Montag, 20. Dezember 2021

میگم حاج آقا، جمال ابی رو عشق

سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم
همه دل میبره هر لحظه تا مرز جنونم
میرم جایی که شاید گم بشه نام و نشونم
سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم
سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم
یه روزی اومدم دنبال تو منزل به منزل
یه روز افتاده بودم در به در دنبال این دل
چه سودی بردم از عشق تو ای ناخونده مهمون؟
جز آن که تا ابد هم باشم از کرده پشیمون
سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم
نمیتونم که دل بردارم از چشم سیاهت
ندارم طاقت موندن چنان خواری به راهت
سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم
سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم
سر دوراهی میشینم خودمو تنها میبینم
دونه دونه اشکای حسرت که از دیده میره میشمرم

بابک خرمدین خدا بیامرز رو هم گوسفندها لوش دادن، روحت شاد داداش

Understand, the change of fate your social networks, family relatives and others is your fate change, in ritual occult darkforce., it is sick but true

sheeps and 1979 and deers

What did shakespear bring up a result from this story:
Ghassem was arrested after a brief relationship, he ends up in prison for 4 years, the woman with whom he was 6 months together waits 4 years, after 4 years both married and had 2 children, the only wish: 2003, when do sheep herds kill the deer ., today he's looking for me to kill me. the end result: the deer is dead by sheep: 150 million euro bet. who had betrayed ghassem in the airport? because of smuggled goods !? the judge? the bee sabine, or rahim, or the police, azadeh? simulated metaphysics stasi manipulation techniques and coincidences for changing fate. my fate change, not his

ناصر، رپتو پتو بیناموس

jandl i kenn dein wahn und leid sho seit 3 monaten, ehrlich gekauft und es wird nicht verkauft, LOL deer killing is your natural way

Vienna has dirt and ahrimanic slime in its blood with its Wehrmacht Jews, the repetition: we have no remorse because of god genes torture, not for the last 20 years and the next 20 years, ahura mazdaner blood is jews blood, Nietzsche said that too, these are older god genes jews

huankinder bastard fleisch und blut wo ist ein vorstrafenregister, polizeiakte, verbrecherakte, verurteilung oder irgendetwas!? hurenkind bastard fleisch abschaum fleisch warum!? du abschaum fleisch warum die ganze familie? du abschaum blut

halelu lalalla shale lu, du wiener hure i bin a hauf'n haaaaa shale lu, sAaaaatanist du, du hure du missthauuuuuuufen du shaaaaaaa hale lu, drecksau du, futtlappe hure du luzifer hure shaaaaaa haleluuuuuuu

Nietzsche und jezebel

Nach einer anderen Interpretation steht der Mensch nach dem Tod Gottes, der Erkenntnis, dass alle bisherigen Werte unglaubwürdig geworden sind, vor einer sinnlosen absurden Welt, dem Hereinbrechen des Nihilismus. Die größte Gefahr sei nun das Aufkommen des „letzten Menschen“, einer antriebslosen, glücklichen Herde, die nichts mehr erreichen will. Dagegen stünde der Übermensch, der ein neuer Sinn sein könne:

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Den Übermenschen habe es bisher noch nie gegeben, selbst Zarathustra sei nur ein Vorläufer des Übermenschen. Zarathustra ist jedoch optimistisch, dass der Übermensch kommen wird. Der Übermensch könne nur aus der Selbstüberwindung des 'alten Menschen' entstehen. Das einzig gute am jetzigen, „überflüssigen“ Menschen sei, dass er bald untergehen werde und in diesem Untergang den Übermenschen erschafft.

korrupter verbrecher neonazi terroristen, abschaum in staatsdienst muß entlassen werden, abschaum antisemitisnus, terrorismus und holocaust läugner, polizeibematen geheimdienstler in ahmadinejad banden und wehrmachtsjuden gangs, wiener juden. wiener juden sind neben ahmadinejad vmat2 killer

Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021

wien hat mit ianische zigeuner tradition, seit shah abbas zeit, vor shah abbas zeit. weltweit melchior balthaser casper rasse, "seyyeds" zu beleidigen, erniedrigen, peinigen und zu ermorden. das schwarze finanzprojekt, das black matter soll für zustimmung mord sorgen

religion hass ist vmat2 faschismus, vmat2 vernichtung seit 1920. rasse hygiene politik war atheismus, antisemitismus und vmat2 vernichtung. unabhängig von religion. sehen sie bastard fleisch und blut seit 20 jahren in wien gegen mutter und tochter

fuck PDKI, social democraty members EU, separatists killers in kurdistan, liars and ahrimanic kurd killers

Vienna watched 20 years of destruction in chatroom incineration plants, destruction of existence with the intention of murder, 20 years. because the SPÖ with members aksarita organization and toudeh party said: we are in agreement with ayatullahs, we have too many genetic jews and dna jews in lursitan ahwaz abadan and kurdistan

the reason why i bought the glass is passion, eleven pillars with a spear, around the glass 6 spears. 13 must appear inside with a black stone.


dong means Ahrimanic intrigue and lie, ya ali: dong ya ali.... genocide alarm

i need legal military equipment to protect myself and my family in vienna, austria europe. because of racial madness, vmat2 madness and psychopathy

ya ali dong, is the truest dong, bismillah

tiger eye bought on fleamarket, in " singing bowl" nice set.... doooooongggg😂

my grandfather bagher. i have 16 jobs and 38 projects, i have not yet presented the concepts, and beforehand ötzi says: where where where where we are ari, we can do better we are the ari

ari tribe is a branch of melchior tribe, today in ethiopia, back then the aris lived in vienna. ari race were craftsmen blacksmiths and bricklayers, ötzi learned a lot from ari and still says today: i ari i ari i ari. you not ari i ari i can work better i ari

judge i will get the evidence because, of crime against rana, if you say rana is due to ethnic origin, race, vmat2 not an equal EU and austrian citizen then i will kill you with your daughters, i sign it here

Aryanization (German: Arisierung) was the forced expulsion of Jews from economic life in Nazi Germany, Axis-aligned states, and their occupied territories. It entailed the transfer of Jewish property into "Aryan" or non-Jewish, hands.

vienna has been an example for 20 years: for 40 years europe america israel has been leading the gypsy race upwards. with money laundering support, looting and theft. unjust forbidden capital and fake standard. Turning incompetent people into capitalists means psychopathy, these people come from poor villages and today they claim to be from the aristocracy, with fake documents, photo albums and documents. All become murderers
as soon as they get rich: to be human means to be a murderer

i will bring international prosecutors to jail with evidence this is fascism i will catch you

soroor shams village

vienna has been an example for 20 years: for 40 years europe america israel has been leading the gypsy race upwards. with money laundering support, looting and theft. unjust forbidden capital and fake standard. Turning incompetent people into capitalists means psychopathy, these people come from poor villages and today they claim to be from the aristocracy, with fake documents, photo albums and documents. All become murderers
as soon as they get rich: to be human means to be a murderer

ich habe panic wegen affen

I just admired my newly bought glass crystal and drink water. as a sick schizophrenic and paranoid pensioner i asked my ghosts what they thought about the glass

matrix, das orakel

darvishzadeh sind das artefakte oder meerjungfrauen spielzeuge