Montag, 13. Dezember 2021

علی قلی

ارتشی خار کوسده مادرجنده از نظام داره حفاظت میکنه، بعد میگه خلاف کاری قیمته 2 کیلو گوشته، آره قلی خامنه ای، زمان شاه حقوق مادر ما 10.000 تومن بود، گوشت کیلو 200 ریال. انقلاب واسه این بود: برای 2 کیلو گوشت آدم بفروشید، اتریش مدرنه

آقا ک. س. م. یعنی کوس مخ؟

1930, waren 85% der juden in wien aus dem orient, mischrasse.

elami luri business. Viennese judges and court of justice are personally, illegitimate, anti-Semitic vamt2 delusional and murderous, Viennese judges have been earning black money with hizbullah and ayatullkahs for 20 years through secret cameras, with the help of America and the EU. israelis are the dance masters

huankind arschloch hat uns existenz und standard gestohlen und zu romano race verschenkt und redet davon: es ist eine schande dass wir zuschauen müßen wo rahim und azim leben und wo ein farahani und khojmanesh lebt

gottfried küssel runs around at home with a pistol and screams: what's inside your head, what's inside your head. well godfried and identical movement, i'm master race, you subhuman, but actually you are offended by: simone and wiener jews are allowed to plan murder with impunity and we are not. envy

eternal? even in 2021?

meine mutter restaurierte als künstlerin antike teppiche, die juden mit simone, haben fake standard, ich finde die spuren auch wenn du und ich beide sterben

i have 460 editings, chinese landscape 2001 fuck your mother bitch mama, thieves looters and animals. my sister played chopin and i was in back room

wiener polizei hat standard und existenz gestohlen, und dieses zu zigeuner iraner gegeben, ali rahim azadeh ashkan und andere

victoria stern war oft bei uns zuhause, die freundin von rana, nicht wahr? frau stern

1999 und 180 m2 wohnung in wien bevor geheimkameras mit schüssel und häupl und politiker. 38 bilder und malereien, 20.000 euro flügel klavier.. ein standard. amiris:gemeindewohnung prager straße 21. sebastian kurz 12.bezirk 60 m2 wohnung

kohl ritual ist 6 minuten Konzentration, bis es den vollendung erreicht, für magie sprüche

back to you, hanamana shama nana, hoummmmmmmmm, hanaman shana mana hoummmmmmmm back to you

200 black magicians in Vienna have gathered to send plague boils with black magic and rays, atheism VIENNA is enthusiastic LOL, whether it works?

schwarzmagier und satanisten sind in schutzmantel israel, hass erzeugen als NS opfer!?, wo ist der wehrmachtsjude opfer gewesen, wer hat mit schwarze magie hass erzeugt? 500.000 adolfs huren und 150.000 wehrmachtsjuden.

Feminism in this shitty city means racial trafficking with the leftists and greens, the private life of god gene

A dragon set the village and city on fire had a different meaning, Aryan gypsy wanderers, an ancient new human tribe

dragon formation, stasi intrige alte schule

international feminists whores gathering vienna, business needs 10 years of study, in university or in bazaar, what i taught rana. how do you earn your money as a "human"? with your children? as a human or useless cheap monkey?

bought on flea market, rana. dragon hunter ax !?

komm zu plündern bettler österreicher, schmarotzer hure, fotze und dieb, parasit und scharlatan, looter gene und abschaum

my discussions were also: artificial conflicts with friend america to turn people away from revolution, to give false hope, to plunder the country and racial cleansing with mismanagement, gene manipulation, drug shortage, embargoes.

I am old political activist against ayatullah regime with 25.000 discussions hours an thousands rooms as admin

Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2021

fucking america and viennese police, 0 statistics and blockade

viennese animal families, bastard looter gene european, bastard looter gene with children, scum characters

yesterday i was in a supermarket in the city center, a family passed me and suddenly the family father said to his wife: we are a paradise for asian beggars with a social system. and passed by. the stasi money and race trade gold must be pulled out of these bastards with barbed wire out of their ass, races and vmat2 trade

last text, these 12 tribes sent a trojan to other 12 tribes and said: show what is going on, we are old. the others wondered: why can you do things that we can't, stop doing that. you know the rest

hey america persian flag was always on top because of race and history like the three flags, leave me alone with yours

vmat2 faschismus grüne linke sozialdemokratie, atheisten nazis

What I understand from an unknown painter Austria: Jesus was a multi-racial crossbreed. 12 tribes ahura mazda, up to the maya aztecs and indigenous america., What vmat2 elam needs for miracles. There are enough prehistory graves in Vienna. his trunk

heimliche wiener nazi netzwerke, auch anti corona impfung leute, ihr seid lebensmüde, austrofschismus wieder hoch ziehen kostet leben. geld verdienen durch rasse mit wehrmachts juden war vor 80 jahren. die grenzen sind heute alle offen

against radiation torture i have stones, crystals, minerals and water, metal, earth and fire, incense