Freitag, 3. Dezember 2021

österreichische nationalismus kann nicht beleidigt sein, diese psychopathie tötete 6 millionen, und10 millionen 1918 im iran, verpisst euch, kranke arschlöcher mit geheim kameras gegen meine mutter und schwester, verpisst euch

that was the offer from daraios: you are shit do you feel bad? are you restless Alexander? shit happens, take my daughter's hand and marry her so your kids don't get too shit like you

the meaning of stone quarrel knife in your stomach is: you monkey with many suitcases full of demons and I humane

the meaning of stone quarrel knife in your stomach is: you monkey with many suitcases full of demons and I humane

impfung ist rassen und vmat2 vernichtung, verpisst euch oder ich mache größere gates auf., wir sind eine andere rasse, ahura mazdas schöpfung, hält euch fern von impfung

deutschland deutschland über alles, RAF system holt die beweise heraus, auch wenn sie von rumänische iraner die beweise verstecken oder heraus schneiden. ihr seid mit merkel terroristen und rassenmörder

monkey cannot distinguish between minced loaf and shit, and illegally buys houses: we have potential, we are successful

bastard breed back all real estate houses apartments gardens and then you can kill us, inferior potentialless monkey

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من کیرم تو کوس ننه هرچی عنه که فقط صورتش شکل منه

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Vienna says there is no god we have to kill innocent mothers' daughters with rahim, soroor ali and azadeh. with secret camera action

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gestapo formation wird in wien nicht verhaftet, wegen terror und folter. richter und staat verteilen unter sich 150 millionen euro rassenfolter geld., leidens weg

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Whermachtsjude you are vmat2 killer, you have only existed for 4000 years, before that you were an ahrimanist and satanist, simone tribe, wiener rabbi tribes

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Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2021

americans austrians ayatollahs, sepah, hizbullah have joint projects: app development for racial torture, the matter for black capital and finance

our ethnic origin is austria, 300.000 years ago, austrian were monkeys, neanderthals, evolution and today individuals with fake faces and animal behavior

austrian networks of doctors and judges are looking for bloodline gene dna, children, women and girls for experiments and murder in iran, just like in the case of my mother and sister. iranian gypsy tribes in all tribes work with cia mossad and nsa like alie gharib his brother and sisters

viennese nazi mafia wants to kill me with ali gharib gypsies and rahim amiri gypsies and iranian gypsies because of ethnic origin and political activism

in the 21st century EU says next to AMERICA these ethnicities are not real humans, they don't deserve human rights, asshole who is human and who is not human, you blonde neanderthal and darwinist are human?

these three tribes have the strange behavior of telling each other: you are someone, we are someone

a script by me costs 2.5 million euros, a true story with evidence

nothing, nothing, nothing new or somthing special.

This race was nothing with his children, back then when he came to the great empire of persia, traitor, murderer of eylami daraios, and now nothing either, not even with 10 titles. 1800 euro salary against 150,000 euro salary