Montag, 13. Dezember 2021

Feminism in this shitty city means racial trafficking with the leftists and greens, the private life of god gene

A dragon set the village and city on fire had a different meaning, Aryan gypsy wanderers, an ancient new human tribe

dragon formation, stasi intrige alte schule

international feminists whores gathering vienna, business needs 10 years of study, in university or in bazaar, what i taught rana. how do you earn your money as a "human"? with your children? as a human or useless cheap monkey?

bought on flea market, rana. dragon hunter ax !?

komm zu plündern bettler österreicher, schmarotzer hure, fotze und dieb, parasit und scharlatan, looter gene und abschaum

my discussions were also: artificial conflicts with friend america to turn people away from revolution, to give false hope, to plunder the country and racial cleansing with mismanagement, gene manipulation, drug shortage, embargoes.

I am old political activist against ayatullah regime with 25.000 discussions hours an thousands rooms as admin

Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2021

fucking america and viennese police, 0 statistics and blockade

viennese animal families, bastard looter gene european, bastard looter gene with children, scum characters

yesterday i was in a supermarket in the city center, a family passed me and suddenly the family father said to his wife: we are a paradise for asian beggars with a social system. and passed by. the stasi money and race trade gold must be pulled out of these bastards with barbed wire out of their ass, races and vmat2 trade

last text, these 12 tribes sent a trojan to other 12 tribes and said: show what is going on, we are old. the others wondered: why can you do things that we can't, stop doing that. you know the rest

hey america persian flag was always on top because of race and history like the three flags, leave me alone with yours

vmat2 faschismus grüne linke sozialdemokratie, atheisten nazis

What I understand from an unknown painter Austria: Jesus was a multi-racial crossbreed. 12 tribes ahura mazda, up to the maya aztecs and indigenous america., What vmat2 elam needs for miracles. There are enough prehistory graves in Vienna. his trunk

heimliche wiener nazi netzwerke, auch anti corona impfung leute, ihr seid lebensmüde, austrofschismus wieder hoch ziehen kostet leben. geld verdienen durch rasse mit wehrmachts juden war vor 80 jahren. die grenzen sind heute alle offen

against radiation torture i have stones, crystals, minerals and water, metal, earth and fire, incense

vmat2 und scheiß linke und grüne, sozialdemokraten

tabelt editing 2019, unbekannter maler mondsee, melchior and jesus. and my smoke

Das photo unten ist alien alexander nationalismus und gegen elam, auch teile jüdische stämme, wehrmachtsjuden

huankinder das sind sensationen, huankind, arschlöcher mit blutgeld und stasi kapital., wichser du scheiß wien, ahrimanische mental hure

smoke and whore of babylon

dam dam, dara da dam dam shada ba dam bam dam, shabada ali khameneiiiiii, hakahm shalala valkham israel shalakham. vmat2 genocide solidarity ali khamenei and israel

heas rabi is da no wos drinn!? i moan religion hin und her, a mensch bist, ober is no wos do? oder net? wail simone schaut auf uns wie a wildes tier. rana hatte 5 jahre therapie.... sie ist meine kleine schwester, unschuldig

everyone has sleepers, ego genes and narcissism genes, killer gene. when god genes are deactivated, capitalism takes over the role in the body. we live in a system where egoism is encouraged, corona vaccination can switch off and switch on other genes !?

lesen sie shahab suhrawardi, wo die schwächen in nerven system sind.

fuck your mother, fucking suicidal austrians

i the austrian constitution is written: private life and intimate situations are property, no commercial goods, no state or civil servant goods. the business is illegal and the money belongs to the owner, plus compensation, vienna, state austria, officials say: hide evidence is right and murder is even more right

psychology and leader

persian deer and goats always had the problem with cows and calves, the psyche got a short circuit in difficult situations,
Short circuit and blackout

vesrtehen sie, stalingrad war der alexander nationalist bastard, und kein nationalsozialist bastard. race genocide

nasser farahani terrorism against diamond, his daughter is the result of 1998 judges scum stasi game, alexander nationalist bastard is more bastard as1933 nazi bastard, judges bastard


آقا شنیدیم نطنز بد جریانی با سنگ شروع کردن، بیش از اندازه میخواد بگاد، آخه گاو علی، گاو پیشونی سفید و این حرف ها، جووووون چنتا سفید برفی اسکندری در نطنز داری علی خامنه ای؟ با خوار مادر ما هم که کار داشتی

I am back. Alexander fell ill when he saw one, we can be more kooni at 47 than you were at 29. luren and elamis were up to 170 years old, or older, that's what teymoor lang also said

i schreibe wieder um 18 uhr, taub stumm blind arschloch affe