simone mit stephan, bastard israelische neo nazis, zion nazi bastard simone