Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2021

was israelische juden und ayatullah regime zusammen bindet: wie akzeptieren in wien keine vmat2 menschen rechte und bürgerrechte. wir sind höher mit staatsgewalt, wir sind höher und älter mit staatsgwalt, wir juden und ayatullahs

kumm ötzi, geh auf die straßen: djini ist kein recht, djini ist kein recht, rasse ist kein recht, wir sind das volk, barbad ist kein recht

who is that who wants to smash vaginas and penises with viennese romans and then torture them in concentration camp with hide evidence, who? the collective? with nonstop secret cameras for sex torture and blockade?

persien hatte immer das problem mit alexander juden: wir sAnd öalter, wir sAnd höher, so haben balthaser und casper und melchior wos da Ane g'schickt, ehrlich woar? sAds öalter? sAds höher?, schau den oan, wos mochast jetz!? heas

vatican what would christianity be without persians,

mother fucker atheists and fascists, merry christmas, bastard breed. how long until 24.

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vienna judges these decorative pieces are vmat2 citizens' property, theft by the police will be punished with killing of the police and judges families and children, i say theft, i'm not a ghassemloo

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مرگ سیامش

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گریز ما
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رها شد او ز آغوشم
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از آن پس در پی همزاد ناپیدا
بر این دریای بی‌خورشید
که روزی شب‌چراغش بود و می‌تابید
به هر ره می‌روم نالان
به هر سو می‌دوم تنها.

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Montag, 6. Dezember 2021

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ist das stein genug? lure elami ist 4 millionen jahre gene und dna, vmat2 ist knochenaufbau spiritualität und das heilige grall

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Susan Schams has been earning 1,100 euros for 30 years, and for 15 years from 800 euros unemployment benefits, austria paid 400,000 euros to iran for a house, the aunt of azadeh: gypsies aryan must not live without a house

dirtiest people don't do it with my sister, wiener diakonie, zara amnesty and other women's organizations are already doing it because anti-Semitism, gene and dna, racial madness affects vmat2, since 1933, vmat2 and live., also with corona vaccination, anti races politics

this affects more than 20 million hunger and misery in the holocaust iran, anti-semitism and fascism austria europe israel america with cia mi6 ayatullahs. also with my family in vienna with gypsies iranians


dirtiest people don't do it with my sister, wiener diakonie, zara amnesty and other women's organizations are already doing it because anti-Semitism, gene and dna, racial madness affects vmat2, since 1933, vmat2 and live., also with corona vaccination, anti races politics

In 1945-1952 contracts were signed with americans and russians, viennese want to kill innocent people because of genes/DNA and ethnicity, why don't the american and russian armies march in

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