Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2021

Delphin B. team against darkforce

the decorations of rana's showcase are projects, not simple objects. Her tablets and cell phones, digital cameras can take 1000 photos a day

ich hatte todesurteil aus dem iran, es wurde zu okkulte vamt2 stalking und mordrituall

mazad said somthing about light and darkness. djinn and pari business

Mazdakism is socialism, something that was also banned in Afghanistan in the 90s. god's faith and socialism is poison for america

آقا به ما میگفتن مزدور آخوند علت داره، ایلومیناتی الکی زر نمیزنه، این کوسکش ها از آخوند طالقانی سمپل ژن داشتن، ها؟ والا میگن ژنتیک قبیله ای هستید

خلاصه رفتیم دیوانه خانه آق متی. شبها همش به میخانه میییییییییرم من، به دنباله فلان میرم من

i had murder and stasi threats since 2004

Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2021

ich habe nur eine politische akte und todesurteil aus dem iran, vmat2 faschismus nutzt iranische terroirsmus für vmat2 mordritual mit wiener juden. kir tu kose nane irani madar kosdeh wien ke kenare faschism neshaste, madar jendehaye koskoli kuch koli khar naneh jendeh

zoooooooooooooooo ya ahura mazda, zooooooo

ich sag1933, und polizei will wegen plünderung und diebstahl mit iraner und israelis organisieren., wien soll anscheinend bei illegale stürmung und dekoration diebstahl schweigen

demons, atheists fascism are still daily on the streets, with tent actions, with the message: there is no god, jesus lied to you, come to us, jesus was a liar, i free old spirits, my lord and lord will appear soon

bad guys, my pulb fiction

from a mentally disabled pensioner. Declared invalid, by Heinrich Gross Party SPÖ, heinrich the neurologist, anti vmat2 nazi

from a mentally disabled pensioner. Declared invalid, by Heinrich Gross Party SPÖ, heinrich the neurologist, anti vmat2 nazi

austrians where is a criminal file, police file and criminal record of a mother and two children, this is murder model 1933 with miachel häupl

fairtrade is destroyed and human trafficking is announced by the state, then the assholes talk about the islamic terror wave, robbery of existence is not terror, acts of revenge are terror

business and my fair price

between 1999 to 2003
i was out for my mother 6 days a week. we had a lot of newspaper advertisements. my concern was: do you have a price?
let others appreciate your antiques and i will give you a price.
Viennese answer: tyrol and voralberg will hate you

everything that lies under vienna is world cultural heritage, it does not belong to the state of austria. and should not be looted, it is the reason for 600 years of genocide.

Maya shaman, origin cultur and ethnic group austria

anti christ gang vienna

des woar moal in wiean a gaudi, i rührte butterteich wie a raudi, der jakob von zweiten schreite immer bau di, bau di, des gold wos hoast raub i raub i, des woar für ober rabiner a gaudi a gaudi, der off soagte immer des sauf i des sauf i,.... i rürhte butterteich wie a raudi l, raudi, der oaff schreite immer des sauf i des sauf i

freedom dies with stasi secret camera action!? you subhuman austrian., tablet photo

because of governments we have: lives of torture. isolation, exile with psychological war:
the life of torture becomes normality and matrix. life's phylosophy and freedom cannot have a place in their lives. freedom is death with camera action

UNO, and higher goals

The last defense barricade of Viennese Adolf Hitler was 13 year old and 14 year old children, victims for the preparation time to transport the gold and to hide it. higher goals were global economy for more mass murder. 10 million euros of basic food business for a million starvation deaths

österreich-iran beziehung: tötet vmat2 Familienmitglieder unter folter und wir holen euch aus dem armut heraus

چاکر یعقوب، برس به دادم

ein photo kostet 14.000 euro, ein photo von mir. und österreichische regierung und alle parteien sagen: er fickt nicht, wartet bis er fickt dann könnt ihr wieder geld verdienen

österreich-iran beziehung: tötet vmat2 Familienmitglieder unter folter und wir holen euch aus dem armut heraus

my hizbullahi cousin mehdi karimi and iranian god gene

ببین بازار تهران، حزب اللهی، خانواده شهدا، مهدی کریمی سواد نداره از شوفر آژانس کردیش بازرس بانک. از درون ریزش نکنی یک وقت سر سواد. کوسکون دختر دائی وپسر دائی رو بفروشیم ژن خدا پرستی ایرانی قیمت داره، آقا موجی به اروپا غیرت داره

UNO city 2cent fascism: he is empty, the police can kill him! you have counted the pubic hair of my testicles by now, 2cent bastard and whore, the world is going to kill you because of vmat2's mass murder plan

ملاقه عن

شاه بدبخت اومد مملکت رو مثل قائم مقام با دانش نگه داره، این داره 40 سال وق وق میزنه ما با کفگیر و ملاقه نگه داشتیم، وگرنه همه را میکشتن، خودش یک واقعیت است