Montag, 6. Dezember 2021

some vienna academics can take multiple action against these crimes, but they don't do it, ok. i am the knife engraver with simple words. you animal

shervin naderi and shirin naderi, theoretically, if you both die, your parents will say for eternity: we have money, money, money, but no children. and cry for 5 minutes, these are animals

Brecht wrote earlier and wanted to know what is the animal afraid of? he saw nothing at all.

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حضرت علی فرموده بودند نان دزد را، خیار دزد را، خرما دزد را، کچاپ دزد را دست ببرید یا اون کونی اژدها باز را؟ من کیرم تو دهن ننت خارکوسده تو مادر اجنبی کونی

ich mache aus steinen etwas was sie nicht sind, unbedeutend, fata morgana und un wissenschaftlich. Shakespeare und goat/jezebl

sasan ali darvishzadeh push your title from vienna orthodox science university in your ass. you are under my balls, the whole viennese archeology gang

****"Shakespeare knew from old days that this son of the bitch will never become human. never, despite tens of thousands of regional and international laws" ****

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Shakespeare's characters and their conversations, behavior, social behavior and end results were: data storage brain, systematic behavior, thought modules and emotional ecstasy. he was a scientist from ancient civilization

Shakespeare knew from old days that this son of the bitch will never become human. never, despite tens of thousands of regional and international laws

the tragic is: i can live without balls and cock happy, 150 years! you can't

every corrupt police woman and man wants to prove himself with a pistol and dog tag. boobless balls and cock. thieves and murderers will live on without balls, tits, vaginas and cocks

there is no telepathy, only knowledge that is millions of years old. reading intrigue data storage with jezebel, goat, state and secret society, isn't it Shakespeare?

My mother and sister are supposed to live in stasi torture for the next few decades because police, judges, politicians and everyone else want luxury travel and real estate? I fuck you economically for all eternity

Bought pieces by my sister and property of the austrian state after storming with police ayatullah hizbullah: we didn't steal anything, ghassemloo's pockets were empty

Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2021

wiener sind kanibalisten, wiener frauen sind geier und kanibalisten, das sagt brecht nicht ich. kanibalen. wiener huren sind kanibalen mit die töchter, abschaum wilde tiere und neanderthaler

viennese judges are killers fascists nazis mother and daughter killer, bastard fascists with ayatullahs

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a political dispute is useless, fascism and judges only understand one thing: kamyses, kambyses with armor. these are animals, viennese nazi judges collective looters and thieves are beasts, viennese judges are beasts

Viennese judges are currently sitting in chat rooms with this statement: Rana's valuables belong to the state of Austria. for ghassemlou case simulation with iranian embassy

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what an austrian gusenbauer, häupl, fischer, franz and faymann for this world mean and bring: something new: we are austrians. that is new.

I sitz ausgeruht unter dem bAm, es ist wegen saif'n, vüll kann i und vüll was i

gesetzlich müßen jahrelang medikamente auf langzeit wirkung getestet werden, sonst ist es fahrlässig und ungesetzlich, fahrlässige tötung, impfzwang ist illegal und fahrlässig