Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021

خارکوسده های وین ازسال 96 شما ها عن بودید، هنوز هم عن هستید، بکش بالا خودت رو عن، با آدم فروشی و قتل، ایرانی عن وین، عن

2018, impf intrige

wien ist ein scheiß abschaum stadt, zionismus, linke und grüne: wir müßen unschuldige opfern, vmat2 töten um das geld zu behalten und noch mehr geld verdienen

österreich ist grüne republik, mit diebe scharlatane, looter und bastarde, grüne partei, anti vmat2, anti rasse und abschaum herkunft bastard., billige hurenweiber abschaum herkunft

i have been receiving nine hundred euros since 2017, the money is only for expensive food and organic food, i suffer from diabetes and do not need to inject insulin, with 900 euros no capital investment is possible, i get an additional 200 euros for spices from my sister., i only have a bed and everything else is owned by rana farahani, and the money is from rana farhani, in the event of theft or state dictatorship: i cut viennese heads off with their children, while i shit satanism in their mouths and piss on viennese satanism's head

is that a drop of blood from elisabeth brunal !?


today i hear sylvia pantoja again, and it reminds me: sylvia's tits and legs are no arousal for me, her songs are emotional jerking off. no need for tits. the opposite is: everyone thinks of earning money with my work, with copying, what concerns vmat2 murder global everyone is motionless, also because of mother and daughter

dragon and space sheep, prehistory!? perses, perseus? andromeda?

cia and nsa including mossad are so psychopathic that snowden and russian mafia are prophet and emamen by comparison. after killing my aunt after completing her double degree, you haven't left me and my sister in peace since 1998, austrofascism hizbullah and the jews, the ayatullahs are the cash collectors

mother fucker this is a feng shui plate, and not a salad plate, how to use it? how do you want to describe the plate in chatrooms for international blockade and black propaganda

my shop was photographed every day and the goods were made unsaleable, animals, viennese satanist animals still do that, with ranas showcases and decorations.

for 15 years i have seen: my sister cannot walk past a beggar woman or child without a 5 euro or 10 euro donation, you have to imagine that: no zionist israeli millionaire and fake jew capitalist can walk past vmat2 without begging for the murder

60% israeli juden sind gott gene killer, weill mohabbat war zarathustra, zarathustra, anti kapital und mohabbat, wos ist der jude? erzählen sie, waum mit meine schwester?

hey bastardo, gotte gene du bastardo, wonder, phenomenon, vmat2, gott gene, bastardo

my heart today was the marble plate, a cut of god's creation, the hands. zarathustra and melchior and dragon formation

i buy decorations for my sister mainly because of residual energy, my sister should have protection, energy against viennese bastards

the connection is vmat2 and israel america europe america turkey iran are in world intrique: this world doesn't need vmat2 that makes itself important. before us, the new world order and satanism. we have technology!!! and we constantly send s. o. s .... s. o. s ... s. o. s .. scum and animal alarm, satanism power alarm

50 cent story today. old workshop. protection channel and gate

آقا ما دراین 30 سال گذشته نشد یک روزحمام نریم، نمیشه، غسل روزانه یعنی آمادگی روزانه برای شهادت. کوسکش خوار مادر کوسده ریده به اسلام رفته، میگه هر روز یکم آب بزن به پا و سر و دست، ولی هفته یکبارحمام رفتن مشکلی نیست. آقا کیر یک بارشسته در روز در دهان کافر ثواب داره، نه یکبار درهفته شسته، مادرقحبه ها

seit1998 werden meine familie und ich terroristisch rituell gefilmt und nach tehran geschickt

austro huankinder, grüne und linke bastarde, abschaum wiener journalisten

Menschenopferin Österreich hält Müller für extrem unwahrscheinlich, wohl aber weiß man von Alkoholexzessen und obstrusen Praktiken. Nach Aussagen von Aussteigern gibt es Kontakte zwischen deutschen und österreichischen Gruppen, aber konkrete Hinweise fehlen nahezu gänzlich. Allerdings glaubt Müller, dass die Attraktivität des Themas steigt, wenn man beobachtet wie häufig gerade in letzter Zeit etwa in Filmen Satanismus th

arschloch journalist du bastard, du, die richter, polizei politiker und oberschicht inklusive armin wolf und andere abschaum mit linke und grüne bastarde, und fpö drecksau abschaum

"" "" "Die "Wiener Zeitung" wandte sich an die Bundesstelle für Sektenfragen des Ministeriums für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen, die seit 1998 die Dokumentation über Gefährdung, die von sektenähnlichen Aktivitäten ausgehen können, zur Aufgabe hat. German Müller von der Bundesstelle für Sektenfragen unterscheidet im Gespräch mit der "Wiener Zeitung" zunächst klar zwischen dem Phänomen Jugendsatanismus, das in der Öffentlichkeit öfter diskutiert wird und dem ordensmäßigen Satanismus."" "" "

viennese psychopathy: rituals against vmat2 and holy water establishment and search for holy grail is tradition and we ritual satanists in state apparatus stand above the austrian constitution

we are eu citizens, with full rights, on our passport, the police say: find evidence that you are not, for us you are persian jews

shaman tribal art vienna

Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021

i will kill judges and the families of judges with purity and a good conscience without hurting my aura, in this case: we are islamic dictatorship iran even in spite of evidence, and dozens of law violations. this is a killer and not a judge with his family

a drop of fresh water in flat from light kingdom, tablet photo raw

these austrians can never get purity, because society branch esoteric and spiritual groupings are also thieves: learn and say we were it, we do it, we are it

Jokes are the fourth chakra, the more important one for water. the 4th chakras closing politics is stasi isolation politics, lies and hide evidence by society

حاج آقا الان میگه: امام زمان از اینها؟ اه. اه. والا حاج آقا از کی و کجا تو طایفه شما!؟ به به، ببببه به به

I have had 35 blood tests since 2003 with all negative,in order to stop starting families because of messiah delusion, vienna spreads around the world i am hiv possitive and hepatitis positive