Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021

ali gharib, shams and amiri villages and tribes have been working with vienna, berlin, london, paris, rome since the 19th century, i will prove this from this book

das ei: wir sind wichtig, entweder du oder ich, wenn du dann springe ich runter und das ei explodiert. genetische datenspeicherung

my life was very important, i can bring new products to the market in 16 sectors, viennese whores and bastards and others say: our lives and children are important, we have to destroy the race, torture, kill and buy real estate. how important have your children been for 80 years? what did they do ?, nobel laureates? or important for the world?

umgedreht roh, okkultismus, eule und drachen formation

spirituality and holy grail. spirituality awakening

anomalie, krankheit, illusion, wahnvorstellung, fata morgana

warum ich wien beschimpfe: eure richter sind mit zigeuner iraner meuchelmörder

jesus tribe, emam ali tribe, holy grail and gate

Samstag, 18. Dezember 2021

you understand, smoke and other things is for monkeys origin deformity of nervous systems

the romans had such a great hatred of jesus and his tribe because of: 18 times poisoning, then he was tortured and tormented for hours, because of resilience the viennese atheists hung jesus on the cross, a jew had pity and said: stab in his stomach, he shouldn't suffer anymore, he got up again, because of resilience and master race. ancient civilization and flesh and blood

the austrian government wants to hang me, symbolically with euthanasia and with ayatollahs, after millions of euros stasi camera business and 100 million consumers. the relatives and father were promised millions of euros after death, a father that I had not seen since 2002 and never had contact

i am of the opinion diamond selector also shows hidden energy, a technology for good purposes, compared to hardware and software of the darkforce for bad energy, psychological torture

alis and hussein nayereh gharibs village and tribe worked together with savak before the revolution, during the revolution they fled, fear of secret files, these people have been working for the iranian secret service and cia mossad and nsa, because of god genes for 35 years. it is worse than before the revolution

österreichische verfassungsschutz agenten mit hizubullah ayatullahs cia und andere, scheiß österreicher, scheiß österreicher: terrormord bitte nach vmat2 stasi finanzen, scheiß österreicher

همین الان

آقا ما از ترس سکس چت یکبار دوربین پالتالک روشن نکردیم، ای تو روح تو علی جوادی، از این کونی بازی ها بلدی؟

علی سوسول، سیا یکی تو رو داره یکی هم علی قریب، جازمن پالتالک، یادته سوسول؟

superman's capsule is also somewhere in 23. we'll find that

herr bundeskanzler des braucht ka mensch wie i hör, verzichten sie auf geschnetzeltes mit senfsoß? na geh hawara geh scheißen

I am true with tablet photo raw, fucking nazis. melchiors tribe

باباش رفت از دهات قزوین به سمت تجریش و خونه خرید، به کوس ننه جندتون حسین و علی قریب

alis and hussein nayereh gharibs village and tribe worked together with savak before the revolution, during the revolution they fled, fear of secret files, these people have been working for the iranian secret service and cia mossad and nsa, because of god genes for 35 years. it is worse than before the revolution

this is haji sheykh the ghost of my mother's uncle, he is always with me after death, before he was with aunt shamsi. he always says: the pages of my kuran have disappeared, who stole them !? he was a kuran book dealer

hey cia, i am iranian not jews, hulakhimshulakhimulakhim, go to fuck madarjende, dulakhim dulakhim is your mother

rahim amiri du ratte, du ratte amiri, du ratte du rahim amiri mit israelis mossad cia nsa und kapitalisten, du ratte

halakhim shalakhim palakhim mit israelis djinns veridenen viele diamanten durch gott gene, shakakhim halakhim palakhim

i'm sitting upstairs, and viennese politicians are fucked every day in a spiritual way by anunnakis, wolfgang franz michi

bastard österreicher hat rasse gefunden, seltene rasse, bastard affe scheißdreck tier hat seltene rasse gefunden, melchior balthaser und casper mischung. bastard fleisch und blut, bastard fleisch, seltene rasse hast gefunden für finanzen

wiener polizei bematen sind abschaum, minderwertig, die richter auch, minderwertig. scheiß cia und nsa arschlöcher in wien

fuck america and dirty american terrorism, anti race bastards international

do you see this situation with ali gharib and amiris with cia and nsa? they ruined my life for 20 years and killed me internationally. no more life. Killing americans, killing UN employees is in these circumstances no terrorism, agents with their families, internationally, what do you want to do against secret camera terrorists with the financial system? I've been writing since 2017